Hi, thanks for your reply. I thought that was the case with the structured data code that Yoast SEO outputs, so it’s good to have it confirmed that we have it set up correctly. The thread is here – https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/217127361?hl=en&msgid=220533753 – however, the comment from Google has now been removed (although I have it on email) and placed on another post. There is a similar post that mentions Yoast using “webpage” > part of > “website” instead of explicitly defining the website as per Google’s guidance and another that says the markup can be seen but that Google “might not be showing it and instead a URL because we don’t have enough confidence in the name”. This apparently happens “if Search isn’t able to confidently determine a site name based on your home page’s metadata and other signals”. It’s disappointing if this is the case as the site name meets the content guidelines and is implemented correctly with structured data.