Forum Replies Created
It looks like I cant get the update and I saw this on the plugin page.
“This plugin has been closed as of June 28, 2023 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.”
Got it. I thought that might be the premium features, but I wasn’t sure so I just thought I would ask.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the input. I thought of another good idea. It would be good if there were a layout for a scroll box that could scroll through all of the related posts. That way it wouldn’t take up a lot of screen space, but you could still display a lot posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Document Revisions] PDF and 404Update: If you don’t mind ugly permalinks on your wp-document-revision urls, then this crude fix will work. In my case, if you set the permalinks settings to “Plain”, then the .pdf will open correctly without a 404 error. This makes the permalinks ugly for the rest of the website. My solution was to modify the file at “/wp-content/plugins/wp-document-revisions/includes/class-wp-document-revisions.php”.
Starts at Line 596. This is my exact code. I commented out the original code.
// if no permastruct
if ( ” === $wp_rewrite->permalink_structure || in_array( $document->post_status, array( ‘pending’, ‘draft’ ), true ) ) {
$link = site_url( ‘?post_type=document&p=’ . $document->ID );
if ( $revision_num ) {
$link = add_query_arg( ‘revision’, $revision_num, $link );
return apply_filters( ‘document_permalink’, $link, $document );
$link = site_url( ‘?post_type=document&p=’ . $document->ID );
if ( $revision_num ) {
$link = add_query_arg( ‘revision’, $revision_num, $link );
return apply_filters( ‘document_permalink’, $link, $document );
// build documents/yyyy/mm/slug
//$extension = $this->get_file_type( $document );//$timestamp = strtotime( $document->post_date );
//$link = home_url() . ‘/’ . $this->document_slug() . ‘/’ . date( ‘Y’, $timestamp ) . ‘/’ . date( ‘m’, $timestamp ) . ‘/’;
//$link .= ( $leavename ) ? ‘%document%’ : $document->post_name;
//$link .= $extension;//$link = apply_filters( ‘document_permalink’, $link, $document );
//return $link;
__________________________________________________________________________________Doing this forced the ugly permalink only on my documents that I posted, which allowed me to keep my WordPress permalink settings on “Post name”. It’s ugly, but it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Document Revisions] Shortcode and File Name DisplayedI figured it out already – in case someone is interested.
Add this to your functions.php
// remove “Private: ” from titles
function remove_private_prefix($title) {
$title = str_replace(‘Private: ‘, ”, $title);
return $title;
add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘remove_private_prefix’);Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HubSpot for Gravity Forms] Not Able to Authenticate – I have SSL and PHP 5.6Hello,
Just checking in with you. Did you ever make any progress on the issue with authenticating? I tried updating my PHP version to the latest available, but that didn’t help with the issue. I feel like it might have something to do with the SSL, but I can’t be sure.
Thanks for any help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HubSpot for Gravity Forms] Not Able to Authenticate – I have SSL and PHP 5.6Hello Chris,
Thank you very much for any help that you can provide. I very much appreciate it!
Thread resolved. Worked perfectly. Thank you!!
Im also using a free plugin called Stripe for WooCommerce by Stephen Zuniga. Not the paid version by Woo.
I am also having problems like this. It wont add a fee to Stripe but it works for Back Account Transfers. Did you ever find a solution?
I added this in my functions and it has appeared as a test fee…
function add_test_fee( $cart ) { $cart->add_fee('Test fee',10); } add_action('woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees','add_test_fee');
Not sure why it wont display or add a fee to the Stripe credit cards.
Thank you for responding to this thread.
I have tried checking and unchecking the round at subtotal box, which has no effect on the total.
The main problem that I will have is when an order is much larger than $1, then the amount lost will be much greater. I’ve thought about trying to make a workaround by adding another charge in the extra charge but I dont think an extra flat rate charge will compensate automatically as the amount per item changes. If I have an extra percentage charge, then I just dont know what charge to add. I could just add an extra 1/10th to the 2.9%.
I have been thinking about what I have asked and it seems like it might always be off because the Extra Fee cant take itself into calculation without first adding itself into the total. This means the total Extra Fee will always be a little lower than the 2.9% plus 30 cents of the grand total. It’s kind of like a never ending loop that will just keep raising itself higher and higher if it tried to calculate it. Anyone follow?