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  • Howdy,

    The “main issue” is that WordPress (among other scripts) creates and then unpacks the files and folders in a folder called wordpress, instead of, IMHO, doing like Joomla! does when you unpack the archive (ZIP file) and just extract the files and folders where they are and does not create this “unnecessary” folder! … it screws up a lot of folks! … me included! ??

    OK, rant over ??

    All that you needed to do was to use the Go Daddy (GD) Hosting Account File Manager to move the files from the /wordpress folder to your /sirleif folder ??

    If I understand you correctly, you deleted everything from your account? Going to start again? Did you install both WordPress instances with the GD Hosting Connections “one-click” install?

    Personally, what I would do now is manually install WP for both domains.

    1) using the GD Hosting Dashboard FTP File Manager (FM), upload the WP package ZIP to the root of your site
    2) once uploaded, select the ZIP then click the “Unarchive” icon from the toolbar; accept / as the location
    3) once this has unarchived successfully, then select the ZIP again and click the Move icon from the toolbar and select /sirleif as the destination (recreate the folder if you have also deleted this)
    4) do the same Unarchive at this location, making sure that it shows /sirleif when asked where to unarchive
    5) if you created both previous installs with the “one click” method, then the database info will need to be retrieved so that you can edit the wp-config.php file in each location

    To access that info, select Databases > MySQL from the top menu, then click on the pencil icon for each one to view the DB Details page where you fill find the values you need to enter into the wp-config.php file:

    Hostname, Database User name, Password, Host Name … jot down these values for each DB

    Go back to the FM, and for each wp-config.php file, select it and click the Edit icon from the toolbar; edit the 4 values and save and close.

    And to add your second domain, do this:

    1) log in and get to your GD Hosting Dashboard
    2) select Settings > Domain Management
    3) click “Add Domain” (upper right)
    4) at the next screen, enter the second domain (with OUT the www.) in Domain: and in Folder: enter sirleif so that the entry looks like this /sirleif
    5) click “OK” and then wait for a while (up to an hour or so) before this domain addition has a chance to take effect



    but I still can’t set up the wp-config.php file.

    How, exactly, are you determining this? I use both XAMPP and WAMP on Win 7 – 64 bit with no issues. What is the error? What is or is not happening?
    Do you (did you) have XAMPP or WAMP running when you were attempting the installation? (they HAVE to be running! … Apache and MySQL)

    I’ll go through it with you right now (working on my Win 7 64 bit system):

    A. – Start XAMPP 1.7.3

    1) start the XAMPP Control Panel (1.7.3 is what I am using)
    2) Apache – click Start (do NOT tick the Svc box!); the green ‘Running’ appears
    3) MySQL – click Start (do NOT tick the Svc box!); the green ‘Running’ appears
    4) minimize the Control Panel as both required servers are now running’

    B. – Get the WP package ready for installation

    1) Start > Computer > XAMPP > htdocs
    2) create a new folder at this location and name it mywordpress (just like that, lower case, no spaces)
    3) paste into this folder, the WP package ZIP that you downloaded
    4) right click the ZIP file and select Open with > Windows Explorer
    5) a new window will appear with a wordpress folder in it; double click this wordpress folder
    6) right click anywhere in the clear (that is, NOT on a file or folder) and select Extract All …
    7) edit the default path displayed in the resulting popup dialog so that it is C:\xampp\htdocs\mywordpress
    8) you will now have in your /mywordpress folder, the wordpress ZIP and the wordpress folder
    9) open the wordpress folder, select ALL the files and folders and the cut and paste them into the mywordpress folder (basically “moving them up a level”)
    10) NOW you are ready to start the installation process

    C. – WordPress Installation

    1) in your fave browser (which should be Chrome or Firefox :)), enter localhost/xampp into the address bar and click Enter
    2) click phpMyAdmin in Tools (lower left)
    3) in the right pane under MySQL localhost > Create new database, enter mywordpress and click Create (you can name it anything you like, lower case, no spaces, but for this example, let’s keep it simple and use the same name as the folder)
    4) when the “Database mywordpress has been created.” appears, enter localhost/mywordpress into the address bar and press Enter
    5) click the “Create a Configuration File” button
    6) at the next screen, click the “Let’s go!” button
    7) enter the following values for the database connection details:

    – Database Name: mywordpress
    – User Name: root
    – Password: EMPTY!!! make SURE there is NOTHING in this field, not even a space!
    – Database Host: localhost
    – Table Prefix: wp_

    8) click the “Submit” button


    i)The database connection details confuse a LOT of folks! The key point here is that this has absolutely NOTHING to do with accessing the Admin area of your WordPress site!!!


    iii) For local installs, leave the Database Prefix as it is, wp_, for simplicity’s sake

    9) OK there “sparky”, go ahead and click that “Run the install” button ??
    10) at the next screen, fill out as desired, with the following notes:

    i) for local sites ONLY, I always leave the Username as admin

    ii) for local sites ONLY, I always use 123123 for the password as it’s so easy to type and I’m lazy ??

    iii) put whatever you want for an email (it can NOT be empty or in a non-email format), but be advised, on a local install with one of the local server stacks (XAMPP in this case), you will NOT, by DEFAULT, have mail services; that is an additional function that is NOT covered in this example

    iv) optionally, un-check the “Allow my site to appear in search engines like Google and Technorati.”

