Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Reddle] Making a better usage of my blog spaceI found the solution:
- I reduced the right margin of .secondary #content and #main .widget-area to 2.5%.
- And I reduced the left margin of .secondary #content to 30 %.
I have now the following code in my ‘Simple Custom CSS’-Plugin:
/* Schrift gr??er + Blocksatz */ body { text-align: justify; font-size: 14px; } /* Sidebar schmaler, Hauptspalte breiter, Abstand geringer, ?u?ere R?nder schmaler */ .secondary #content { margin: 0 30% 0 2.5%; } #main .widget-area { margin-right: 2.5%; width: 23.75%; } #main .widget-area .widget { margin: 0 auto; width: 85%; /* Choose any value you like */ } /* nicht fett; kein Blocksatz - für Schrift in Mitgliedersuche-Widget */ #buddypress .standard-form label { font-weight: normal; text-align: left; } /* schwarz; fett; kein Blocksatz */ .widget-title { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; } /* silber Hintergrund; Textabstand zum Rand für alle Widgets */ div#secondary { background: #C0C0C0; padding: 13px 0 17px 0; } /* Dark Magenta-Rahmen; Textabstand zu den Rahmen des jeweiligen Widgets */ div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){ border: 1px solid #8B008B; padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;; } /* Schriftgr??e in den Menü-Tabs reduziert; kein fett */ #access a { font-size: 11.5px; font-weight: normal; } /* Schrift in BuddPress-Buttons vergr??ert */ #buddypress .comment-reply-link, #buddypress a.button, #buddypress button, #buddypress div.generic-button a, #buddypress input[type="button"], #buddypress input[type="reset"], #buddypress input[type="submit"], #buddypress ul.button-nav li a, a.bp-title-button { font-size: 100%; }
Besides I have directly within the Reddle-CSS changend all
color: #b12930
color: #8B008B
And nearly all of them I made:
font-weight: bold;
All that results in:
Thank you again!
I studied that information, and I asked some questions regarding it outside the Reddle-Subforum, because my questions do not refer specific on the Reddle-theme, but on CSS- and html-issues in general:
Great; it works!
Is there any explanation about the difference and similarity of ‘margins’ on the one hand; and ‘paddings’ on the other?
Thank you.
— I inserted your code, using the ‘Simple Custom CSS’-Plugin, but seemingly nothing changed.
— I changed
#main .widget-area .widget { margin: 0 0 0 11.75%; /* This creates the column between the vertical rule and the widgets */ }
#main .widget-area .widget { margin: 0 auto; /* This creates the column between the vertical rule and the widgets */ }
Now the Widgets are not centred, rather on the left side.
— Die Rahmen sind ja im Moment etwas unsymmeterisch: Der Abstand zwischen der linken Au?engrenze des silber Hintergrundes und den linken (dark magenta) Rahmen-Linien ist etwas gr??er
als der Abstand zwischen der rechten Au?engrenze des silber Hintergrundes und den rechten (dark magenta) Rahmenlinien.— Ich m?chte beide Abst?nde gerne (in etwa) gleich gro? haben.
— Ich habe bisher dort jeweils:
div#secondary { background:#C0C0C0; padding: 13px 20px 17px 0; }
div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){ border: 1px solid #8B008B; padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;; }
mit den paddings und dort:
#main .widget-area .widget { margin: 0 0 0 11.75%; /* This creates the column between the vertical rule and the widgets */
mit dem Abstand zwischen den beiden blog-Spalten experimentiert (*) – aber nichts hatte den erhofften Effekt.
(*) Und tats?chlich experimentiere ich wesentlichen: Selbst, wenn etwas so klappt, wie ich m?chte, verstehe ich immer nur ann?herungsweise, warum es geklappt. – Und wenn’s nicht klappt, verstehe ich meist gar nichts mehr.
With the help of emilyTK – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/different-background-colours-for-different-sidebar-widgets?replies=3#post-6029793 – I decided finally for borders:
div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){ border: 1px solid #8B008B; padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;; }
But with two slight changes it’s also suitable for horizontal demarcation lines only:
div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){ border<strong>-bottom</strong>: 1px solid #8B008B; padding: 0 10px <strong>25</strong>px 10px;; }
Cfr. https://1a-spielwiese.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sidebar_horizontal_lines.jpg
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Reddle] Change sidebar widthI changed it a little bit – It’s now 37.5%, 23.5% and 11,75%.
Cfr. regarding the silver background and dark magenta borders:
Thank! It’s a great tool.
Finally I decided for
– regarding the entire Sidebar:
div#secondary { background:#C0C0C0; padding: 14px 20px 17px 0; }
– and regarding the individual Widgets:
div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){ border: 1px solid #8B008B; padding: 0 10px 10px 10px; }
And I changed also a little bit, what I said there:
It’s now 37.5%, 23.5% and 11,75%.
One thing more I would like to change: I would like to reduce the distance between the left beginning of the silver background of the left borders of the individual Widgets – but without reducing the distance between the Widgets texts and the right borders of the individual Widgets: I tried a lot, but nothing worked, as I hoped.
Okay, thank you.
In deed I can access my ftp-Server as well as my MySQL-Database.
But nevertheless the installation process does not work.
After removing the https://www.-prefix form the WordPress-general settings, I get logged out automatical – and I can’t log in again.
When I try to reach my start page (1a-spielwiese.de), there is a “Umleitungsfehler” (redirection error):
‘This is not connected to your FTP access. I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but where is the “FTP-Zugang” setting?’
That the ‘FTP-Zugang’ (FTP-access) is called ‘www.1a-spielwiese’ I can see within the administration interface of my account at my webspace-provider. –
However, there the domain is called ‘1a-spielwiese.de’ (neither www. nor https:// is mentioned).
I tried something else:
(cfr. as well the comments before and behind).
But it doesn’t work as well. – Any further ideas?
Any idea regarding this issue?