haha, Thanks for the fastest forum reponses I’ve ever been witness to.
Thanks for helping clear up the that public_html was the folder I should be focusing on.
Alas I found out the real problem. It appears I’m a duma$$, and that the 5 min install doesn’t apply to my kind.
Because my ftp client doesn’t upload subfolders and sub-subfolders, it wasn’t uploading the files inside the /wp-admin folder. It only uploaded the top folder files and not the subdirectory files. I had to manually create all the subfolders and upload their files. SmartFTP sucks… Anyone have any suggestions on a better free FTP client?
So anyways that was my problem.
I’ll be changing my forum user name to “5mininstallforpeopleWhoAren’tDumasssesLikeMe”