Forum Replies Created
Hi Cassel, Thanks so much and sorry I did not respond sooner. Having that option is great, so I will probably go with the S2M+MC plugin and see how it works out. I appreciate your help, and Ryan’s too!
Thank you both cassel and ryantcarter. What I need is a plugin that syncs from S2Member to MailChimp — people will not be permitted to sign up for this newsletter via MailChimp, they have to be members to receive it, so it’s important that changes in S2Member sync to MailChimp, but user changes will not be made in MailChimp (and should not affect the S2Member/WordPress database). So from what I read about these plugins, the mymail plugin probably fits the bill better? Thanks again for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Plugin Conflict with S2Member ProHi Jeff, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Here’s the message I get when I try searching for a user:
WordPress database error: [Not unique table/alias: ‘wp_usermeta’]
(followed by a lot of SQL query stuff)Curiously, when I’m logged in as admin on the site, and try to go to the dashboard from the toolbar along the top, I get the message that I have insufficient permissions to access the page. But if I go to “widgets” for example I have no problem, and can get back to the dashboard via that route. Again, these errors only occur when I have both S2Member and WP e-commerce activated. I tried using a default theme and the same problems persist.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Export User Data] Exporting S2Member EOT dateThanks, I will look forward to your new release, as this looks like a really useful plugin.
Hi dFactory, just started using your plug-in with the WordPress native gallery to replace NextGen… can you please explain how captions are taken from link titles rather than image titles? (My images do not link to anything.) Where do I enter the text that I want to use for a caption? The “hack” posted by christianthibault works well to bring up the actual image caption, but as with Native Imaging I don’t want to use a hack on every site, and it may break at some future date. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Members List Plugin] Members List causes error with user updateNo sooner did I post this than I received an email from the plugin developer. Deleting the class/google_maps.php file, and then commenting out the Google Maps info from the core/meta.php file (lines 90+), did the trick and all is up and running again. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Search Widget] Will your plugin work with SearchWP?Hi Dave,
Thanks so much for replying. The SearchWP folks say they are working on adding bbPress to their search function, so hopefully that will happen soon. Thanks again for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Checkboxes outputting "Array"Thank you, philmcdonnell, your solution works and we are up and running! And thank you to Takayuki Miyoshi, this is a terrific and valuable plug-in and we’ll look forward to the official fix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Checkboxes outputting "Array"Same problem here. Checkboxes used to work fine so I think it is an upgrade issue? Here’s my code:
[checkbox InsuranceType "Auto" "Homeowner's" "Umbrella" "Watercraft" "Commercial" "Other"]
The rest of the form works fine but I really need those checkboxes. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Hey, where's my widget styling?Thank goodness I tried the upgrade on my development site before updating the live site! My events list widget also lost all styling. Now I have done the folder and widget re-naming as above, but the styling is still not right, and although I have asked for the next 10 upcoming events I am only getting 2. Is there going to be a bug fix for this? Is there a guide somewhere on how to update all the custom styling we’ve done, to match the new version? Just noticed my calendar view has gone to heck as well. I love this plug-in so I want to make it work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Unable to update eventsHi Jonah,
Sorry to have been a bother! I downloaded your current Events Calendar and replaced my “beta” version, and everything seems to be working fine now. Once again, I truly appreciate how responsive and helpful you and everyone at Modern Tribe have been. Would not hesitate to recommend this plug-in!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Unable to update eventsHi Jonah,
Now I remember. About a year ago Rob La Gatta kindly let me download beta code because I was having an issue with not being able to update locations for events. It must have had a tentative label of 2.1. So I should probably try downloading your “current” version and see if that fixes all problems?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Not allowed to add subpageI am having the same problem with a site currently in local development. This is a real problem as the parent page is visible only to logged-in users, thus protecting all of its sub-pages. Any ideas? Many thanks!
I am really pleased with this plugin, thank you! I also would like the excerpt functionality; do you have an estimated release date for your update?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Divs instead of paragraph tags – bug in 3.3.1?I am finding a similar problem with two different installations of WordPress; the client pasted text into the visual editor and we got the <div> tags for each paragraph; so he was unable to create spaces between the paragraphs. I just tried on a local installation typing text directly into the post box, did a switch from Visual to HTML to add a “mailto” link, came back to Visual and lost my ability to create space between the paragraphs. I can always go back into HMTL and fix this, but my clients can’t — if you figure out what the problem is can you please post it? Thank you!