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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsHey Nick,
i tried a bit with the command. Now i found the right place to run it.
It shows me all my entered games after running. But i still have the problem when i try to edit the game results.Even after your newest update.
Since the update my “next game” widget shows a game scheduled today. But i don’t have a game in my schedule. Funny thong is that the time of the game changes every minute?!?
Do you have any answers?
Thanks in advance
AndréForum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsAh i think now I got it. Here is the output of the database:
SQL-Befehl: SELECT * FROM wp_baseballNuke_schedule LIMIT 0 , 60
I this what you were asking for?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsI don′t really know what you mean.
I found in bbnuke-db.php the following:
$query = "CREATE TABLE
” . $wpdb->prefix . “baseballNuke_schedule` (
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
varchar(255) default NULL,
varchar(255) default NULL,
date default NULL,
varchar(255) default NULL,
int(11) default NULL,
int(11) default NULL,
time default NULL,
varchar(255) default NULL,
varchar(20) default NULL,
) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=748 ” . $charset_collate . “;”;
`Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsHey Nick,
thanks for the Update. Sadly the issue isn′t corrected. I still habe the same Problem.
After the Update I saw the games in game result section. But i had to clear the schedule, after i cleared the schedule the problem was appearing again.André
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsEdit: I pressed the button delete all games under game result section, and all games were also deleted in schedule section.
somehow strange because he said before there are no games.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsI created all 24 games under section schedule season 2011. The games show up and i can edit the games again under the same section.
When i continue in game results section i first set the season 2011. The Plugin says “Season set successfully” but there are no games i could choose from in drop down field. Total games:0
I tried a few times in different order, but sadly without success.
I started with the translation but it is hard to find the right spots do edit. I would do it, but i′m only able to give you the translated words. I cant edit the code.
If you have someone else to translate it would be fine with me as well.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] New QuestionsOkay i added a field named “away”. I think this is the easiest solution i can handle.
Now I added all my games for this season, no problems so until now.
I tried to enter a game result, but i couldnt choose a game. The plugin says there are no games. Do you know about this issue or is there something I may have forgotten?
thanks again in advance
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] Full Page WidgetAgain a big thanks for this Update. It is a lot easier to place the content. Lets see how far I can go on my own!
I read about the German translation, is it already in progress?
Do you need any help by translating?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] Full Page WidgetWow, now i can see a new Sidebar in my Widget section.
But again im stuck on the next step, there is no code like this in page.php:<?php the_content(); ?>
Here is my page.php
<?php get_header(); ?> <div class="contentLayout"> <div class="sidebar1"> <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar1.php'); ?> </div> <div class="content"> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <div class="Post"> <div class="Post-body"> <div class="Post-inner article"> <h2 class="PostHeaderIcon-wrapper"> <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/PostHeaderIcon.png" width="32" height="32" alt="PostHeaderIcon" /> <span class="PostHeader"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php printf(__('Permanent Link to %s', 'kubrick'), the_title_attribute('echo=0')); ?>"> <?php the_title(); ?> </a></span> </h2> <?php ob_start(); ?> <?php $icons = array(); ?> <?php if (!is_page()) : ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> <?php the_time(__('F jS, Y', 'kubrick')) ?> <?php $icons[] = ob_get_clean(); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!is_page()) : ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/PostAuthorIcon.png" width="14" height="14" alt="PostAuthorIcon" /> <?php _e('Author', 'kubrick'); ?>: <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Author', 'kubrick'); ?>"><?php the_author() ?></a> <?php $icons[] = ob_get_clean(); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (0 != count($icons)): ?> <div class="PostHeaderIcons metadata-icons"> <?php echo implode(' | ', $icons); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php $metadataContent = ob_get_clean(); ?> <?php if (trim($metadataContent) != ''): ?> <div class="PostMetadataHeader"> <?php echo $metadataContent; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="PostContent"> <?php if (is_search()) the_excerpt(); else the_content(__('Read the rest of this entry »', 'kubrick')); ?> </div> <div class="cleared"></div> <?php $icons = array(); ?> <?php if (!is_page()) : ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> <?php printf(__('Posted in %s', 'kubrick'), get_the_category_list(', ')); ?> <?php $icons[] = ob_get_clean(); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!is_page() && !is_single()) : ?><?php ob_start(); ?> <?php comments_popup_link(__('No Comments »', 'kubrick'), __('1 Comment »', 'kubrick'), __('% Comments »', 'kubrick'), '', __('Comments Closed', 'kubrick') ); ?> <?php $icons[] = ob_get_clean(); ?><?php endif; ?> <?php if (0 != count($icons)): ?> <div class="PostFooterIcons metadata-icons"> <?php echo implode(' | ', $icons); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php endwhile; endif; ?> </div> <div class="sidebar2"> <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar2.php'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="cleared"></div> <?php get_footer(); ?>
i′m using theme baseball 2 1.0
It is great that you can help me, but rather I would like to understand what the code is actually doing.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] Trouble installing pluginThanks a lot, i changes the version. Now its activated!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [baseballNuke] [Plugin: baseballNuke] Trouble installing pluginI′m using Version 3.0.4 in German.