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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] troubleshooting accessibility errors wcga 2.1hi, this is the content of the form.
<label for="nome" class="w-48"> Il tuo nome e cognome [text* text-716 id:nome placeholder "Nome e cognome"]</label> <label for="email" class="w-48 pl"> La tua email [email* your-email autocomplete:email] </label> <label for="testo-disservizio">Descrivi il disservizio [textarea textarea-970 autocomplete:on]</label> [acceptance acceptance-496]Dichiaro di aver letto la <a href="/privacy-policy">privacy policy</a> e acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati in merito alla segnalazione [/acceptance] [submit "Invia"]
In the name field I tried to insert the for attribute and the id, and from inspect I see it but from mauve ++ it’s like it’s not there
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] troubleshooting accessibility errors wcga 2.1this is the link of the page
hello, all right thanks, today I will try to solve them, could you help me understand in some file go to modify to do some tests? I need to know in which file the search bar that activates from the block is generated, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problemhello @sc0ttkclark , yes I thought about making a page for each letter but they become too many since I have five other similar ones with the same structure but which show much less data. I use Gutena only because I needed a menu that would show me the content based on the selected letter but I don’t necessarily have to use the agutena tabs, if you have a better way also with PHP I can try it, thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problemhello @keraweb , i haven’t tried to debug the queries, i’ll do some tests but i hope it’s not that because i have to use it, i think it could be divi’s cache settings, i have to try turning them off. but when I install pod alternative cache it should work immediately or is there anything else to set? this is the link, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problem@sc0ttkclark hello, did you find any solution? because i’m trying but nothing works, i use divi as theme is it possible that it causes some conflict with caching plugins or pods caching settings?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problemhello, did you find some way to speed up the loading?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problemIn total there are 380 posts inside my custom post type, but some belong to different categories and therefore they are not all shown on the same page but a little less.
Each post has 15 custom fields (not mandatory, therefore not all filled in), and of these 15 in the table I show only 10.
I can’t tell you exactly how many but about 350.Yes the where option filters the category and the first letter of the name, like this:
list.name = ‘Ordinary Register’ AND t.post_title LIKE ‘B%’Yes, the fields are text (they all contain a maximum of 1 or 2 words), date or number and more than one category, no media files attached
<!-- wp:gutena/tab {"uniqueId":"dc07f3-b6","tabId":27,"parentUniqueId":"2ff5f6-84","blockStyles":{}} --> <div class="wp-block-gutena-tab gutena-tab-block gutena-tab-block-dc07f3-b6 inactive" data-tab="27"><!-- wp:pods/pods-block-list {"name":{"label":"albo_avvocati","value":"albo_avvocati"},"template":{"label":"albo","value":"albo"},"not_found":"Non sono presenti voci nell'elenco.","limit":500,"orderby":"asc","where":"elenco.name = 'Albo Ordinario' AND t.post_title LIKE 'Z%'","pagination_location":{"label":"Before and After list","value":"both"},"pagination_type":{"label":"Use basic paginate_links() native functionality","value":"paginate"},"filters_enable":true,"filters":"","filters_label":"","cache_mode":{"label":"Object Cache","value":"cache"}} /--></div> <!-- /wp:gutena/tab --></div></div> <!-- /wp:gutena/tabs -->
you mean this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problemyes, I installed Pods alternative cache, before I had nothing other cache plug-ins but now I installed Liti Speed ??cache to see if anything changes, do you know of any good ones to recommend? for alternative cache I don’t quite understand how to set it. Yes I know there are many but I have not found other solutions, however the posts are rarely added. i use the “Pods Item List ” block always the same custom template (which puts the custom fields in a table) where i select the category (which is the same for all blocks) and the initial letter, cache mode “Object cache” expires ” 300″. the custom fields are very short like name, surname, number, address …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] very slow page loading problemI use 27 “Pods Item List” blocks, each one searches in the same category for posts starting with the set letter (some letters are empty so they return nothing) and then a gutena tabs block to put them all in different Tabs. In cache mode I set Object cache and expires 300, before it was set to disable caching but after activating it nothing changed so I don’t know if it’s actually working
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Filter Pods by letterhi @keraweb , thanks for the answer. I created a custom template in the appropriate section of the Pods plug-in, then I also enabled the automatic template but to view the table I use the list block on another page by selecting the template I made. now I have enabled the search bar with the tick present in the Pods list block but it searches only among the titles, instead I wanted to understand if I can use that Pods search bar also to search among the custom fields thus maintaining the same personalized template and the basic one of wordpress. could you give me an example of filter for letter “A” … , I want to make a page with a Tab inside for each letter of the alphabet with a table inside (my custom template) for today Tab showing all my posts custom post types starting with that letter. I was thinking of making an HTML block or directly a plug-in to tap on the wordpress page and insert a pods block in each Tab, each with a different letter filter. I hope I was clear unfortunately I don’t speak English well, I checked the documentation but I can’t quite understand how to use it for my problem, I hope you can help me with some examples, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] search/filter custom field valuehi, in the pods widget is the search bar the standard wordpress one? or is it a Pods custom?
Do you know if it is possible to also enable the search of custom fields (for example; with a snipet of code to be inserted in the function.php of the child theme) in the pods search bar.
pity is the only thing missing from this excellent plugin, congratulations.
do you know if it will be implemented soon?
one last thing, I can’t understand what it is for and how to use the “filter fields” field in the settings of the “pods item list” block