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Works like a champ too.
Maybe those having SFC issues should give that one a shot. So far so good for me.Cookies! I never thought of that. Entr’s suggestion is a good one. Love to know what Otto thinks. So I’ve been trying to figure out why this started working for me all of a sudden – I didn’t change browsers, nothing different. So I dunno. I just installed this again, on a different site, different server.
I started having the same issues as before. What I did this time was un-install a few things. This wasn’t my site, I was helping a friend with her existing site. What I shut down was a Meebo plugin, it had a Facebook doodad on it, I believe a “LIKE” feature. And she also had a comment plugin for Facebook that wasn’t being used. Seeing how really those were redundant anyway and she didn’t need those any more I shut ’em off, actually I removed both entirely.
And presto, it worked. BUT, the last time when I installed SFC I didn’t have those other plug ins. Honestly it seemed like SFC started working all by itself – which you and I know just doesn’t happen. However, I would suggest that you give this plug in a little time regardless. When I did the install Facebook was changing a bunch of things. To totally spit ball an idea – maybe this plug in needs just a little time to get all its ducks in a row from your server, to Facebook’s API, to your web browser. I’m sure that’ll get a snicker or two but I have no other suggestions, especially since mine seem to just start working after about a week of half assing around.
Ken of Kentropolis. Not to dis Otto in any way at all, but if you are looking for a social media log in, Google + is a good option and there is a WP plug in floating around here on the WP site. It plays nice with SFC too – I actually have both FB & G+ log ins for my WP site ( https://www.maxmurdok.com/wp-login.php ) The only thing I would like to do is change the graphics to something consistent with WP or my theme.
No idea if this will help anyone but there ya go….
Ok,…so now it’s working.
I just logged in to continue troubleshooting and it didn’t double back on itself.Logged in like butter.
I wish I had something to post for others having this same issue, but regrettably I don’t know why it started working. Very strange, but I’m not gonna complain. Just wish I knew what would cause this issue in the first place.
Guess all I can say is install it, and leave it be for a while. Everything is working fine.
I don’t know what other information I could possibly share. If I’m missing something please let me know and I’ll share additional info.
Under WordPress>Users>Your Profile>Facebook Connect – everything seems in order. It’s connected.
In WordPress>In the plugs settings for SFC token checks I have:
User ID and Access Token found! Automatic profile publishing is ready to go!
Application Access Token found! Automatic application wall publishing is ready to go!
Fan Page Access Token found! Automatic fan page publishing is ready to go!Should there be more? Are these all the tokens?
Can you rule out the recent FB update causing this issue. Can you also rule out my FB’s https setting as a possible cause? I got nothing else that I can pin point. I’ve spent a fair amount of time going over all the settings. I shut down anything I thought may conflict with SFC…anything that had anything to do with facebook, such as Meebo toolbar. Does a list exist anywhere with possible conflicting plugins?
And please, correct me if I am wrong – would a new user to my site have to first register for the site ( as normal, as in prior to installing the plugin ), then go to their User Settings and enable WP<->FB connect in order to connect to the site using FB in the future? Just curious.
I know supporting plugins, especially free ones gets old fast – so I really do appreciate your time Otto. Seriously. I have no problem contributing to your beer fund if we can figure this issue out. That would be the least I could do.
Again, thanks!
Hey again Otto
Yep, the WP account & FB are connected.My FB page is https://www.facebook.com/maximurdok
jk_ brought up the facebook update ( good point! ), and I just now had a thought about the https
Do you think either would be effecting the plugin? I have the new timeline layout on my facebook page ( why I included the link )Like I said, seems to me that everything else ( as in sidebar widgs I’m using & Like ) is working just fine, its pulling feeds and allowing “like” to follow thru – its just reversing back on itself with the login from the wp-login – I’ve had a couple friends try it out as well with the same results.
Any other ideas?
Thanks for the quick follow up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No input file specified on homepageI’m having this same issue on my home page. I can get in to all of my files hosted. My question is, what specifically do I need to edit to fix this issue.
Thanks much