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  • Thread Starter 3NT


    Sorry, forgot. It was done through the widgets.

    Thread Starter 3NT


    Looking forward for update. I was always preferred this widget rather then TG Highlited Posts.



    2@mvlt If you’re afraid that your website will look like the image on the right – no, it will still look like your website. I do remember your site from the time we were all having trouble with 3.0 update… The only problem I had after that is disappearing tags. It used to be always “on” but is some point they add this feature into customizer and made default option “off”. It was detailed advise where to find it on previous page of the forum.

    And as for the classic (before 3.0) look, your site is already beyond that. But there is a plenty of topics with the codes from around that update time.



    Something like that happened with me around the time this message was written. But it reminded me situation from the past, but it took me a while to remember solution.

    So, you know how we all fight with aggressive youtube advertising? An getting extensions to block it? And youtube find it and we switch to another and it goes on and on? Well, apparently some of those extensions treat share buttons as adverts (because it has external links) and block it for the viewer.


    Did you try to look at your site with adblockers and malwarebites extensions off?

    2 @futurepacer

    It’s not exactly ColorMag’s problem. It’s what wordpress do, if your images are not the size the theme use. Or not proportional (i.e. if image should be KxM and you use 2Kx2M, it still will be good, if it is 0.5Kx0.5M obviously, it will be blurred, if it is 1.5Kx2M, wordpress will crop it and then reduce megabyte’s size, so it will be blurred).

    In your situation, that is still not corrected, you chose the option “medium size” for image, that is already cropped and shrunk by all those mechanics. If you make the image up to your liking (smaller, obvious) and then choose image full size, then everything will be OK. Or, you could choose full size and then in the code write the dimensions you want in the post. Visually it will be the same but the page will load slower because you’ll have bigger image.

    Recommended sizes, if anybody else needs:

    2 @doctorbr

    Would you publish the solution here? For those who have the same issue but din’t contact support. Because my speed dropped too but I have other speed affecting things like amount of plugins, a lot of images with quality I don’t want to downgrade more than it already is… But I still want to make everything possible to improve the situation.

    Oh, I know what it is. Accidently, because at some point I was helping a friend who had too many plugins that add columns to the menu.

    So, what’s going on, when plugins or something are adding columns to the menu, you have no control on how wide each column. So at some point wordpress shrink the column with title. In my friend case it was 3 small letters on the line and it was impossible!

    So, what happened after update. ColorMag added one column, “total views”, as a result the posts titles were “shrunk” the way you’ve shown on your screenshot.

    How to deal with it? Don’t really know. Personally, I don’t know why people might need total views. I would get rid of it, but at the moment I don’t know how. You’ve got colored dots, I bet it’s from YEOST plugin. It has somewhere the settings not to be shown at the panel, that’s exactly what I did for my friend in the same situation.

    Thread Starter 3NT


    1. After reading everything on problems with update I made some adjustments to the code you gave and ended up with:
      .cm-entry-summary p{
      font-size: 1.6rem;
      line-height: 1.6;

      I’m not a coder, not sure if it up to the coding standards but it works. If anybody else is interested, they could use it.
    2. About page titles, they’re just missing. I rose this question here: . All the theme has now is H2 which is more a subtitle. So, there are now way to adjust the size of something that doesn’t exists. Zero multiplied to any value is still zero. As for the titles on posts, somewhere down the line there is an advise. I don’t know if I’m going to use it because I didn’t like the original titles as well, too big and too thin, and I do not like the current ones – it’s too thick and a little bit too small. I’d better have something in between.
    3. As to the theme looking good, (I do understand that it’s not your job and the job you’re doing, trying to sort out all that mess, you’re doing good), your designers should see the optician and get new glasses. After they do it, they will see that all the elements on updated theme do not match each other. The fonts that are too small, or different in colored boxes and everything is not on the same line. They did do good job on screwing up nice looking theme. That’s why the community so unhappy and trying to get the fixes to make it look like it was before. Your designers should be penalized and half of their salaries should go to you and to hire another support member because there so many questions that it’s obvious you’re overload with it.
    4. As for “font-weight customization … The option for changing the value is not a free feature” you’ve already been told on several occacions that it’s nothing to do with premium features and that the code was already giving in the forum on several occasions. So I spent my time and found all those things. If I was a coder I would easily write the one on my own because it’s just a 3 lines…
    5. As for taxonomy-description code I asked above, I figured out what it is, if anybody’s interested. It hides the descriptions of categories and other taxonomies. Original theme had none, so this code appeared somewhere in one of the updates. And I didn’t notice because I never done customization. It didn’t even existed when I’ve got this theme in a first place.

    Anyway, thanks for support, it gave me a starting point. And as I see, it’s better to have 1 problem per post, it makes it easier for everybody.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by 3NT.

    I’m 99% sure I know the reason. It’s what I was asking in – I suspect the space above the tags/date/author reserved for H1 title, but after update all the titles on pages were moved into H2 and H2 is not suppose to be there, so it is shown below tags and in smaller font.

    Thread Starter 3NT


    Sorry to say this. I’ve got ColorMag 3.0.2, straight out of package, not customized, updated through WordPress tools. Like a lot of people here. And the code is different, so, whatever you’ve got is not the same as whatever people have.

    Mine one the homepage (site in the 1st post), sorry, could not use the same type of view because after update, if you don’t do customizations, title iz not visible, so , just the code:

    image host

    You could see that “cm-site-title” appears only once, it’s under “style id=’colormag_style-inline-css’ type=’text/css'” (didn’t fit on the same screen).

    As for single page, the same thing you did, this one is for :

    image host

    And page title comes in

    “h2 class=”cm-entry-title”> Contact </h2 ” rather then H1

    So the question is is it possible that you’ve got newer version that it was not put into WP depository? And what’s going on and how to deal with all these things?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by 3NT.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by 3NT.


    About 1.

    With all due respect, even from your print screen, with naked eye, it’s visible that the title is not aligned. If you look at your red box and add extra horizontal line in the middle, it suppose to cross the text right in the middle. But it’s so obvious it will not. And if you’re not sure that I’m right, you could check webarchive page for the site above.

    After reading this I checked my site and some other sites from the topics on this forum. The same thing happens on all those sites on the categories. Single posts are OK.

    The question is what to do to get it back.

    2 @fitina20

    You site doesn’t look like “out of package Colormag”. I’m looking for some fixes myself and in one of the topic: I found some codes that fixed the things I don’t like and returned it to the original look.


    To be honest, ColorMag had problem with the lists (font size and line spacing) since the beginning. So, it’s not the update that brought it down. I always wanted to report it but I don’t use the lists very often and when I do it’s, somehow, coincides with major work/life overload. The same as now. I think, what I did is adding fontsize style in every line of the list and for spacing, probably, something too.

    I also would be really happy if the developers unified the fonts in all those elements.

    PS. Another issue from the beginning is h1-h6 titles. Was not fixed with this update either.

    2 @workmannen

    You could get read of block editor with plugin. i I don’t like it either and since WP moved to that direction I use “Disable Gutenberg” plugin. It even has an option to remove blocks editing in widgets area. I highly recommend this plugin.

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