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Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Can't find my root directory@payyattil – as per forum rules, please start your own topic as it is unrelated to the OP.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can't access my site@tony979 –
The database for any WordPress site is not, I say again, not, in any file in the file system on the hosting account (server). It is in a database which is located in another area of your hosting account, and one accesses is with the hosting account’s database admin tool, generally, a brand name tool named phpMyAdmin.
You mention that the site was/is hosted on GD. To create an export file, as Patty and vtxyzzy point out, you would have had to use the database admin tool in your GD hosting control panel to do so and download it to your computer.
If you still have access to your GD hosting control panel, then log in, find the database tool and export the database. Refer to GD’s help/support (Google it) for the exact procedure as it relates to your particular hosting account plan (older plans have a “home-rolled” hosting control panel as opposed to the newer Linux ones which now use a popular brand of hosting control panel, namely cPanel (a brand name, BTW).
Another choice is the Wappalyzer browser extension.
Identifies not just the CMS but other technologies as well.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionI too have seen other instructions that say to create a new user and assign all privileges … and then I answer the database connection error posts here ??
On a local install I see no reason not to use the default user as long as one is not setting it up to be accessed from elsewhere; then of course one has to correctly do so.
Regarding the move to live:
When you set up the new, empty database on your hosting account into which you will be importing the export file from your local install you will be using the unique user of the hosting account. This is why, after the files are moved from the local site, one has to edit the wp-config.php now on the hosting account with the live site database connection credentials.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Contact formHere is a great place to look ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can't access my siteYour entries (posts and pages) are stored in and retrieved from the database, which would be where your site was (is) hosted.
If you still have access to your hosting account, use whatever database tool their control panel offers to export the database.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionNo need to create a new database user; use the MAMP default ??
Re-name the wp-config.php file (e.g. wp-config_ORG.php) which will allow the installer to run again.
Assuming your MAMP installation is configured with it’s default settings:
Create a new, empty database
1. go to the MAMP Start Page – select Open start page from the MAMP Control Panel if the page is not already open in one of your browser tabs/windows
2. select phpMyAdmin from the Tools menu drop down or enter
in a new browser tab/window3. in phpMyAdmin, select the Databases tab
4. enter a database name (lower case, no spaces or special charaters – for this example I’ll use
) in the Create database box then select the Create button5. a notification will show that the above database has been created
6. notice that the new, empty macwordpress1 database is now in the list in the left side bar
7. close the phpMyAdmin tab/window as that is all there is to do for the database; the WordPress installer will create the necessary tables and populate them accordingly
Then start the install again:
– at the first screen, select the Create a Configuration File button
– at the next screen, select the Let’s go! button
– at the next screen enter the following:— Database Name: macwordpress1
— User Name: root (this is the default MAMP database user name)
— Password: root (this is the default MAMP database password)
— Database Host: localhost
— Table Prefix: wp_ (leave as-is)– select the Submit button
– All right, sparky! … select the Run the install buttonForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Landing Page setupHere is a great place to check out ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Dashboard Not Working1. At GoDaddy
– change your domain’s nameservers to the Bluehost nameservers; you will have received an email when you signed up with Bluehost which contains the 2 values, or view them here:
– follow the instructions in this GD support link, second option:
Setting Custom Nameservers for a Domain Name Registered with Us
Note that is can take up to 48 hours for this change to become effective; this is normal.
2. You new WP site on Bluehost
– here is one of many tutorial which guide you through the process of moving your content from Blogger to WordPress:
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Wordpres Ofline installation is diff. hard driveSound as though this would be a question for the Web Platform Installer forum ??
Alternatively, you may want to consider a different local server “stack”, such as my personal fave of many years, Uniform Server, or other popular ones like XAMPP and WAMPServer.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Help with theme move from local server to liveThen there’s always the “long answer” ??
Local Site:
– export the database
– ZIP the contents of the siteLive Site:
– use phpMyAdmin (or your hosting account’s database tool) to create a new, empty database (no spaces in the name)
– import the exported local database .sql file
– edit thesiteurl
fields in the wp_options table with the new live site URL:—
– upload the ZIP file and unZIP (or copy the local site files via FTP) to the desired location on the hosting account (generally the root of the account, public_html)
– edit the wp-config.php file there with the live database connection credentials (use the edit file option of your hosting account’s file manager to do so)
– log into the live site Dashboard:https://www.my_domain.com/wp-admin
– install and run this plugin:
— select all options EXCEPT the last one (GUID)
– go to Settings > Permalinks and just re-save
– if broken links remain, then upload this script to the root of your hosting account and run it:
— this script updates the URLs that are stored in the database as serialized strings, which the plugin mentioned above does not handle– go to Settings > Permalinks and just re-save if you had to run this script and then delete it from your hosting account
Done ??
I know it seems like a lot of steps/work, but it is quite straight forward and provides one with a better understanding (hopefully) of what is going on and why.
Yes, there are plugins that do this, such as Duplicator and BackupBuddy, but again, one does not get a gist of what’s happening. And if something goes pear-shaped using them, then it’s off to the plugin’s support forum to find out what went wrong.Using this method, which I always use, I can get a local site to live in under 5 minutes ??
Once the site is live and running tickety-boo, then please do as RossMitchell noted and that is set up a proper child theme of TwentyFouteen:
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Localhost redirects to www.localhostUse phpMyAdmin (or whatever database tool you use or USBWebserver uses) to edit the
fields in the wp_options table in your WP database. Enter the complete URL:https://localhost:8080
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: How to have multiple WordPress Sites Locally on my PCOne does additional installs of WP using Bitnami in the same way as other AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) “stacks” (XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP (Mac)) etc.
The only difference is that you had to have used the default settings for Bitnami during it’s initial install, that is, you had left the “phpMyAdmin” option enabled so that you are able to easily create new, empty databases for the additional WP installs.
Assuming you used the default installation path for Bitnami, your Bitnami web root is located at:
– extract the downloaded WP ZIP package to this location
– a folder namedwordpress
will be created which contains all the files necessary for a WP site
– rename this folder to something else so as not to be confused with the initial and subsequent installs; no spaces in the name
– for this example, usewordpress2
– from the Bitnami control panel, selectOpen phpMyAdmin
– click theDatabases
– enter a name in theCreate database
entry box and clickCreate
– for this example, enterwordpress2
(or whatever you like, just no spaces)
– start the WP installation by entering the following in your browser:
– click the
Create a Configuration File
– click theLet's go!
– enter the following:— Database Name: wordpress2 (or whatever you named it)
— User Name: root
— Password: the password you entered during the initial install for the WP log in
— Database Host: localhost
— Table Prefix: wp_ (leave as-is)– click the
– your name should now besparky! :-) ... click the
Run the install` button
– complete the next screen as required; note to un-check thePrivacy
item for local installs
– click theInstall WordPress
– log in ??Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Installing WordPress locallyThe default Apache port setting for MAMP is 8888, which then gives you the URL of
. If you are successfully accessing your server (site?) athttps://localhost
then you must have changed that to port 80 in the MAMP settings.This will not create any problems when moving the site “live” as all the URLs will need to be changed once moved. Not to fret: there is a plugin for that, and one of the more popular ones, and the one I always use, is:
— select all options EXCEPT the last one (GUID)
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: WordPress Pages Not Showing After Site Copy To LocahostNot sure what else to suggest as this is the method I have successfully used many times.
One thing that comes to mind now that you mention some plugins may be affecting this, is to deactivate them on the live site before exporting the database as the settings may be stored there and if so are usually done so as serialized strings, making them difficult to change directly.