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  • 10goC


    Just post your current code, from line 939 to 959 in includes/services/wsl.authentication.php, so I can see the changes you made.

    Also, I just noticed that I had added another code, at the beginning of the function wsl_process_login_reauth()
    This is for including some filters from TML in case WSL runs before it and these filters are not yet registered.
    Right after the first line

    // HOOKABLE:
    do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_start" );

    I don’t remember exactly what does this filter do, but here it is:

    // Add TML filters for WordPress Social Login
    if(!has_filter('user_activation_notification_message', 'user_activation_notification_message_filter')){
    	$tml = Theme_My_Login_Custom_Email::get_object();

    I hope that helps.



    I don’t know what could go wrong. Can you please post the edited code fragment?

    Hi, Sorry to see this a month later, but maybe it can help someone else.
    The bouncer functionality doesn’t work but the fix is quite simple. You just have to check whether the user’s role has been already changed from pending to something else at the time of evaluating whether to bounce the user or not in includes/services/wsl.authentication.php at line 942, right after the following line:
    wsl_store_hybridauth_user_data( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );
    Add the following:

    // Bouncer
    	if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) > 100 ){
    		$role = current(get_userdata( $user_id )->roles);

    And then add && $role == 'pending' to the two following IF statements, like this:
    if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 101 && $role == 'pending' ){
    if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 101 && $role == 'pending' ){

    Hi, I can only help you with the first issue, there’s an error on calendar.php, on line 136. Where it adds the javascript to the admin header, the plugin folder name says “calendar” where it should say “calendar-plus”.
    echo ‘/wp-content/plugins/calendar/javascript.js”></script>
    echo ‘/wp-content/plugins/calendar-plus/javascript.js”></script>

    Months passed since this was posted and apparently no fix. I’m pretty sure what’s the reason for this problem, but sill couldn’t find a workaround. I think this happens because when a custom field starts with an underscore like in this case (“_sociableoff”), wordpress hides it in the custom fields list, but it’s actually still there, so there’s no way (that I know) to delete it from the meta_box. Maybe we could fix it by taking out the underscore from the field name (replacing every “_sociableoff” for “sociableoff”) in sociable.php, but we’d have the sociableoff controls duplicated on the admin screen. Doesn’t seem like a nice solution, but can’t think of anything else.

    you should complete “category base”whit: category. Sorry my english

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