Forum Replies Created
good day dear Helene – many thanks for the answer. Your answer makes sense to me.
Great – many thanks for all you do here.keep up the great job –
i will sign the topic as resolved. have a great day
good day dear karlalevelup
many thanks for the reply and for your great ideas – awesome. i will digg deeper into all the things i need to write a digitale netzwerk-karte
plz keep up your great work – it rocks
hello dear Roland, good day,
first of all – many many thanks for the reply and for sharing your ideas and thoughts. The Participants-Database is very very flexible and powerful and yes: i use it for years now. It is one of my top-fav-plugins!!
well – i Guess that we can create a similar “digitale Netzwerkkarte” (digital network map) functionality in WordPress, leveraging the Participants Database plugin.If you have developer skills or have a skilled WordPress developer on your team, I’m sure all the functionality you want in your project is possible. The plugin is designed to give WordPress developers the ability to customize all the user interfaces and functionality. We also offer add-on plugins to provide specific functionality that expands what is possible.
sure thing – my dev-skills are not so well … but i think that you have plenty of addons and additional plugins – perhaps there are some options to go .,..
For any kind of functionality that is specific to your application, you will need to have access to developer skills in php, HTML and possibly JavaScript. There is a lot you can do without those skills, of course, but it will still require that you have a good technical understanding of how WordPress works to achieve a specific set of functionalities and more importantly a productive user experience.
yes, Roland i fully agree with you !
first of all : see some images here: see the https://netzwerkkarte.mint-ec.de/well – i guess that we can create a similar “digitale Netzwerkkarte” (digital network map) functionality in WordPress, leveraging the Participants Database plugin.
first of all a little desriptoin of the “Digitale-Netzwerkkarte”
The “digitale Netzwerkkarte” has several key features, including network visualization, event management, and user profiles. Below some thoughts regarding those pars: high-level approach to how achieve might build something similar:well – while using the Participants Database
see more images … – this looks pretty nice – doesn t it!? : https://netzwerkkarte.mint-ec.de/netzwerke
well – i Guess that we can create a similar “digitale Netzwerkkarte” (digital network map) functionality in WordPress, leveraging the Participants Database plugin.
first of all a little desriptoin of the “Digitale-Netzwerkkarte”
The “digitale Netzwerkkarte” has several key features, including network visualization, event management, and user profiles.
Below some thoughts regarding those pars: high-level approach to how achieve might build something similar:well – while using the Participants Database
- we could go and create custom Fields -( Creating custom fields in the Participants Database to store the necessary information for each participant, such as:
Location (City, Country)
Role (e.g., Teacher, Student)
Contact Details
Events Participated In
Skills or Areas of Expertise
Public Display: Configure the plugin to allow for public viewing of participant profiles, filtering options, and possibly a map view based on location. - Creating a Network Map Map Integration:
Use a plugin like WP Google Maps or for example the Leaflet Maps Marker to visualize participants on a certain map.
Integrate the map with the data from Participants Database, displaying markers for each participant based on their location.
Filter and Search: Provide filtering options so users can filter by institution, role, or other custom fields. - Managing Events Event Custom Post Type:
Create a custom post type for Events using a plugin like Custom Post Type UI or manually via code.
here we could add custom fields to the Event post type to capture details like date, location, participants, and event type.
Display Events: List upcoming events on a dedicated page, possibly with a calendar view. Each event can link to a detailed page with all relevant information.
Link Participants to Events: Using relationships or tags, link participants to events they are associated with. - Advanced Search and Filtering Search Form Customization:
Customize the search functionality provided by Participants Database to allow advanced searches based on multiple criteria.
Ajax Filtering: (here we could consider using Ajax to allow real-time filtering without page reloads. - Frontend Design and User Experience Custom Templates: Design custom templates for participant profiles, event pages, and the network map to ensure a cohesive user experience.
Responsive Design: Ensure all elements are responsive and work well on both desktop and mobile devices. - Additional Plugins and Custom Code Custom Coding: Some custom coding may be required to tie everything together, especially for more complex filtering, map integration, or custom views.
Member Directory Plugins: Consider exploring other directory or membership plugins like Members or Ultimate Member if you need more advanced features.
Example Workflow
Participant Registration: Users or admins register participants via a form created using Participants Database.
Event Creation: Admins create events using the custom post type, tagging relevant participants.
Network Visualization: Participants are visualized on a map, with filters available for users to explore the network.
Event Interaction: Users can view upcoming events, see who’s attending, and explore past events.Conclusion
While the Participants Database plugin is a solid foundation, creating a fully functional digital network map similar to the “digitale Netzwerkkarte” will likely require a combination of plugins, custom fields, and possibly some custom coding to achieve the desired functionality. Well i think that this approach would give a flexible and powerful solution within WordPress.