    11) click the “Install WordPress” button
    12) at the next screen, click the “Log In” button
    13) enter the Username and Password you entered in Step C.10) above (admin/123123 in this example)
    14) ?? there’s the “back end” of your new, local WordPress site! ??
    15) to access the “front end”, in a new tab enter localhost/mywordpress into the address bar and press Enter
    16) remember, to access the admin log in, the address is localhost/mywordpress/wp-admin


    i) remember that XAMPP (or whatever “stack” <XAMPP, WAMP, Uniform Server, etc.> you are using) HAS TO BE RUNNING (Apache and MySQL) for you to access your local sites, front or back

    ii) this local server is not limited to WordPress; you can also install other scripts such as Joomla!, Drupal, PrestaShop, eFront, Moodle, etc.; installation procedures are similar, notably the database connection details are THE SAME!!!(for the same “stack”) user: root, password: <empty>, database host: localhost; you still have to create a new database in advance with phpMyAdmin (C. 1,2,3)

    iii) you can have as many local sites as you have hard disk space for! If you think you “screwed one up”, just start a new one ?? … takes less than 5 minutes once you do a few ??

    Enjoy! ??



    The easiest way to do a “local install” is to use one of the many “pre-packaged” local server “stacks” (Apache, MySQL, PHP)

    The most popular ones are:
    Windows: XAMPP, WAMPServer, The Uniform Server (my personal fave)

    Mac: MAMP (my fave there), XAMPP

    Google will show you were to get them; install and follow the instruction from the respective site; also search the Docs here as there are step-by-step instructions for most of them ??



    Just to re-enforce the above, I go through these motions on a regular basis (three times this past week alone): purchase the domain at Go Daddy and install the site on HostGator (mind you, I ALWAYS do a manual install ?? ) On a dot com domain, the “usual” propagation time is 1 to 2 hours; I’ve seen faster and I’ve also seen slower. dot org and dot ca “seem” to take longer, but I have never “timed” them.


    You are not going to be able to do that with your blog running on MAMP … this is why it is called a “local” installation!

    However, you can set up your router to port forward and have it “visible from the street” (the whole internet), but this is DEFINITELY NOT for the techno-phobe/newbie/etc… you gotta know what you doing and getting yourself into by basically “hosting” you own site.

    What I suggest is that you copy your now-functioning local site to a remote hosting account if you want to send links to it to your friends. There are many different approaches to this; search this forum and the WP docs for more info ??

    By the look of what I see when I go to your URL, either you have not yet set the Domain Name Servers at Go Daddy to your HostGator Domain Name Server values, or you have, and they haven’t propagated yet.

    1) Log in to your HG cPanel and scroll to the bottom of the page; in the left side bar, you will see in the Account Information, two values for Name Servers, in the form of; these two values are what you will need to enter over at GD

    2) Log in to your GD account, scroll to the bottom of the page and under Account Manager, click My Account

    3) When My Domains is displayed, click on the domain in question

    4) When the Domain Details page is displayed, at the lower left, notice the Nameservers area; click on the Set Nameservers link

    5) Click the last of the 4 option radio buttons: “I have specific nameservers for my domains.”

    6) Copy and Paste the Name Server values from HG into the respective Nameserver 1 and Nameserver 2 boxes then click OK

    7) Wait from 1 to 2 hours and the DNS will have propagated and you will be on your way ??


    I do believe that the YT vid was a little bit hasty in how fast the domain name would be propagated ?? Within your HG cPanel, you should find a temporary URL that you can use until such time as your own becomes fully available (can sometimes take up to 48 hours!)

    Question: did you get your domain from HG or did you register it with some other place (such as Go Daddy)? I always purchase my domains at Go Daddy as they arguably have the best prices; I then just update my DNS record at GD to reflect the HG name servers; this process takes about 1 to 2 hours for a [dot] com URL; longer for [dot] org or [dot] net (even longer for [dot] ca ! ??


    Howdy rlb5256,

    Where are you trying to install WP? On a hosting account (such as Go Daddy, HostGator, BlueHost, etc.) or on your own computer using a local host such as XAMPP, WAMPServer, MAMP, etc? … makes all the difference in the world as to what your “database credentials” are ??


