Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Reddle] Two further padding problemsThank you!
@ https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/two-further-padding-problems?replies=7#post-6053381
This does not adjust the photo seize; rather it inserts a scrollbar:
@ https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/two-further-padding-problems?replies=7#post-6053349
I think it’s because the padding is coming from padding-top: 0.85em; in the h1 tag: […]. So if there’s no widget title, you don’t get that 0.85em of top padding.
Ok, I understand. – And how can I define a padding-top, which aplies just for the search-form at issue (and not for other input areas), so that I could remove the headline without getting design problems?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [footnotes] Footnote PositionI like the position of my manually superscripted number 1; and I would like to have the same position for the automatically superscripted footnotes.
So, since the position of my manually superscripted numer 1 is determined by
sup { bottom: 1ex; }
– by what is the position of the automatically superscripted footnotes determined?
What have I to write into my reddle-child-theme style.css for changing the position of the automatically superscripted footnotes?
Yes, with “hide” I meant that, what is called within the German version ‘zusammenklappen’; in the English version is said: ‘collapse’:
‘We will change the behavior of these hyperlink jumps in the near future’
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [footnotes] Footnote PositionThere is no ‘second use of superscript’.
There is only – for comparsion! – a “normal” number 1, which I superscripted manually; and there is a footnote 1), which is only superscripted by the plugin.
Nevertheless the footnote 1) is placed higher, than the number 1 – that the point.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Enumeration Sections, which consist of more than one paragraphReminder:
Any ideas regarding the persisting issues?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Roles at Registration] How to Place the rar-Field more above?Resolved:
a) The place of the field for determining the user role is depending on the
.The relevant line of the original version of that file is:
add_action('bp_after_signup_profile_fields', array($wp_rar_plugin, 'bp_choose_roles_registration_form'));
I substituted there
.b) Besides I inserted into
between the lines:<?php if ( 'request-details' == bp_get_current_signup_step() ) : ?> <?php do_action( 'template_notices' ); ?>
the following line:
<?php do_action( 'rar_at_beginning' ); ?>
– and now the field at issue is displayed not the end, rather at the beginning of my registration page:
For information regarding the further reshaping of my registration-page cfr.:
https://buddypress.org/support/topic/reshaping-the-registration-page/#post-203615 [section 1.b) ff.].
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing the Setting page of the Admin PanelTherefore:
The problem is resolved.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing the Setting page of the Admin PanelBy chance I found the solution:
Within the wp-admin-folder there is not only an options-general.php, rather as well an options.php.
Within the comment at the beginning of this file is written: ‘If accessed directly in a browser this page shows a list of all saved options along with editable fields for their values.’
Therefore I adressed this file with 1a-spielwiese/wp-admin/options.php – and there I found the opportunity to change the default user role (note: it’s not possible to leave the line blank!):
a) Changing the default user role there, changes it as well for the root-blog; cfr.:
b) But the subdomain-blogs are not affected; you can change it there:
…id=3 etc. for the further subdomain-bogs.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing standard user role after having activated WP MultiSiteBy chance I found the solution:
Within the wp-admin-folder there is not only an options-general.php, rather as well an options.php.
Within the comment at the beginning of this file is written: ‘If accessed directly in a browser this page shows a list of all saved options along with editable fields for their values.’
Therefore I adressed this file with 1a-spielwiese.de/wp-admin/options.php – and there I found the opportunity to change the default user role:
After changing it into ‘fan’ (note: it’s not possible to leave the line blank!), on the page options-general.php?page=wp-roles-at-registration it is now possible to select only the roles ‘fan’ and ‘team’:
And after saving it, ‘subscriber’ disappears from the registration page as well:
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing standard user role after having activated WP MultiSiteAnd point #4 is why I was stressing that roles are per site. Everything you set up on Single Site was for Site #1 and ONLY that site. Multisite lets you make more sites, but they all start from that same basic level.
‘ Multisite lets you make more sites’. – Yes, and I did – but none of theses sites (blogs) allow even me (the superadmin) to change the default user role.
