Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Editor shows blank pageI noticed, when I go via Templates, I can open the templates via site editor and have on that way also access to the site editor.
But the possibility to change the code of those templates has gone now, there is also no code switch on the editor page.
Is this planned to come back? Because it opens some more editing options and therefore it would be important.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Page Editor not visible AnymoreThanks. Thats NOT the reason. Also using other Browser or Computers dosn’t resolve the problem. I just posted this to let the developers know about this bug.
As well there is a delay in loading the header navigation and a lot of other bugs which haven’t been before.
I hope this gets fixed very soon.
I don’t understand how a plugin-version with so many bugs can be released!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AWS for WordPress] Manual put Player & Limit on Bulk UploadHi thanks,
I wouldn’t say that there is no requirement for that:
Please consider most people don’t even realize this issue, because they don’t get a bill from AWS and so they never get in touch with AWS Customer Service, who then explained me the problem.The problem is: Sometimes I just change one character, very often I just change tags or date or something. I don’t want to pay everytime on Amazon for that…
Alexa must have been a language problem, the more important Itunes didn’t give me any specific reason, leading me to this page: https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itc8a10a0c56
Anyway, I have to disable the plugin until you resolved the bulk upload and change-on-update issue, just using it from time to time.
Would be glad if you could find solutions for both soon, becaus my plan was to create mp3 files from all posts in the 12 Month I still can use it for free. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AWS for WordPress] Manual put Player & Limit on Bulk UploadHi,
after not getting an answer here I hit the bulk update button more often, realizing the plugin continously creates files. I have around 3.000 texts, each with an average of 5.000 character.
Then a got a bill from amazon f0r 10 Mio characters because the plugin creates every time a new mp3 a post is updated and that is not clear in the description, AWS told me that.So does it just create new files (I save them on my server) or overwrite the existing files?
Is there a way to disable this autoupdate function?
Because otherwise I just have to disable the plugin and, when you update the bulk function, to create mp3 for all posts at once.BTW: The Podcast was rejected in Itunes and Alexa, so actually a lot of features don’t work.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks for your help.Thanks for your help, but its simply not true:
In Ticket#NXS298338 I posted 150 entries of my Logfile from last sunday including cronevent (can’t post it here as they don’t allow that).
It shows that the cronjob works perfectly, its also set up exactly how you describe, running every minute, but it executes the Reposter-Action every minute and not, how it should be in the settings, every 2 hours.
So it dosn’t work perfectly, sorry.
Anyway, I now testing with a reduced amount of networks, like 5 accounts in every reposter-action, and this seems to work – but why is this?
The cronjob is not the reason for that!
BTW: What about the Linkedin-Pulse-Image-Problem described in the former thread? Any hints for that?
Thanks for your help!
I tried it out again:
While it seems to work only with twitter, the reposter got executed every minute when I tried to post in all networks.I opened [Ticket#NXS298338] to post the whole logfile with cronevents to show you how it looks like.
I would go back to my idea to have different cronjobs for different autoposter actions – how can I do that please?
Do I get any answer on this issues I reporting for weeks, pleas?
Thank you for your help!
Did you get my answer? Did you have a chance to check the logfile?
I still don’t know why the reposter runs so often and I’m desperatly looking for helpt.Its great you made a new release; Just recently I was promised that the bug posting to Xing Groups and some minor changes would be fixed in the next release – and they are still there.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks.1.1. The Cronjob/Cronevent is perfect. Its allways as follows – I cannot post more as they don’t like logfiles posted here. And if I don’t follow the rules they delete my comments – thats why I need another way to communicate with you (and I mean getting support like here, not once or only every 4 weeks or never).
[2017-12-05 08:22:09] – [Cron Request]- 54.43s after the previous one. | Cron called from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64))
1.2. I posted for you the whole logfile with cronevent last week
in Ticket [Ticket#NXS446832] – and I can send it via eMail.
After the reposter action I had this:
[2017-11-27 19:26:27] – [Cron Request]- 245.18s after the previous one. | Cron called from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64))2.1. I have no idea how that can be. I see the large image on the edit screen, there is an option to make it smaller, when I do that it works. I can give you access to my LinkedIn account (via eMail) but maybe you can also try that by yourself?
2.2. Thanks, I will have a look.
Thanks for your answers!
1. sorry, I don’t really get that, just to make sure you understand me:
I use a cronejob who looks like this an gets executed every minute now:
https://www.nextscripts.com/tutorials/wp-cron-scheduling-tasks-in-wordpress/And I set the reposter to get executed every 2 hours. I set the plugin on not to use WP-Cron.
Instead the plugin posted a post every 5 minutes (when the cronjob was still on every five minutes), now on every minute it seems to work, but the problem is sometimes the reposter takes the settings of wordpress (every 2 hours) and sometimes it was posting every 5 minutes then, which is a huge problem – I was blocked by stumbleupon for example. But a reposter who posts every minute would be worse…
So are you sure it works with the 1-Minute-Setting that reposter posts every 2 hour?btw. there was another issue, sometimes the reposter didn’t save the custom fields.. it appeared when I tried to repost new posts… I reported that too and never get any answer.
2. My images are 910px big… when I edit the linkedin-pulse posts I can see the stretched image, but they don’t appear in the published linkedin-pulse-post. Is there any way to fix that? I don’t want to use images who are that large…
And is there any way to have neither Excerpt nor Fulltext, but something in between, like the first 5 pargraphs?
Thank you!
Thank you very much for the fast answer.
Can you please tell me what makes the difference between 1 and 5 minutes?Actually it seems to work, but thats what I thought the last times too, when the cronjob was every 5 minutes and than the reposter on a certain point started to spam all my networks every 5 minutes with new posts.
So I’m really afraid now and need to know why this could help.Another question: Posting to LinkedIn Pulse dosn’t show the image. I have first to edit the LinkedIn Post and chose the smaller image-format, than the image show up. Any concerns about that?
And I never get any answer in the nextscripts-forum or for my tickets, so I had to register an account here only for getting in touch with you. I shouldn’t be like that – specially if the solution is really that easy!
Thanks for your help again!
Hi @melabyte & @nextscripts,
I also had the idea to set different cronjobs for different posting-actions and try to figure out how this is done.
In need a cronjob which triggers only publishing wordpress-posts and the autoposting-action.
And then several cronjobs who trigger different-reposting action.Which .php – files has to executed by the cronjob to trigger the different actions?
Currently my cronjob is running wp-cron every five minutes, but than also the reposter is executed every 5 minutes, thats my problem I need to resolve – I already opened several tickets on that, but never got any answer.
Thanks you for your help.