Forum Replies Created
Rich, can you post a link to your site?
MattHm, interesting. I didn’t even know we worked out of the box with bbPress!
Could you post a link to your site? (Or email me: matt at addthis dot com)
One simple option would be to include AddThis via template, but we’ll see if we can make it work more seamlessly.
MattThanks for bumping this. Can you elaborate, Martin? Is it that you don’t get buttons at the top of posts no matter what, even if you turn them on in the admin interface? Or something about bbPress specifically?
MattActually @russ_s I noticed something else, which is that in the production plugin (2.4.3), excerpts are only set to display if you’ve enabled buttons at the BOTTOM of each post. Can you confirm that was or was not the case?
Man. There’s definitely something deeper going on that to fix properly will require adding some more powerful remote diagnostic capability to the tool.
However, I’ve updated the dev version with even more failsafes around missing data. Let me know if it resolves the problem at your leisure.
@russ_s I’ve updated our development version with a possible fix–the developer of the excerpt functionality is no longer actively contributing, but I think my change makes sense. I’m going to talk to him and regress it to make sure it doesn’t break something else, but if you’d like you’re more than welcome to try it out now! (https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/addthis.zip)
It’s because Facebook scrapes the title and description from the URL of the page you Like. When I open up one of those posts directly, the page title is “Welcome to Dansbanners!” and the description is the general site description. You need to have the page title match the post title for Facebook to notice.
MattInteresting. Would you feel comfortable emailing me your theme as a zip? I’d love to be able to reproduce the problem our dev environment.
Thanks! Could you upgrade to the latest plugin version? The title filter was removed in our release a month or so ago, probably not long after you posted initially. I think that should be fine for now. Sorry for not realizing that immediately!
@russ_s I was able to set up a blog with this problem. Tell me if this mimics your setup:
– example.com/ – home page, no sharing desired
– example.com/blog – page template with a blog excerpt loop.If I just enabled excerpts but did not enable the “home page” checkbox, nothing showed up — because WordPress considers that /blog template to be the “front page” and right now we consider “home page” and “front page” synonymous although technically they’re not. If it’s really easy for you to test, I’d be curious to know if enabling the homepage and excerpt display resolved your problem, or if the buttons still didn’t display after excerpts even with homepage checked.
@lucidnz Luke, it looks like it might just be a JS error (your body has an undefined load function). Try removing onload=”initialize” from your theme’s body tag:
<body ... onload="initialize()">
@ecksteing Hmm, yeah, it’s definitely not being output there. Can you send me a screen shot of your basic and advanced config? matt at addthis dot com. Thanks!
@americangreenroofing and @ecksteing, can you link to your sites?
@ecksteing did the icons suddenly disappear with the update?
MattIt seems that the problem arises when a date range is selected (or defaulted) missing either share or clickback data. I’ve checked in a possible fix to the development version (https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/addthis.zip). Could you try that out and re-enable the dashboard widget to see if it works it works for you?
Oh, sorry. I thought you meant you used our template code (from the plugin) in your template. We’ll see if we can replicate this using the current version of the plugin.
If you could send us your theme as a zip (matt at addthis dot com) that would be amazingly helpful!