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  • Thread Starter 11worth



    Ah, I was AFK just awhile and missed your response before posting my first reply! Thank you for getting back to me on this!

    I did a full backup prior to all the above just-in-case (always do when venturing the unknown), and even went so far as making screenshots of the GCE’s configuration settings, etc. in Admin. Didn’t have any issues, though.

    Thanks again for your response, and all the work you’ve done on this plugin!

    Thread Starter 11worth


    Okay, I fixed this myself, and am posting the method here for others:

    • Access the GitHub link and enter the folder “legacy-google-calendar-events”.
    • Match the list of sub-folders and files to your existing “google-calendar-events” plugin folder; I had two sub-folders, “i18n” and “vendor” that weren’t present in the GitHub array.
    • Create a new folder “legacy-google-calendar-events”in your plugins directory.
    • Copy the contents of your existing “google-calendar-events” plugin folder to the new “legacy-google-calendar-events” plugin folder, with the exception of two older files: “google-calendar-events.php” and “readme.txt”, and any unmatched sub-folders (in my case, “i18n” and “vendor”). Leave those out.
    • From the GitHub “legacy-google-calendar-events” array, copy the file “legacy-google-calendar-events.php” and “readme.txt”.
    • Paste those files into your new plugin folder, “legacy-google-calendar-events”. Note: Those are the only two files that are replaced.
    • Deactivate the older “Google Calendar Events” plugin.
    • Activate the new “Legacy Google Calendar Events” plugin; make sure all works as before, and all is good…
    • …then manually remove the old “google-calendar-events” folder from the plugins directory.

    Doing the above, in that order, maintained my existing feeds, feed settings, and all functionality.

    I thought about just changing the plugin folder name and replacing the above-mentioned two files, but as you know, I couldn’t afford to lose anything in the process. I did it the long way above, and that worked for me.

    Hope this helps others!


    Thought I’d throw out another point of view. This is assuming you have some XHTML/CSS knowledge.

    I add images and text to sidebars all the time, by editing the sidebar.php, and haven’t had any display issues.

    What you might look at is how your sidebar function, <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?> is displayed in your sidebar.php. If it’s wrapped in its own <div id>, <div class>, or <ul>, you need to add the image outside the <div>s or <ul>, either before or after, to have it display without conflict.

    You can wrap the image in its own <div class> or <img class> as well, to properly position the image within the sidebar using your style.css.

    I use widgets all the time, but have never considered using one to insert an image or simple text. However, that being said, it may be the easiest way for someone in a hurry or just starting out. Nothing wrong with that. It might be confining, though, if you progress into multiple images or more complex layouts.

    Hey bishopj,

    Thanks for taking your time to post this. I just upgraded one of my sites to 2.8.4, and have been tearing my hair out since over this issue. Such an easy work-around, and it works perfectly for me.


    Regarding the image link…I forgot to add that you need to go into your style.css, find the following code, and comment out the reference to the background image as I’v done below:

    #header .logo
    	/*background: url(images/frondtaggedbgrn300.gif) no-repeat;*/
    	vertical-align: middle;
    	padding-left: 2000px;
    	padding-top: 20px;
    	font-size: 0px;
    	height: 180px;

    Also, save copies of your header.php and your style.css in the event you need to return to the way it was before.


    In response to your questions, consider the following:

    1. Your header logo image is a background image. There’s nothing to link to, since the header area is otherwise devoid of text, and you can’t make a link from a background. An easy solution is to not use the image for a background, but rather use the image itself and then create an image link.

    In your header.php, place the following code between <div id="header"> and </div>:

    <a href=""><img style="float: left;" src="/wp-content/themes/greenbug/images/your_image.jpg" height="your image height in px" width="your image width in px" title="Your Link Title" alt="Your Image Title" border="0" /></a>

    The above puts your image on the left side, and creates a link that goes to your home page if someone clicks on it.

    2. What do you have set up as your Front Page in Admin > Settings > Reading Settings? That page should be the same as the Home page that you have listed in Admin > Pages > Edit Pages. Also make sure the Home page URL is correct, and that the menu page order is correct.