Dear Roland i think that this would be a great approach – and i think that your
plugin is a absolute great plugin that could be a awesome starting point to achieve such behavior and user-experience
I will digg deeper into all that – and i look forward to hear from you
regardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Out of the Block: OpenStreetMap] want to add a leaflet to a wordpress-widgetgood evening dear Giorgos
first of all : many many thanks for the quick reply – great to hear from you. Awesome. I have had a closer look at the option you recommended – this sounds very interesting – i will digg deeper into all that
I don’t think that this plugin can help much as what you describe sounds like something that requires a custom implementation. You might be able to utilize the Custom field support, if you want to have a map on specific posts as a custom field instead of a block, but you would still have to implement the logic to fetch the data and manipulate according to your needs in order to display the locations in a different way.
Awesome – i am happy to be part of this great forum – i am happy with your recommendation
all of that looks very promisinghttps://github.com/gsarig/ootb-openstreetmap/releases/tag/2.8.0
Custom field support: The highlight of version 2.8.0 is the support of a “Location” custom field, which allows you to store a post’s or a post type’s location. The data are stored following the official guidelines.
many thanks for all you do!!
plz keep up your great project – it rocks!!!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Out of the Block: OpenStreetMap] want to add a leaflet to a wordpress-widgetgood day dear friend,
well – what i like to do is the following:
i d like to add a search / or lets say a retrival – on the osm-endpoint that looks like so
rel[boundary=administrative][admin_level=6][name="München"] -> .city;
out center;well that said : if i am able to fetch the data – then i d like to show this in a tiny table in a widget on my wordPress-site
Plugin Name: the Schools Widget
Description: Displays nearby schools using Overpass Turbo and the awesome block.
Version: 1.0
Author: foo bar
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
// Include ACF
include_once(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'acf/acf.php');
// Register ACF fields
function register_acf_fields() {
if (function_exists('acf_add_local_field_group')) {
'key' => 'group_1',
'title' => 'Nearby Schools Widget',
'fields' => array(
'key' => 'field_1',
'label' => 'Latitude',
'name' => 'latitude',
'type' => 'number',
'required' => 1,
'key' => 'field_2',
'label' => 'Longitude',
'name' => 'longitude',
'type' => 'number',
'required' => 1,
'key' => 'field_3',
'label' => 'Radius (km)',
'name' => 'radius',
'type' => 'number',
'required' => 1,
'location' => array(
'param' => 'post_type',
'operator' => '==',
'value' => 'page',
add_action('acf/init', 'register_acf_fields');
// Enqueue necessary scripts
function acf_schools_widget_enqueue_scripts() {
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'acf_schools_widget_enqueue_scripts');
// Shortcode to display schools
function display_nearby_schools($atts) {
$latitude = get_field('latitude');
$longitude = get_field('longitude');
$radius = get_field('radius');
if (!$latitude || !$longitude || !$radius) {
return 'Please provide latitude, longitude, and radius.';
// Overpass API URL
$query = '[out:json][timeout:25];(node["amenity"="school"](around:' . ($radius * 1000) . ',' . $latitude . ',' . $longitude . '););out body;>;out skel qt;';
$url = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=' . urlencode($query);
// Fetch data from Overpass API
$response = wp_remote_get($url);
if (is_wp_error($response)) {
return 'Unable to retrieve data.';
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
$data = json_decode($body, true);
if (empty($data['elements'])) {
return 'No schools found in the specified area.';
// Display data
$output = '<ul class="nearby-schools">';
foreach ($data['elements'] as $element) {
if (isset($element['tags']['name'])) {
$output .= '<li>';
$output .= esc_html($element['tags']['name']);
if (isset($element['tags']['website'])) {
$output .= ' - <a href="' . esc_url($element['tags']['website']) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html($element['tags']['website']) . '</a>';
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
return $output;
add_shortcode('nearby_schools', 'display_nearby_schools');well – i want to fetch data form the openstreet-map and display it in a widget on the wordpress-site. What do you think – can we do so with the support of your plugin?
what is aimed is that the user can choose a town (or a region) and then we perform a little request – the results (that is “the records” that come back should be reduced or limited to – approx 5 lines. Those 5 lines should be given out in a little widget.
