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  • Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi there,

    Ok, got it fixed – it was a simple solution in the end and one I should have tumbled to earlier:

    In WPML on the ‘Theme and Plugin localisation’ page under the section ‘Select how to translate strings in the theme and plugins’ I had the first option selected (don’t download .mo files). I should have selected the second option (Translate the theme and plugins using WPML’s String Translation and load .mo files as backup).

    All fixed now – and many thanks for your patience..!



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi there,

    I never discovered the actual reason for the problem last time – on that occasion everything worked properly on my server (I had a copy of the client’s site on my server) but not on the client’s server. I persuaded the client to switch to my hosting which fixed the problem, but I don’t know what it was about the different server configs that made the difference (neither my nor the client’s hosting company were prepared to open their kimonos to that degree..!!).

    Yesterday I changed the caching level on the Sucuri WAF and it seemed to work OK, but I need to test over a longer period before confirming to the client it’s fixed.

    A frustrating little brain teaser..! If I discover the actual problem (as opposed to just changing caching levels or switching servers) I’ll update this ticket.



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi there,

    Could caching be a possible cause..? The permalinks are still set at the option you recommended before…

    I’ve reduced the caching level on Sucuri Firewall to see if it helps



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi Guys,

    Another strange thing has cropped up: the string translations of the number of products out of number of products on the catalogue pages, and the ‘Details’ label at the bottom of each thumbnail, is inconsistent: on the first catalogue page the translations are fine when you first access it, but go to any other catalogue page and those items are not translated. But if you click into the product description for one of the products on that secondary catalogue page and then click the ‘back to catalogue’ link the translations are done (on the catalogue page).

    Here’s the English version of the first catalgoue page:

    Could you have a look at that..?



    Thread Starter abledragon


    That’s great – many thanks!



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi jgcramer,

    The product translations were done by setting up separate catalogue pages in WP and separate product catalogues in UPC and then adding the short codes for the Chinese product catalogues to the new pages in WP. The products in the new categories in UPC are all in Chinese, but I didn’t add separate (Chinese language) product categories and sub-categories – this I still need to do.

    Then the Chinese language categories and sub cats are assigned to the Chinese language products in the Chinese language catalogues and the catalogue pages in WP are linked in WPML.



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi there,

    Many thanks..!

    It’s not just the labels on the product tab pages: in the ‘Additional Details’ tab the inner labels ‘Category’ and ‘Sub-category’ did not translate either, despite translations being added in WPML string translation.



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi Guys,


    OK, I’ve installed the WPML String Translation addon and most of the strings I need to update have been done, but the tabs on the Product Description page will not translate, despite updating the string and confirming that ‘Translation is complete’.

    I remove the customised labels from the Options > Labelling screen, and followed the same process as for the other strings that have translated, but these ones will not translate.

    Also how do I translate the product category and sub-category names..? Do I need to create duplicated categories and subcategories and re-assign them on the Product Description pages..?

    Many thanks!


    Hi John,

    Many thanks for getting back to me. I see that the Polylang plugin is required for the Breadcrumbs navxt polylang extensions plugin to work, however, I am using WPML on the site in question. Is there no other solution?



    Hi John,

    I’m operating a Chinese/English language site using WPML as the translation plugin. On the Chinese language pages the ‘Home’ breadcrumb label is hard coded in the Home Template section – can I replace that label with a function and use WPML to translate the Home label to Chinese or do I need to install the Polylang extensions plugin..?



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi Rustaurius,

    I got an error with the latest version, so I replied to your email with full details of each step I took and the response it generated, including the full text of the error message, along with a screenshot. I also sent you a follow-up with a clarification (sent by forwarding my earlier reply to you).

    It’s New Year’s Eve here in HK, so let me wish everyone on the team all the very best for 2017..!



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi Guys,

    I’m afraid the problem is still there – here are the steps I took:

    1. Deactivated and deleted the current version of the plugin (4.1.6)

    2. Installed the new plugin and tested. The problem was worse because the ???? in the URLs for product detail pages appeared on first loading the catalogue page and after hitting F5 to refresh. However, the plugin version was 4.1.3

    3. I updated to the current version (4.1.6) and the state returned to exactly as it was: the URLs displaid and acted correctly on first loading the catalogue page but the ???? appeared as soon as I moved to page 2 and remained there on all catalogue pages until I hit F5 again.

    The WPML URL setting for URL structure is still set at using a separate folder for the Chinese pages. I did not test changing that.



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi guys,

    Many thanks – just a belt and braces check: I would normally deactivate and delete the installed plugin to be sure of getting a clean install of the new plugin – will my settings be retained when I install the new plugin if I deactivate and delete the current plugin..?



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi Rustaurius,

    Sure – i’ve sent an email separately with the link to this thread in the subject line.

    Just in case it goes astray for any reason my email address is:

    martin [at] abledragon [dot] com.



    Thread Starter abledragon


    Hi there,

    No worries…

    I changed the WPML option but it makes no difference – still exactly the same as before: the URLs display and work properly when the catalogue page is first accessed or refreshed. But if I go to the second (or any other) page and hover over the catalogue thumbnail the parent page and catalogue page elements in the URL path are replaced with ????.

    I’ve linked to a screenshot below that shows the URL that comes up at the bottom left of the screen for a product detail page when I hover over the link:

    Just also want to wish you and the other UPC team members a happy Christmas and all the best for 2017. I appreciate the support you guys give and it is a great plugin.



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