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  • Hi Scott,

    I had sent you an email regarding this but I found this string. I’ve tried doing what you suggested but I cannot get it to work.

    I’m using a radio button to the price and drop down for qty. But when I’m redirected to paypal, it’s only showing the one amount in the radio.

    How Many Tickets? ($5 ea.) ‘[select* menu-606 “1” “2”]’
    How Many Tickets? ($200 ea.) ‘[radio* radio-478 “$5.00|5.00” “$10.00|10.00”]’

    I have menu-606 listed in Quantity Code with Item Price of 200.00. Then radio-478 listed in Price Code.


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Yes sir. That’s similar to what I used last time and it worked. But for some reason now it won’t. It could have something to do with I updated WordPress and all the plugins maybe?

    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    The slide where it is now is perfect. If I could just move up the page conent and the banner with it, then I would be in business.

    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Well kinda. The notre dame School of dallas gold banner should overhang the bottomline of the header a bit like it was when you helped me a while back. Not real sure why it didnt go back the way it’s supposed to when I restored the backed up database? I just don’t know how to get it back the way it was.
    I think it looks pretty good where it is but if it comes up, I don’t know how to fix it. Does that make sense.

    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    To temporarily make it look better, I added

    div.meteor-slides {
    padding: 20px;

    to the style sheet. That moved the yellow graphic and page content down while it moved the slideshow up instead of the yellow graphic overlapping the bottom part of the header. So I removed it from the style sheet and it stayed as is. Then I removed all the code, the one you sent me last time and the one listed above and it stayed. Not real sure why it stayed?

    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Hi Josh it’s me again! ??

    This same site ended up getting hacked late last week. UGH! So I have uploaded the backed up database and cleaned it up. I’m trying to put my header slideshow back on the home page back but I can’t seem to get it to move up. The code you provided for me last time, to add margin and padding worked like a champ but for some reason now it wont. I created the new slideshow, this time it’s called home slider in lieu of home header. So in the header php i corrected the name to home-slider and got it to show up on home page. I also changed in the css home-header to home-slider but it’s not working like it did last time. I’m 100% sure I’m doing something wrong but for the life of me, I can’t figure it out. Can you help?


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    I have sent what was requested via the contact form.


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    You are awesome! Thanks Josh. That did the trick.


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    That did the trick however, how to I move the slide show up in the header where it’s above the “The Notre Dame School of Dallas” Graphic?


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    So to make sure, using this code in place of the other on the homepage and to isolate it to use the new home slide show I created “home-header”, would it look like this then?

    <?php if(is_page_template(‘template-home.php’)) { if ( function_exists( ‘meteor_slideshow’ ) ) { meteor_slideshow( ‘home-header’ ); } } // Get slide if it is Home Page ?>

    Then on the job site page it would be [meteor_slideshow slideshow=”job-sites”]

    Or would I need to beusing the slideshow ID?

    I tried this but the slide show was not in the same place as it is with the original. It was pushed over to the left. I undid so I can try this evening when it’s late and no one is browsing.


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    I will give this a try. Thanks Josh really appreciate it.

    I’ll let you know how it turned out.


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Here is the code for slide-home.php

    <div class="slider-container row">
            <!-- SLIDER BEGIN -->
            <?php if ($data['bnk_slider_alt_control'] == '0') { ?>
                <div class="flexslider col_16">
    		<?php } else { ?>
                <div class="flexslider mobile-hide col_16">
    		<?php } ?>
                    <ul class="slides">
                        $query = new WP_Query();
                        $query->query('post_type='.__( 'slide' ).'&posts_per_page=-1');
                        if ($query->have_posts()) : while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();
                        	$caption = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'bnk_image_caption', true) ;
                        	$url = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'bnk_image_url', true) ;
                        	if ($url != "" ) { ?>
                                	<a>" ><?php the_post_thumbnail( 'slide-image' , array('title' => $caption) ); ?></a>
                                    <?php if ($caption ) { ?>
                                    <p class="flex-caption"><?php echo $caption; ?></p>
                                    <?php }  ?>
    						<?php } else { ?>
    								<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'slide-image' , array('title' => $caption) ); ?>
                                    <?php if ($caption ) { ?>
                                    <p class="flex-caption"><?php echo $caption; ?></p>
                                    <?php }  ?>
    						<?php } ?>
                    	<?php endwhile;  endif; // loop end?>
            <!-- SLIDER END -->
            <?php if ($data['bnk_slider_alt_control'] == '1' ) { ?>
                <!-- ALTERNATIVE TEXT BEGIN
                This will replace the Slider on mobile version -->
                <div class="mobile-only col_16" id="slider-mobile">
                    <h1 class="seriftype respond_1 textcenter"><?php echo $data['bnk_slider_alt']  ?></h1>
                <!-- ALTERNATIVE TEXT END -->
            <?php } ?>
    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Josh thanks for your feedback on this. I’ve never had a problem using meteor slides so definitely something with the theme. What’s really weird is the three images that are being used on the home page slider are in my meteor slide gallery. Before I installed the plugin, I’m not real sure where they were. I looked through everything. What would be the best way to do this. I’m not the best at coding. The first place I looked was at the header.php. I then looked at the home page template. It’s the only page using this template and the only page that has the slider in the header. In the header.php, I found the string. Would this be code that is drving the home page slider? <?php if(is_page_template(‘template-home.php’)) { include ‘lib/slide-home.php’; } // Get slide if it is Home Page ?> I tried replacing the ‘lib/slide-home.php’ with the meteor shortcode but it didn’t work. Any ideas?


    Thread Starter 4BWebDesign


    Hi Josh.

    The page the shortcode is on is:
    The shortcode used is:[meteor_slideshow] I only created that one slide show.

    If you look at the home page you can see the three images that I use on job site page is showing up in slider. Also when I look at the images that I added to the meteor slide show, the images used in the header show up in this gallery but they are not assigned to the slide show. Does that make sense.


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