    Hope this helps….


    Pardon me if I’m on the wrong track, but is this not the same as your ‘about’ page in the top nav? If so, you could just make ‘about’ your static front page, and leave the rest as-is.

    Yes, they pasted directly from Word in the Jackson post of 4-25-09. The source code still looks like this (now on line 424):

    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;;">Craig Edward Jackson, age 60, of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, died <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>Saturday, April 25, 2009, at the Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital, in Fort Atkinson, WI.</span></p>
    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;;"> <a href="" class="more-link">Read the rest of this entry &raquo;</a></p>

    You can see how the font formatting changed the site’s appearance after that post.

    MS Word tags frequently apply local styles to text and formatting which overrides your stylesheet, and makes a mess of your layout. In this instance, they look like this:

    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;;">

    <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>

    The “Paste From Word” in the text editor is entirely different, as it strips all the MS Word tags and enters plain text instead.

    The client, and any other person that has permission, needs to be aware of the above. They can look at the text in the HTML tab of the text editor and see if it’s okay or not when creating or updating a post. The plain text won’t have the MS Word tags.

    You’re missing this: <ul></ul>


    Just my opinion, but I think the site looks better with the text wrap. However, that being said, you can try this in your style.css:

    Change this:

    #content {
    	width: 653px;
    	margin-left : 100px;
    	margin-top : 25px;
    	background : #F4F0E1;

    To this:

    #content {
    	width: 550px;
    	margin-left : 235px;
    	margin-top : 25px;
    	background : #F4F0E1;

    All we did was increase the left margin to allow for the floated sidebar to the bottom of #content.

    As far as the buleted sub-page issue, you’re missing a

      for your outer list. Fix that first and see what it looks like, since it’s not currently displaying correctly. You can adjust the left margins for the subpages in style.css afterwards if it still doesn’t look right.


      Sounds like a couple of things…

      First, is your “sidebar” intended to be a sidebar in the true sense (widgetized and all that stuff)? Maybe what you want is a horizontal element that contains only a horizontal navigation list of categories. In that case you can create a horizontal nav list using the wp_list_categories tag, and configure and style it as you wish.

      Alternatively, you CAN make a sidebar horizontal if you wish, but you have to style it to be across the top rather than on the side.

      To make your nav list horizontal in either case, identify the class or id of your nav list, and add display: inline; to it in your stylesheet. This will make the list display across the top rather than descend to the bottom.

      Access this link for that and everything you want to know about horizontal nav menus.

      Hope this helps…

      Is this plugin what you’re looking for?


      I use the “Sub Pages Widget” plugin to do exactly what you have described. Maybe it will work for you as well.

      There are other ways to do it, but the above plugin worked the best. Let us know if it works.


      First of all, you need to validate your site. A check with the W3C HTML Validator reveals 13 errors that need to be corrected.

      Someone’s pasting text directly from Microsoft Word. The Craig Jackson post at line 383 is where it starts. Your style formatting is messed up from that point south. Refer to this thread about bad things that happen when you put unfiltered Word-code into your site.

      Also take a look at the “Nitardy Funeral Home” link above the sidebar search box. Not good. The source code is this:

      <a href=""><p style="text-align: center;">Nitardy Funeral Home</p></a>

      It needs to be this:

      <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="">Nitardy Funeral Home</a></p>

      Hope this helps!


      At this point we return back to basics. A check of your site in the W3C HTML Validator reveals 48 errors, many of them ‘Opening and Ending Tag Mismatches’.

      If this was my site, I’d start from the top and work through the errors one-by-one. I still see lots of deprecated tags. Deprecated means tags not fully suppported by your DOCTYPE that may show display errors in some browsers. You should correct those to valid XHTML. <i> should be <em>, <b> should be <strong>, and so forth.

      On line 523, you entered a </br> tag instead of a self-closing <br /> tag. Interesting what fixing that would do.

      You certainly have good company! We all go through this, certainly when a site-glitch is hidden and persistent. We can take another look when the errors are corrected…

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