The point is: The settings general page for WP SingleSite and WP MultiSit is different:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/changing-the-setting-page-of-the-admin-panelI did find this plugin which may help: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/bulk-user-management/
I installed and activated it; but I can’t find any new menu point – neither on the network-, nor on the root-blog-level.
However, the plugin description says: ‘A plugin that lets you manage users across all your sites from one place on a multisite install.’
I assume this would not resolve my problem, because my point is not managing already registered users. Rather it is the information, which the ‘WP-role-at-registration’-plugin receives from the WordPress-core-settings.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing standard user role after having activated WP MultiSiteWHY do these people need non-admin access to sites?
Maybe, one day they will need admin-access…
- For the moment most of them have no knowledge to do more then publishing posts and editing already existing pages. (Nearly all of them never before have worked with wordpress; most of them own only smartphones, but no computers.)
- And therefore I prefer to give them only slightly more capabilities than ‘authors’. (My ‘team’- and ‘fan’-roles have little more capabilities than ‘authors’, but significantly less than ‘administrators’ and even ‘editors’.)
Currently I don’t want, that they create new pages or try to change the sidebar or change colors or font-sizes, etc. – All blogs of the network shall have the same design and almost the same structure (with little differences between the root-blog, the fan-blogs and the team-blogs).
Cfr. now as well:
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing standard user role after having activated WP MultiSite1st:
‘New users of my blog-network should register for the root-blog, and then I create a subdomain blog for them – with a subdomain-URL corresponding to there individual user name.’
That’s the problem. That’s not how it works. Users register for the NETWORK.
Okay, you are right. I expressed me not precisely. Correct is: They do the registration on the root-blog and for the entire network (not for any individual blog; even not the root-blog) – and then they get from me their individual blogs.
Then when you make the subdomain blog, you’ll manually set their role at that time.
The reason this is weird? Well, WP assumes if someone’s making a blog, they’re the admin of the blog!On this level I haven’t any problem. E.g.:
- NEW_USER makes his/her registration.
- I create NEW_USER.1a-spielwiese.de.
- I make NEW_USER a user of NEW_USER.1a-spielwiese.de
- I delete bei superadmin-profile from the user list of NEW_USER.1a-spielwiese.de.
All that works without any problems.
Why is the registration page important for me? It’s “only” because I have some profile fields, which are asigned to users with the user role ‘team’, and other, which are asigned to users with the user role ‘fan’. As well users with the user role ‘fan’ get one static WordPress page less (fans do not get a page ‘tickets’).
Therefore it is important for me, that new users decide during registration for the one (team) or the other (fan) user role, but not for the user role ‘subscriber’.
I guess: That entire problem appears only, because I activated WordPress MultiSite directly after installting WordPress SingleSite.
Assume, I would have
- installed WordPress SingleSite
- then created the new users roles ‘team’ and ‘fan’ (*) – and made one of them, being the standard user (**)
- and then activated WordPress MultiSite,
everything would be for me: Then I would not get the user role ‘subscriber’ displayed on the registration page (***), isn’t it?
(*) I do this with ‘Capability Manager Enhanced’-plugin.
(**) Within WordPress SingleSite the standard user role can be change on the page settings/general; within WordPress MultiSite it can be changed there.
(***) The field for choosing on the registration page a user role I create with ‘WP Roles at Registration’-plugin.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing standard user role after having activated WP MultiSiteRoles are PER SITE, so there’s no way to set it network wide. On each site, you can go in and change the default role
Where I should can (not changing the user role of certain users [that I can deed!], rather of the standard user role itself!)? It seems to me, that I can’t – neither on the network level nor on the blog level.
If you use https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/multisite-user-management/
No, I do not use ‘Multisite User Management’ – it does not resolve my problem:
The problem is, what ‘WP role at registration’-plugin takes from the WordPress-Settings and that I can’t change these settings, since installting MultiSite.
1. Each of my existing and furthercoming subdomain blogs has and should have one user, and that user is in some cases a fan and in the other case a team. New users should decide for one these roles, when doing registration (and not for subscriber!).
2. New users of my blog-network should register for the root-blog, and then I create a subdomain blog for them – with a subdomain-URL corresponding to there individual user name.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Changing standard user role after having activated WP MultiSiteThank you! –
Anyone else has ideas on that issue?