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Hi @canine1503
Sorry this happened unexpectedly on your form.
I believe @bwbwbw is correct that the special characters in your checkbox fields are causing the issue. Specifically the options with an “&” in your “what sort of play does your dog like?” section.
You can solve this by removing any special characters in these sections, and using alphanumeric values only (like changing “&” to “and”).
Alternatively, downgrading to a previous release of Forminator may also solve the issue. You can find official downloads of previous versions on this page under “Please select a specific version to download”.
This is a known issue in Forminator 1.18.1 and should be patched in the next release.
Hope this helped!
Hi @fzlatan
Thanks for sharing this info!
Based on past tickets answered my byself and actual Forminator staff, I believe the dev team is aware of this issue, and it will be patched in the next release.
Sharing an export of your (broken) from here may help the dev team further.
Just noticed that official support said:
But regardless of that, I don’t think this code would be a solution here. In the first place, Forminator shouldn’t do multiple submissions like that out of the box so the question is why it does it.
So take my suggestion with this in mind.
Hi @canine1503
Nice find on that MU Plugin.
I think(?) it may need some tweaks due to the recent Forminator update that appends a unique ID to the end of fields.
(Also make sure you edit line 16 to contain your specific form IDs.)1.18.1 ( 2022-09-15 )
Improvement: Form fields now have a unique ID. This unique ID is also added as data-uid attribute to the form tag, so If you currently have scripts that use field ID’s, these will need to be updated now
I’m on mobile right now, so I can’t provide exact code. But here is a JavaScript snippet which accounts for and appends the unique ID to fields. It will need to be adjusted for your specific form, but if you know some coding, hopefully this points you in the right direction.
Hi @jorikbuijs
Can you please link the page with the form, and let us know which field you’d like to target? This will help me provide the proper CSS.
Hi @davidf112
My apologies, I had copy/pasted the code I suggested earlier from another source, and realized that it’s missing an underscore.
Try this instead:
<?php add_action('wp_footer', function () { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var uid = $('#forminator-module-38861').attr('data-uid'); $('#forminator-field-text-1_' + uid).on('keyup', function() { $(this).val($(this).val().toUpperCase()); }); }); </script> <?php });
If you still need a hand, please link the page with the form and I can assist further.
Hope this helped!
The issue isn’t with the seating plugin, but with how the code I recommended was pasted onto the site.
You have CSS and Javascript in a Javascript (<script>) tag.
https://i.imgur.com/g1OfH2r.pngRemove the CSS portion of the code:
.forminator-custom-form { display: block !important; }
And paste it in your Theme Customizer CSS area:
https://mozartorchestra.org/wp-admin/customize.phpHope this helped
Hi @helppawz1
This behavior seems to be caused by WordPress. Check out these search results for more info and ways to avoid it: https://www.google.com/search?q=wordpress+image+upload+%22scaled%22+site:www.ads-software.com
Hi @vysakhit
Based off a glance at your export, it looks like there’s still an amprasand (& symbol) in your “label” field:
{"label":"Chrome & Whyte","value":"Chrome-&-Whyte"
“&” is “code speak” for “&” ;Instead, use the written word
in your label instead, and see if that helps.Hi @finomozart
You have a CSS rule in the beginning of the <script> block that’s meant only for JavaScript. I’d remove that, and place it where CSS belongs.
It also looks like the first “j” in “jQuery” is missing.
Hi @finomozart
This javascript should accomplish that:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var uid = jQuery('#forminator-module-622').attr('data-uid'); jQuery('#forminator-field-text-1_' + uid).attr('readonly','readonly').css("cursor", "default"); });
This sets the form to “read only” (so the user can’t input anything manually, but your custom script works), and changes the default “read-only” hover cursor (which had a ?? next to it) back to a regular looking cursor.
Hi @vysakhit
This is currently a known bug regarding special characters in the “labels” of certain fields. It should be resolved in the next release.
In the meantime, only use alphanumeric values to avoid the issue. You can change the “&” to “and”.
Hi @chetanupare
I’m not understanding your question fully, but will do my best to help.
So you’re able to extract a relative URL from your XML file, but you’d like to:
1. Alter/add parameters in the partial URL, then
2. Alter it by adding your CDN URL before the relative URLIf so, this would probably be possible by utilizing the custom PHP function which allows you to alter your values with PHP functions. Learn about that here: https://www.wpallimport.com/documentation/inline-php/
I’m not sure where the
comes into play, as I didn’t see that in your linked pastebin file. I’m assuming it’s a parameter you’re trying to add?Hope this helped some.
If you could clarify exactly what your input/extracted text is, and what you’d like it to end up being, I could help further.
I don’t believe this is currently a Forminator feature.
I did see this thread by Forminator staff mentioning OTP functionality on their Defender plugin – https://wpmudev.com/forums/topic/forminator-pro-otp-by-sms-for-forminator-pro/
And there seems to be third party addons that are able to extend forminator to have OTP capabilities, like these:
– https://plugins.miniorange.com/wordpress-otp-verification-for-forminator-forms
– https://www.commoninja.com/discover/wordpress/plugin/user-verificationMore useful info:
– https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-use-firebase-sms-authentication-in-forms/
Hope this helped@nicholaswhj Not 100% sure about the solution for this issue.
Can give this a shot:
– Deactivate all plugins
– Uninstall and reinstall ForminatorIf the issue persists, try checking your PHP log after doing the steps above.
You can copy/paste the lines from the day of the issue to a site like PasteBin and share a link here.Besides that, not sure. But I’m sure someone from the Forminator team will have some advice for ya, and the error log may have some clues.
While the “#0” in the email isn’t an issue, it’s a clue as to what the underlying cause of the forms not being saved to the database may be.
The user in the thread I linked had similarities to your issue:
– “#0” in the email
– Data not being saved to the databaseSo I think the suggestion linked above may be worth checking out.
I’d also check for a potential plugin conflict by disabling all plugins besides Forminator, switching to a default WordPress theme like
Twenty Twenty Two
, and trying a form submission.