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This means that there are two versions now.
1. Compatible with old versions but not with wordpress restrictions as it prevents using other themes without loosing some content. It can be downloaded here and must be updated manually each time.
https://alxmedia.se/themes/hueman/2. WordPress version which causes loosing some content as in case of other wordpress themes so you must copy meta fields content to main post/page content either manually or with some script based on sugesstions i left above your post
Ok, done. I wrote a script which safely copied all video URL and placed them in post content as embeds. I cant place here whole code as it contains some company data i work for but least i can do is share some key parts of it.
video URLs are stored in your_wp_prefix_postmeta table in rows meta_value where row meta_key is _video_url. To be sure i joined posts table and filtered those which are posts and are published (wordpress tables are such a mess …).
first query
'SELECT ID,meta_value FROM your_wp_prefix_posts INNER JOIN your_wp_prefix_postmeta ON your_wp_prefix_posts.ID=your_wp_prefix_postmeta.post_id WHERE your_wp_prefix_posts.post_status="publish" AND your_wp_prefix_posts.post_type="post" AND your_wp_prefix_postmeta.meta_key="_video_url" ORDER BY ID'
I striped URLs from meta_values to bare code (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CODE => CODE) taking off any additional url parameters and timestamps placed there by mistake and used this CODE to make proper embed code like this
<iframe width=\"720\" height=\"405\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/'.$CODE.'?feature=oembed\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the same loop i used IDs and those generated CODES to build one single query (didnt want to make many update calls to database) using very simple MySQL syntax.
UPDATE your_wp_prefix_posts SET post_content = CASE ID SET WHEN '1' THEN 'meta_value_1' WHEN '2' THEN 'meta_value_2' WHEN '3' THEN 'meta_value_3' ... ELSE field_name END
And it worked. Had double videos now, one from meta fields and one from post content itself. Updated theme and first one dissapeared.
PS. Little advice: before applying the code make some counting of rows you have from first query with mysqli_num_rows() function or other and compare them with actual posts number on your site. Just to be sure that you get proper data.
PS2. Well,ive just noticed that the downside of this operation is that my embeds have fixed width and height and thus they are cropped when are played on small screens. Must to tix that issue too.
Well i must admit that at first i was very optimistic about this nonwordpres version. But i followed links you showed in previous posts and i found that WordPress team explanation is somewhat reasonable. Indeed binding site content with theme which causes content complete dependency on the theme isnt good idea in longer run. I’ll try to dig some in database and find where exactly those embed codes are stored. Then ill try to write a script that creates normal embeds from those links for every article. At least this is some idea, dont know if its possible. If not then ill have make it manually (cry).
Offcourse it doesnt mean ill drop hueman, no. Just will stick with repository version as its more safe to me.
But would this version be constantly updated in the future? This is main thing im concerned about it.
Im looking now at page html structure. Is it possible to only delete custom meta fields in newest version and for the compatibility sake keep <div clas=video-container> element? Old posts would still contain videos and new posts could be published in new wany as this element would be empty anyway. Is it possible?
Your other option is to edit the theme video posts and simply put the video link at the top of the post, in the main text field – and it will be included.
OMG! I have above 470 videos (cry) …
But maybe there is some way to use this deprecated field to add it in post template php file? Im using child theme.
Downgrade to previous veriosn worked. However If theme database entries has been also changed with version 1.5.3 then i have mess now as i downgraded only files.
So waiting for official solution.
Polylang plugin caused problem. Topic closed.
Two more things that may be helpfull
1. Im using multisite mode of wordpress (archidiecezja, niezaleznylublin, samorzad.tv)
2. On samorzad.tv site im using the same theme with postname permalinks. And offcourse everything is ok.And here is better link for screen provided before.
https://postimg.org/image/woxrm5iwn/Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS shortcode doesnt workWell i didnt mention it but i thought its pretty much obvious. Offcourse when i was writing about php hacking i ment functions.php in child theme. I never touch core files neither of wordpres core nor plugins or themes. I always use child themes and even if some stubborn plugin stylesheets have !important tag with all their styles im unregistering whole style – not replace it physicaly like many users do .
As for plugins its VERY easy to overload wordpress with bunch of “onetask” plugs and im trying to avoid this by installing only those more complicated and demanding ones. Thats why i chose to install rss with tabs plugins instead of simple shortcode plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS shortcode doesnt workWell i thought its a matter of some simple php hack, because shortcodes arent difficult to implement. Im using child theme and I wanted to avoid using plugin. But if its necessary then ill rather use ready sliding plugin.
Anyway, thanks for help.
I’ll leave this topic open, maybe someone wil give some simple php solution for this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS shortcode doesnt workThat's a WordPress.com support document, an entirely separate entity from www.ads-software.com.
Wow, thats … confusing. When i was login in i was confused by wordpress panel at that site. Login and password was the same so i thought its some kind of new forum management system. Even searching for this forum through google, through my native language forum and skipping wordpress.com forums wasnt easy and obvious.
As for the answer. I dont need RSS wigdet. I need RSS shortcode to use RSS’s in particular widget (slider).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show data in post from some remote database – solution? plugin?Ok i found some track (it was hard to make proper sentece for uncle google) here …
I’ll quote correct answer in case link will die.
Yes it’s possible.
The wpdb object can be used to access any database and query any table. Absolutely no need to be WordPress related, which is very interesting.
The benefit is the ability to use all the wpdb classes and functions like get_results, etc so that there’s no need to re-invent the wheel.
Here’s how:
$mydb = new wpdb('username','password','database','localhost'); $rows = $mydb->get_results("select Name from my_table"); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($rows as $obj) : echo "<li>".$obj->Name."</li>"; endforeach; echo "</ul>";
This is how to connect with second database. I will change it a little bit to my needs and put it to functions.php in child theme. In second step ill probably use Shortcode API
This way ill create a shortcode which ill use in specific post.
If my idea is wrong then please correct me here, i wont mark this topic as resolved untill i fully get my task done.