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  • Thread Starter Cheon, YoungMin


    This issue still not fixed after 5 months ??

    The code below is having a huge impact on the site’s performance!

    It filters all content of all post types and do all shortcodes to that contents (easydocs/shortcodes/reference.php)

    add_filter( 'the_content', function ( $ezd_content ) {
    	$ezd_options      = get_option( 'eazydocs_settings' );
    	$is_notes_title   = $ezd_options['is_footnotes_heading'] ?? '1';
    	$notes_title_text = $ezd_options['footnotes_heading_text'] ?? __( 'Footnotes', 'eazydocs' );
    	$footnotes_column = $ezd_options['footnotes_column'] ?? '1';
    	$all_shortcodes = ezd_all_shortcodes( $ezd_content );
    	$all_shortcoded = '';
    	foreach ( $all_shortcodes as $all_shortcode ) {
    		$all_shortcoded .= '<span>' . do_shortcode( $all_shortcode[0] ) . '</span>';
    	$ezd_footnote_title = '';
    	if ( ! empty( $notes_title_text ) && $is_notes_title == '1' && has_shortcode( $ezd_content, 'reference' ) ) {
    		$ezd_footnote_title = sprintf( '<div class="ezd-footnote-title">%s</div>', $notes_title_text );
    	$footnotes_contents = '';
    	if ( has_shortcode( $ezd_content, 'reference' ) ) {
    		$footnotes_contents = $ezd_footnote_title . "<div ezd-data-column='" . $footnotes_column . "' class='ezd-footnote-footer'>" . $all_shortcoded
    		                      . "</div>";
    	return $ezd_content . $footnotes_contents;
    } );

    You should apply this filter to certain post types ONLY

    And ONLY when the content has ‘reference’ shortcode

    Or at least provide a function name so we can remove the filter.

    function ezd_reference_content_filter($content) {
        $types = apply_filters('ezd_xxxx', ['doc']);
        if ( !in_array( get_post_type(), $types ) || !has_shortcode( $content, 'reference' ) ) {
            return $content;
        return $content;
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'ezd_reference_content_filter' );

    Thanks in advance

    I am waiting for this security patch as well

    Hosting provider recommended me to delete plugins right now ??

    Thread Starter Cheon, YoungMin


    Thank you for your reply, I’ll wait for next updates.

    Thread Starter Cheon, YoungMin


    I’m using Flexible Posts Widget plugin. It has another issue with SiteOrigin Builder on ‘hooks’, but still you may debug passed form-values.

    BTW, I’ve made a simple patch for this issue with help of $.deparam method from jQuery BBQ Plugin.

     * jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library - v1.3pre - 8/26/2010
     * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
     * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
     // borrowed only $.deparam method
    (function($){$.deparam=m=function(L,I){var t=decodeURIComponent,K={},J={"true":!0,"false":!1,"null":null};$.each(L.replace(/\+/g," ").split("&"),function(O,T){var N=T.split("="),S=t(N[0]),M,R=K,P=0,U=S.split("]["),Q=U.length-1;if(/\[/.test(U[0])&&/\]$/.test(U[Q])){U[Q]=U[Q].replace(/\]$/,"");U=U.shift().split("[").concat(U);Q=U.length-1}else{Q=0}if(N.length===2){M=t(N[1]);if(I){M=M&&!isNaN(M)?+M:M==="undefined"?h:J[M]!==h?J[M]:M}if(Q){for(;P<=Q;P++){S=U[P]===""?R.length:U[P];R=R[S]=P<Q?R[S]||(U[P+1]&&isNaN(U[P+1])?{}:[]):M}}else{if($.isArray(K[S])){K[S].push(M)}else{if(K[S]!==h){K[S]=[K[S],M]}else{K[S]=M}}}}else{if(S){K[S]=I?h:""}}});return K};})(jQuery);
            getFormValues: function(formSelector){
                if(typeof formSelector === 'undefined') {
                    formSelector = '.so-content';
                var $f = this.$(formSelector);
                // var data = $f.parent().serialize();
                var data = $.deparam( $f.parent().serialize() );
                return data;

    Jetpack Team Lead} We are aware of the issue and we are investigating methods to handle this. Thanks for the report.

