Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] web stories not showing in discover option?@luckynasan thanks, actually the templates that are available in the plugin, i used one before that was amp valid, then i got do experiments with templates as well , thanks for the help,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] web stories not showing in discover option?@jdembowski, sorry sir for this behavior, actually I was waiting for almost 24 hours that is why,can you please tell why new stories dont go in discover option, if there is any technical issue that i have to fix , that would be your most kindness ,thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] web stories not showing in discover option?(@luckynasan)thanks for responding and sorry for being kinda rude, i think i found out the reason of amp issue , it was actually the templates section i used your some fancy template that was listed there , and i tried to make then different web stories with no templates , and they are amp valid
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] web stories not showing in discover option?How long does it take to respond?
I,m Having an error with AMP now, story is indexed in G.S.C, but It is not AMP valid or it doesn’t show the option that if the story is AMP valid Or not . and when I tried to test this web story url in amp test tool it does,not show any data it says something went wrong, try again later while when i try to test previous stories they are amp valid and it shows data,
when i try to validate the webstory url with amp validator it shows success
why this webstory is not amp validated
issue with url : https://drbucho.com/web-stories/7-best-colleges-in-chandigarh/Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts indexed but doesnt appear in google search resultsBro if it was that simple , i would have done it , and why should i do it as there is already alot to gain from organic searches. my only issue is why my posts arent bieng on google search engine ,is there anything wrong in wordpress settings or something else that im trying to figure out,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts indexed but doesnt appear in google search resultssorry the link i provide is of yestardays post but the issue is with the the posts that i published today anyways, as my content is about current affairs , daily basis search intent , it is not okay if it appears one day later or two days , it will be no longer worthable
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Server Signature code linesTHanks i checked and it worked ,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Navigation menu breaks on mobilethanks George , i think i fixed it i just got to me cpanel and there i flushed cache and i think that resolved this specific issue
thanks for replyingForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Wideget and side bar erorrsI tried now but i have to install now classic widget and other plugin , that kinda is hard and messy to run two or many plugins just for stteing a side siderbar