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  • Thread Starter 3tonine


    Lol… I feel sorry about that too, now I have your words I can just mark this as resolved. hey, nice to talk to you, have a goodday ??

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    It wouldn’t even show the user that he already logged in? OMG, Bravo… I’ll do a clean install of local copy to confirm that, and come back here to close this topic, thank you so much for your prompt advice ??

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    I am I am, tell me more! (waving hands up high)

    What if I just want to have respective group icon showing at the end of each line of event, on the event list (The little table under the search section).

    I know events-list.php,and or event-single.php is the template I should modify… that’s all I know ??

    By learning that I guess I can figure out how to do other stuff like adding the Fee and Event Thumbnail, hopefully.

    Right now I’m using “override with formats” because I need that to help with my single event page layout (again, adding thumbnail, tags, etc)

    Then I got these codes from previous codes as you suggested:

    $event_group = groups_get_group( array( ‘group_id’ => $event->group_id ) );

    <?php if ($event->group_id > 0) : ?>
    “><?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar(‘object=group&item_id=’.$event_group->id) ?>
    <small><?php echo $event_group->name ?></small>

    <?php endif; ?>

    Without changing the plugin’s folders and files, just by child theme templates and admin setting, how should I implement this little icon? Pls pls advice.

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    So there were requests for these functions already, understood.

    Thanks Angelo you’ve been great help, have a goodday!

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    In my understanding, customization doesn’t involve “just to show the content right with the default theme”

    In this case, it is buddypress default theme. Because “add event by a member” should be a buddypress + events manager function right? It should show properly with the official theme. Instead of breaking it’s markup.

    I believe it doesn’t happen to everyone, or a lot of people, because this problem only happens under particular circumstances – the right event number, with the right events manager setting, right member with right privileges. These actually are not of my concerns at all. After two long nights of debugging, all I care is WHO did the wrong! Turns out, this is the killer:


    The victim, my site, it’s markup broke, because there’s an extra close tag </div>. It came from the function the_content on my template (this function appears in every single wp theme on earth right?).

    the_content got a set of <form> from EM, EM wrapped it with a “css-event-form” class div, but after passing certain condition loops in the em-template-tags.php, the “css-event-form” div came out with two div closing tag, which accidentally closed the em-wrapper div right outside, then its originally closing tag was left out, which then again, accidentally closed my template’s original content wrapper.

    Such a long story… anyway, after all of the accidents, the template’s main content column div was closed too early and lost its full clearfix, which eventually broke the markup, thank you very much.

    To sum up, adding comment lines after echoing tags is crucial, in my case, it is fatal… if there were hints telling me which tag should go with which, I wouldn’t end up spending two nights checking my theme from head to toe, eventually found out all was happened before the get content function.

    Thanks all for participating. I can finally go to sleep…zZZ

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    Further test results:

    Plugins activated: Buddypress, BBpress, Events Manager

    Themes & results:

    Buddypress – Sidebar fell out of screen
    Magazine Basic – Second sidebar fell into footer area
    DW Minion – Sidebar fell into next row
    MesoColumn – Sidebar fell into next row

    PS. Everything updated to latest versions & no events manager related messages in error log.

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    Just now I realize the add event page also breaks buddypress default theme’s structure, the sidebar fall out of the screen… wow!

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    First, thanks for the head-up, actually that’s something I’ve been trying to do.

    Question then changed to … which should be considered as default theme for this plugin? I checked the plugin’s template folder, I didn’t see any sign of a single page template.

    Should I take the buddypress’s page.php as reference? but that doesn’t come with a second sidebar… “head scratching hard…awww…”

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    If I made a custom template for this particular page, would it help?

    If I do so, what type of template I should pick? Should I reference to some buddypress templates say member/plugin.php?

    Any advice would be great help, thanks all ??

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    Thanks for the reply Angelo, may I ask how is this condition going to help the situation and what should be the expected result if the condition’s requirement is meet?

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    Much much appreciated, your reply, and the attitude it shows. (Hat off & bow ??

    Let’s cut to the chase, yes, site owners do all kinds of stuff to their sites, sometimes so unexpectable and weird, it’s just hard to answer everyone’s needs but I gotta say, a right direction can always be pointed out with determination and a clear mind… (cut the crap pls… lol)

    Alright I’ll list my points from now on:

    Preview and excerpts:

    I think the plugin should have a default option to just get the feature image and the manual excerpt for a post, this way, the process is straight forward, and everyone knows what to do to work with the plugin. Auto generate thumbnails and excerpts should always be second choice or a fallback when the default option fails. And if for now, this plugin can’t work with shortcoded content, php content, let’s put them on hold and warn people, always always, manually prepare your feature images and excerpts before you put posts in the pool.


    I’d break the whole thing into let say 3 parts. i) Related posts, ii) Pagination/Load more button and iii) Promotions

    “List view wrapped in floating block elements” as default theme, for all kinds of device, all you need to do is to decided the post numbers, thumbnail size, text position and character counts. This way the layout is already responsive and always fitting the parent post width. All other additional choices are just fancy, not even worth their places in the core. (Or you can always put them in premium version ??

    Turning on off the plugin’s mobile theme section if a user not considering giving the list different thumbnail size and text number, text postion and direction, on smaller screens. That should end the layout’s basic feature. For how to load more related posts (ii), it should be just a replication of the first part (i), So if the first part works, the second part should also work. It can be as simple as an ajax button, or links of tags leading to the archive pages.

    The third part is like this (and I’m pretty sure you should add it, no matter how many people against it, and I can sense that you want to do it ?? a promotion area. It can be as simple as pulling a number of random posts from the “other taxonomies”, or an extra input box appears on every post edit page for people to put whatever they what there. Kind of works like a second manual excerpt area. But its content only shown with this plugin. And this is where you can do all kinds of magics, connecting to zemanta server, interacting with affiliate sites, showing ads, editors’ choices, newsletter submit, social sharing codes, author card, you name it. Eventually it becomes a signature showing the site is powered by zemanta, without even showing a powered by message.

    Cough… enough of bullxxxx from me, these barely qualified suggestions are just what I have to say, in the name of wordpress’s sharing spirit, with my very limited English. If code is poetry, let’s see zemanta’s work become an epic poem. Now let’s all go back to our real jobs and continue to live on our coffee, my best to you.


    PS. As in debug process, I think the plugin must be able to “fail”, so some plugin specified error messages can show up in the log. Instead of having the safety net to showing a default image, an empty excerpt box, a default list view, a default styling sheet… etc.

    Yup, it happens to me too…

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    NGFB Open graph, and my guess is, any plugins featuring the API would make page fail.

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    After a little dig in and help from NGFB’s developer, the result is we need to turn off the Transient Cache function to get the virtual management page to work, anyone encounter similar problem with this plugin can also consider it. Just here to leave a note and close the case, thank you.

    Thread Starter 3tonine


    Thanks to the help from js and the flexibility NGFB comes with, I’m able to avoid this conflict by disabling the TRANSIENT CACHE function. Just here to leave a note and close the case ??

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