Well, the problem is that with each of the past two or so updates we’ve had to change our HTML/CSS. Why would that be if our code and your code both remained the same??
We can’t see your code (and we don’t know PHP anyway) but we do know ours (the HTML/CSS scripting) was the same…until an update required that we adjust minor CSS/HTML stuff, like margins and so forth. Now, however, we can’t even seem to adjust them enough to make things responsive again, displaying the same no matter the screen resolution!
No doubt we’ll figure it all out sooner or later, like we’ve been doing with the last few iterations of your otherwise fine plugin, but it’s a real problem that each update should mess up one’s custom visual layout.
Maybe it’s something to do with the TinyMCE (or whatever WordPress uses for its text input) and your plugin?? Because our CSS/HTML hasn’t changed, that’s for sure, except where each update now requires minor but annoying adjustment….