Well, Whooami, I have to use 2.0.4 for one very good reason, rather, two. It is the last version that supports SmartRSS which I find indispensable.
I am not a programmer and am unable to create a replacement for the lovely new versions of WP I use on some sites that don’t require the feed. The other reason it that it seems no-one elst is capable of creating a replacement for SmartRSS that actually works.
Sadly it’s another ‘rock and hard-place’ dilemma.
If you have knowledge of something that feeds a WP blog v2.7 automatically with articles from sites such as ArticleDashboard, I’d be extremely grateful for the information.
The last thing I tried (I forget the name) did feed 2.7 from external sites, but the cron that it was supposed to run on failed miserably (despite trying every php cron version known to man! lol). The only way to update was manually, which sort of defeats the object.
All the best, Bruce.