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  • Thread Starter 1shot2killz



    I also created a symbolic link
    mklink /D C:\www\wp-content\uploads \\server\share\foldername\

    Now it works properly ??

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by 1shot2killz.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by 1shot2killz.
    Thread Starter 1shot2killz



    Thread Starter 1shot2killz


    sudo mount -t cifs -o username=postmaster,uid=1 // /opt/lampp/htdocs/intranet_test/wp-content/media
    Where uid=1 is daemon (web user)
    This was a good tip for mounting as webuser (daemon)
    You had to mount with uid = 1

    Thanks a lot for your help in solving the problem.

    Thread Starter 1shot2killz


    Thanks for reply.
    How to check a Vhost user for a service?
    I have Linux Mint (HyperV). The main name of the system administrator (root) is postmaster. With his rights I installed the XAMPP server (www, ftp, mysql).
    I mounted the network path like this:
    sudo mount -t cifs -o username=postmaster,uid=1000 // /opt/lampp/htdocs/intranet_test/wp-content/media
    While mounting, he asked me for the main password of postmaster (sudo) and the password of the user created on the NAS, and there I added with the same name (postmaster) and password as for the system.

    How I check folder mounted Media permissions are:
    owner – postmaster
    group – root (can’t change)
    Access rights – read only (can’t change)
    Others – reading only (can’t change)

    Thread Starter 1shot2killz


    webuser – Do you mean login of a user registered in WP?

    Thread Starter 1shot2killz


    Thank you for your answer. I managed to do everything correctly, but I have a problem.
    All permissions are granted. I can add and delete files from the operating system, NAS, FTP. I changed the default path to a mounted network drive.
    When I try to upload a file via WordPress, I have a message

    Failed to upload the file "logo.png" to the server.
    The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/media.

    It is probably not a permission problem, because when it was not configured correctly, a message appeared that the server does not have write permission.

    Thread Starter 1shot2killz


    Thank you for reply.
    Unfortunately, this solutions only works within
    I have no idea how to add a local path to a folder.

    XAMPP path: /opt/lampp/htdocs/intranet/wp-content
    NAS path: smb://nas1.local/intranet/media/uploads
    The network drive is mounted.

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