    You will not be able to use the password recovery on a local installation unless you have set up your local server to incorporate a mail server, which by default, MAMP (free) does not offer.

    This is why it is very important to remember (write it down somewhere? ?? ) what your user name and password are when you are installing WP (or anything else, for that matter).

    You can find out what you entered for a user name by opening the MAMP window, then click ‘Open Start Page’; once that is open, click the phpMyAdmin tab; then click on the database name for your WP installation in the left pane; once that “expands”, click on wp_users, then click the “browse” tab in the right pane; you will then see what the user_login is but the user_pass is “salted” and “hashed” which simply means that it is not human-readable. I am not familiar with resetting the admin password for WP, but I know how to edit it for a Joomla! site (the hash and salt are different, so I don’t believe one can use J! for WP).

    That said, all I can suggest (barring searching this forum or Google for a password rest) is that you simply create another WP install within MAMP and THIS TIME WRITE DOWN YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD!!! ??

    To do so, just create another folder within the htdocs folder and call it, say, wordpress2; create a new database named the same; then extract the WP install into this new folder (remembering to move all the contents of the extracted ‘wordpress’ folder up one level to /wordpress2) then start the install again by entering:

    localhost:8888/wordpress2 … have a pen and paper handy! ??


    1) MAMP has to be running; both the Apache and MySQL icons must be green

    2) for MAMP, the default address is:


    Example: Your MAMP “web site root” is here:

    … so, if your WP install is in a folder named wordpress (note, to keep things “simple”, ALWAYS use lower case and NO SPACES!), then to access the “front end” of the site, enter this into your browser:


    To access the Admin Login, enter:


    Note that that is a FULL COLON between localhost and 8888 (two dots)



    If you are using a free hosting account at Go Daddy with WordPress (or Joomla! or Drupal or any other script that uses PHP) you are going to have issues; it’s stated in their help section. Basically, it has to do with the mechanism they use to insert the header and the ads in these free accounts. Been there, done that, saved what hair I have left and went to a paid account ??



    Generally, most local servers are not set up to handle mail; you would need to have installed and running a mail serer of some sort.

    XAMPP has Mercury Mail, but I have not tried it yet.


    I should also note that you should NOT “left click” any of the WP files as they will, as you notice, open with whatever you have set as the default app to open them; in your case GoLive.

    Instead, “right click” (control-click on the Mac) and select ‘Open with’ from the popup and then choose TextEdit. NEVER, EVER use MS-Word or the like to edit PHP, HTML, CSS, files!


    Here is the abridged version ??

    1) you have downloaded MAMP … good, now you have to INSTALL IT and START IT! ?? By default, MAMP will start the Apache and MySQL servers when you start it; their indicators will be green when they are running; if not, click the ‘Start Servers’ button and wait until they turn green from red; they HAVE to be running to work on WP (or anything else) locally.

    2) your local WP (or whatever) sites go here:
    – create a folder withing htdocs and call it mywordpress for example (lower case, no spaces)
    – copy the WP install ZIP to this location and extract it
    – you will then have a wordpress folder within mywordpress; select all the contents of wordpress and drag them “up one level” to mywordpress (you can then delete the empty wordpress folder

    3) bring the MAMP control panel to the foreground and click ‘Open start page’
    – click the phpMyAdmin menu item at the top
    – when phpMyAdmin opens, create a new, empty database; enter a name for the database (let’s use mywordpress to be consistent – lower case, no spaces) where it says ‘Create new database’ then click ‘Create’
    – once that shows ‘Database mywordpress has been created’, you can close phpMyAdmin

    4) now you’re ready to run the install ??
    – enter localhost:8888/mywordpress into your browser to begin the install
    – let the installer create the wp-config file
    – at the database section enter these values:

    Database name: mywordpress
    User name: root
    Password: root
    Hostname: localhost
    Table prefix: wp_

    – click Submit and if all goes well you will see the Run the install; click it ??

    Fill out the info on the next screen as required; on a local site, I always leave the username as admin and use 123123 for the password as it’s easy to type and remember! ?? Enter whatever you like, but then MAKE SURE you can remember it! … you’ll use this to log into the WP Admin … then click ‘Install WordPress’

    If you did everything correctly, you will see the ‘Success’ screen where you can click the ‘Log in’ to log into the site with the above-entered credentials ??

    That’s it! ?? … and I just did it and it took me less than 2 minutes ??

    So to access the site, it’s localhost:8888/mywrordpress and to access the admin login it’s localhost:8888/mywordpress/wp-admin

    BUT REMEMBER, MAMP HAS TO BE RUNNING for this to work ??



    Or, if your site is accessed by entering, you could just try removing everything after the and refresh your browser ??


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