    That posted 7 months ago, and the problem still exists ??

    Add lines below to custom-post-templates.php:176 (version 1.5)

    $post_templates = array();
    		$files = (array) $theme->get_files( 'php', 1 );
    		// MOD START
    		if ( $theme->parent() )
    			$files += (array) $theme->parent()->get_files( 'php', 1 );
    		// MOD END

    You can easily translate it yourself with ‘PoEdit‘.

    Leave a link or mail me when you’re done, I’ll apply it on next version.


    I’ve just tested with WordPress 2.8.4 and it worked ??

    Did you mean SlimStat-Ex?

    Maybe it’s a pre-inserted(wp_slimex_resource) title while you have the problem.

    It was not a K2 bug.

    It’s the matter of when $wp_the_query->get_queried_object() is firstly called.

    As I mentioned above, $wp_the_query->post is overrod by $post.

    $wp_the_query =& new WP_Query();
    $wp_query     =& $wp_the_query;
    wp-includes/class.php WP::register_globals()
    $GLOBALS['posts'] = & $wp_query->posts;
    $GLOBALS['post'] = & $wp_query->post;

    If a page haven’t called $wp_the_query->get_queried_object() before a ‘custom loop’ (or something overriding $post or $posts), get_queried_object_id() would retun last post id of the ‘custom loop’.

    $wp_the_query->get_queried_object() would not stable until it is firstly called before any plugin or theme.

    It seems stable ’cause it returns pre-set value if available.

    function get_queried_object() {
    	if (isset($this->queried_object)) {
    		return $this->queried_object;

    Because almost wordpress theme use ‘wp_title()’ for <title> </title> and wp_title call ‘wp_query->get_queried_object()’, there seems no problem.

    For current K2 does not use wp_title() but the_title() which does not call ‘get_queried_object’, this issue seems related to K2.

    Here’s my suggestion to wordpress and I think it will help make $wp_the_query stable.

    wp-includes/class.php ‘WP::query_posts()’

    function query_posts() {
    	global $wp_the_query;
    	$wp_the_query->get_queried_object();// add this line

    And temporary patch for K2 is replacing the_title() with wp_title() on header.php but it will not solve the whole problem.

    I had a big mistake on my testing. I’ve tested with $wp_the_query->post->ID not with $wp_the_query->get_queried_object_id(), so it returned wrong(overridden) value. ( I thought they are the same ?? )

    BTW, $wp_the_query->queried_object_id was overrode by K2 and $wp_the_query->get_queried_object_id() always returned last post id of recent entries on wp_footer or shutdown hook when it has a ‘latest posts’ module on single post page.

    I’ll report this to K2 team and ask them if it’s a bug.

    I was wrong, it’s not about WP_Query but $post.

    $post variable overrides $wp_query->post and $wp_the_query->post.

    And any plugin or theme using ‘custom loop’ would replace the wordpress $post, and ‘latest post’ sidebar module is one of them.

    foreach($myposts as $post) {……}
    while($myposts->have_posts): $myposts->the_post(); …… endwhile;

    $myposts would be get_posts(‘query…’) or new WP_Query(‘query…’)

    Since almost stat plugin do their job at the end of the page load, they got overridden post values.

    And here’s a temporary patch. Stats
    Find :

    if ( ( $wp_the_query->is_single || $wp_the_query->is_page ) && !$wp_the_query->is_attachment )
    		$a['post'] = $wp_the_query->get_queried_object_id();

    Replace with :

    if ( ( $wp_the_query->is_single || $wp_the_query->is_page ) && !$wp_the_query->is_attachment ) {
    		$a['post'] = $wp_the_query->get_queried_object_id();
    	} else

    (I’ll update this plugin soon.)
    Find : (inside of function _getPostTitle – lib/functions.php)

    if($track) {
    			$_query =& $wp_query;
    		} else {

    Replace with :

    if($track) {
    			$_query =& $wp_query;
    		} else {

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