• Plugin Author Katie


    Zotpres 6.0 features a new way of accessing Zotero libraries so that auto-updating/syncing is possible. However, this meant re-writing a lot of the code, including translating a lot of PHP code to JavaScript. I’ve done my best to test a range of possible cases, but I’m sure there’s bugs I couldn’t find. Also, accessing Zotero libraries this new way has changed the user experience on both the admin and front-end. Feel free to use this thread to submit feedback on this new method or any bugs you find.


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  • [email protected]



    I had to put this in my header.php javacript to fix my issue with zotpressLib shortcode failing.

    		  xhrFields: {
    		    withCredentials: true

    The issue was that the ajax URL was https, but the script itself was http so it was treated as cross-domain. The cookies weren’t sent so the nonce check was failing. You might want to update your javascript to handle the -1 result in data when check_ajax_referer fails.

    Hi Katie,

    thank you very much for this great plugin – and the recent auto-update functionality. I just went through the previous discussions and while my issue seems related to what others report, I think it is still distinct:

    I display a list of some 700 items (too many?) in one page and all but one collection load reasonably well:

    The shortcode: [zotpress collection=’JZ57QBHK ‘ sortby=’author’ cite=”yes”]

    I doublechecked the collection id and cleared the Zotpress cache but nothing happens.

    Do you have any idea what may cause this and how to fix it?

    Thanks, Marten

    Hi Katie,

    I updated to 6.0.3 today and I’m still having the issue of the tags not pulling correctly. I’ve cut back on my original code that I shared for simplicity to see if I could identify something, but alas no luck. You mentioned it might have been the “inclusive” coding.

    Here is what I am using: [zotpress userid=”173663″ tags=”general,PODCAST” inclusive=”no”]

    At the moment, it pulls everything tagged PODCAST. One thought about this. I’m using ALL CAPS tags for my genre and lower case tags for the subject material. Surely that wouldn’t have anything to do with it. I tried some other combinations, but it was all resulting in the same.



    Everything still works, but sometimes things don’t load at all…or the load quite slowly. Other times they appear right away, as expected. No idea how much of this maybe my hosting company, but I thought I’d share that experience as you work through this exciting improvement.



    @cazsdad97 just to share my experience, in my website OPK (https://opistobranquis.info/en) it always loads the references at the end of species records, but at times it is very slow, but it does not hang. Just let it time and it will load. Next time you reload the same page it will be much faster because of cache, even on smartphones.

    I do manage about 25.000 bibliographic references and over 5.000 Zotero becomes extremely slow, so I guess it’s Zotero servers not optimized for this kind of use I do, but it is not about Zotpress…

    The best thing of Zotpress 6 is no need to sync references with Zotero servers (it was a painful process for me in the past), and my only complain for Zotpress 6.0.3 is the ZotpressLib shortcode which is still broken.

    Plugin Author Katie


    @miquel Sorry, I’ll take a look at this. I think you’re right about the limits of the server, and I’m not sure how to get around it, but I’ll keep trying to think of things ??

    @[email protected] Thanks, I’ll add it!

    @karatatatat If it’s only one collection, I think there must be a special case issue going on. Could you contact me with your API user id and key, and the collection id that you’re having trouble with? https://katieseaborn.com/contact

    @pakelsey Very odd, because it’s working on my end. Could you contact me with your API user id and key? https://katieseaborn.com/contact

    Dear Katie,

    thanks again for the great plugin. ??
    I have another issue that hasn’t been reported so far: I have a page with two bibliographies.
    [zotpress items=”KAF9UE4I,NEM7JIUM,WP5FJPKH” style=”apa” sortby=”date” sort=”DESC”]
    and after another paragraph the second one
    [zotpress items=”UX8I9B7F,KAF9UE4I,QKDGPVU9″ style=”apa” sortby=”date” sort=”DESC”]
    Unfortunately, both lists are identical and consist of six entries. It seemed to me that for a mili-second Zotpress got it right, but than after loading for a second time, it comes up with the merged lists.

    Keep up the good work!
    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Katie


    @ulrich Schroeders I’ll look into this — sorry!

    @miquel I looked into expanding the maxresults from 100, but it’s restricted due to the new method of requesting and the Zotero server’s limit of 100 per request. I’m not sure if there’s a way around this for the searchbar option, but I’ll keep thinking about it.

    Plugin Author Katie


    @[email protected] In 6.0.4 I’ve added this to each jQuery AJAX request rather than adjust the overall settings (don’t want to affect other plugins, themes, etc.). Let me know if this doesn’t work (seems to for me, but I couldn’t replicate the error).

    Plugin Author Katie


    @pakelsey Can you contact me with your API id and key? I can’t replicate the issue on my end. I tagged some items with podcast, some with general, and two with both, and it correctly displays just the two with both on my end. https://katieseaborn.com/contact

    @ulrich Schroeders Found it! Fix will be in 6.0.4.

    Hi Katie,

    When I browse my library in version 6.0.3, the hashtags for all the zotpressInText items (e.g. “QITD8DMF”) for the individual bibliography entries seem to have disappeared since version 5.5.5.

    I could not find any other way to get the hashtags of my references as these hashtags are apparently not used in the Zotero interface itself.

    Thanks for your response!

    Hi, Katie. First, thanks for your awesome plugin — I am really appreciating it.

    I am experiencing the same bug that Ulrich described above. The two bibliographies show up correctly for a split-second, and then they flash and reload as two identical but incorrect bibliographies.

    The two tags have the form

    [zotpress tags = “tagA, tagC” inclusive=”no”]


    [zotpress tags = “tagB, tagC” inclusive=”no”]

    and the incorrect bibliography looks like what you would get if you wrote

    [zotpress = “tagA OR tagB, tagC” inclusive=”no”].

    Plugin Author Katie


    @rudfan You can use the Zotpress Reference Widget on the post/page/etc edit pages. I can re-add the item keys to the Browse page as well.

    @ahabura Please try 6.1 and let me know if the issue persists.

    No, it does not. The bug seems to be fixed. Great coding, ma’am.

    Plugin Author Katie



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