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  • Same here. This just started happening for me, while some of the images I uploaded a while ago work just fine. Could anyone help?

    Same issue. Please update.

    I have the same issue. Doesn’t seem to work with Blaszok theme from MPC. Please need reply and update.

    same problem here.. my pic all tiled

    I have same issue, highly appreciate if someone can help


    i’m having the same issue. please help!

    Same here. I’ve tried reuploading the same exact images from previous WooCommerce products I have (and the zoom works just fine). The zoom works just fine with old images I uploaded a few months ago, but any new images I uploaded, they appear tiled.

    I just found out that the plugin works wenn if you install and activate it after having all the images uploaded.
    I’ve deactivated it, uploaded the new images, activated it, and than the zoom appears correct.
    so something seems to go wrong while uploading images when the plugin is active.

    but anyway, it is no workaround for a running online shop to disable, upload, enable the plugin each time.

    we still need a solution.

    @larsactionhero That works! Thank you so much! Definitely agree that the developer should fix this, or at the very least make this “work around” known. Thanks again!

    @pat7047 you’re welcome. ??
    By the way, I also found out that the developers do not read or offer support in this forum:

    Register on
    Go to Support > Get Support

    Here we provide support, not on were, usually we do not read topics. It’s better to follow us or write on our forum!

    Anyway, I’ve opened a thread in the forum. We’ll see if they’re going to take care about fixing this issue.

    As I can’t wait for lazy support dudes, I finally found a workaround that works with activated plugin.

    1. In Plugin folder, go to /templates/single-product.
    2. Copy files to your woocommerce theme folder to
    3. Open product-image-magnifier.php
    4. In line 31, look for $magnifier_url and replace it with $image_link.
    This full size image appears in the zoom box.

    Save, upload, and open a beer. ??

    Original code:

    echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_html', sprintf( '<a href="%s" itemprop="image" class="yith_magnifier_zoom woocommerce-main-image" title="%s">%s</a>', $magnifier_url, $image_title, $image ), $post->ID );

    Modified code:

    echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_html', sprintf( '<a href="%s" itemprop="image" class="yith_magnifier_zoom woocommerce-main-image" title="%s">%s</a>', $image_link, $image_title, $image ), $post->ID );

    Here’s a screenshot: Link

    larsactionhero I found your reply useful but still its not working properly. After modifying the code as you stated above it works only with the product featured image, but I have some product gallery image. The gallery images are not magnifying. Please help me.

    Anyone who should help you will ask for more information about your installation. Links to your site, code snippets, screenshots, your installed versions, whatever…
    Just asking for a solution is way too easy, dude ??

    The “product gallery images” – do you mean the thumbs showing up below the large image?
    In my installation they’re working properly.

    Yes, you are right. I was talking about the thumbnails pictures. Magnifying zoom for those thumbnail image when click them to view is not working.

    Plugin Author YITHEMES


    hi all,
    please provide some additional information like zoom area size and catalog zoom images size and a link to a page where the issue occurs.

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