I am NOT computer SAVY! My blog is my private diary and I have only shared the URL with about 6 peeps, but now I seem to have unknown friends in Russia … and a lot of them! I blocked Econom.co IP that I found online with toolator and it seemed like that resolved it for a couple hours, but now I am getting hits from Ilovevitaly.com with same IP address. There are others too over past few days the columbo one, and most others referenced here. Same areas of Russia. I ran a scan on my computer to see if I am infected, it is clean, or has Norton just not detected. But, I worry about my few readers to my little personal blog :-(, I don’t want them getting infected.
Advice? What do I do? I am a blogger, not wordpress, but you forum seems a bit stronger on this subject right now, and maybe you can point me in the right direction? Thanks!