well if this is possible i would be more than happydear Michael
– many thanks for the reply and for all your hints. Awesome. Well – to get some results that allow the user to get a “more dynamic” experience of the “openstreetmap”-results – i could make use of the
a. export of some results as geojson – formate – then i could add the data into a plugin – like the leaflet-map see for example here: https://de.www.ads-software.com/plugins/leaflet-map/ or here
https://de.www.ads-software.com/plugins/extensions-leaflet-map/that said – i could give the Leaflet-map-plugin the results of my request – as a geojson-formate
see for example: https://de.www.ads-software.com/plugins/leaflet-map/#can%20i%20add%20geojson%3F
see besides this: Yes, just give it a source URL: [leaflet-geojson src=”https://example.com/path/to.geojson”%5D It will also support leaflet geojson styles or geojson.io
back to the advanced-iframe-plugin.
probably i could make usage of the leaflet-plugins and mehtods – here.
i really love the Advanced-iframe plugin – and use it in other scenarios. Dear Michael – keep up the great work – it rocks
have a great day
btw. i mark the thread as solvedhi there – see some more of the image
well i hope you can do that
well if we can add the url – and the i-frame would dispaly it in a interatcive way – this would be great.
@jordesign many thanks for the quick reply – this is really awesome. I take a look at the described method.
many thanks for your support here. I am overwhelmed.
keep up the great work – it rocks
ps i mark this as resolved ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] swith off listing of the category-list – is this doablegood day dear @johncaruso?
first of all many many thanks for the help. Was able to get ( force ) the categorie-list to display this correct by adding the following css
.search_jobs { display: flex; column-gap: 20px; } ul.job_types { display: flex; column-gap: 20px; }
BTW; this fix was suggested by the hawesome supporter-hero over at the german (therme) forum – @hage
now all works nicelymany many thanks for all the support. Keep up the awesome project – it rocks
have a great day
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] swith off listing of the category-list – is this doablehi dear @johncaruso – good evening,
very glad to hear form you – i will do checks – regarding the CSS and the correct loading.
perhaps i can see some data in the errorlog – of the site:WP Job Manager: Manage job listings from the WordPress admin panel, and allow users to post jobs directly to your site. Version 2.2.2 | By Automattic
WP Job Manager: Manage job listings from the WordPress admin panel, and allow users to post jobs directly to your site. Version 2.2.2 | By Automattic
Many thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts with us: – surely will check out all the options and i will go through all of them – in order to find out what is going wrong here
btw – the site is truely in BETA BETA – Mode and i have not installed many plugins..
again: – surely will check out all the options and i will go through all of them – in order to find out what is going wrong here. i will come back later… and report all my findings..
meanwhile – have a great dayForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] swith off listing of the category-list – is this doablehi dear @johncaruso first of all – many thanks for the quick reply i am very glad to hear form you
well this idea of a bad loading style-css is a very very good hint.
btw – see the page https://www.jobstarter24.de/
which is in truely beta-beta mode.
well if you have any idea what i can do actually – i would be more than glad..
greetings 24jobsdear Hupe13
many thanks for the quick reply – thats just awesome – and exacly what i want. an option to show the data (output) of a overpass-turbo-request visualized on a map – in a widget of WordPress.
can this be achieved with your plugin – the leaflet-map:https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/leaflet-map/
Extensions for Leaflet Map:With the WordPress plugin Leaflet Map you can display maps using shortcodes. Extensions for Leaflet Map integrates Leaflet plugins and offers even more functions.
Look forward to hear from you – regards 24jobs
hello dear @macmanx
many thanks for the quick reply. Sure think i will do as adviced. I think your advice is very good.
note: as i think i found a first and quick (dirty) solution i want to say thanks to you – and probably this might help others too.
Note2: i googled and found that such cases were found in the net many times. so i guess this is a issue some folks are struggling with.background and full story: i have encountered a so called “redirect [to a] Login to WooCommerce “My account” Page every time this process landed on the woocommerce myaccount page :: so it redirects to wp-login.php or in other words to page to the WooCommerce “My account” page: and this effect was combined with the fact that i often got the blank page with the error – “too many redirects” – “plz erase your cookies”. That was the error i encountered several months.
but James – i have found a quick and dirty solution (as a first attempt): Solution I have found a solution ( at least for me ) i switched off the woocommere-plugin: i guess that this helped a bit:
and yes ; i follow your advice and will ask further questions at the woocommerce site.
you can regard this thread as solved. I am happy bout being part of this great community. And i am thankful for you support here.
have a great day.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced iFrame] how to integrate a Map from a external source!?hi there – thank you michael – well i am not on the same domain – i.e. i am on a complete other dom. And it would suffice if i am able to use the map itself – but if you say – that i am able to use the tools on the left side – it would be awesome
look forward to hear from you - we could go and create custom Fields -( Creating custom fields in the Participants Database to store the necessary information for each participant, such as: