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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I import my WordPress.com blogI have to keep laughing at how many times WordPress support forums mentions of this link keep hitting my Bloglines search. One day folks will catch on. ??
Thanks for the link (again), HandySolo.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WP doesn’t importsofrlowi: Actually it sounds like a plugin is limiting your viewing. Go into phpmyadmin and check to see if there are any posts in your wp_posts table
Especially since it’s showing months, my gut says your posts were imported fine. Just make sure your plugins, particularly any having to do with post listings, aren’t nuking your viewing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Edit sends to previewNevermind. Some wayward Javascript got into header.php. No idea how. It’s not standard. I commented it out and everything is back to normal.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Activating plugins outside of WordPressYeah I was thinking about that too. I wonder what the API requirements would be though, if any. I mean, is it as simple as adding a plugin to the array and re-serializing or are there othere API callst hat are made too to do it properly in the context of WordPress. HAven’t looked at the WP core code to find out yet.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing Textpattern PostsOh Lord…. yes, do upgrade first. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS – front page only?Can you provide a link and maybe the code used in your template header where the RSS is called for autodiscovery?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing URL: Need to alter WordPress installation?Be advised that Google does not look fondly on content duplicated on more than one domain or subdomain. You could be penalized though I imagine the point that the two domains point to the same virtual host would be a pretty arguable point that it is not _in fact_ duplicate content.
See point 5 under Quality:
https://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.htmlForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Previous Entries Getting Lost on my Blog?Well you’re definitely getting into a design & presentation area. A users eye will always be drawn to that that attracts attention – usually content (as it should!). In order to make that link stand out you can think about several strategies.
1) Iconifying those links
2) Altering your layout to make an “Older Animations” section more prominent (clickable image perhaps?)This is always a challenge for bloggers looking to keep older content relevant and one that I am continually grappling with. I don’t know how much content you have, but something that has worked well for me is to put a timecapsule between post 1 and 2 on the front page (see https://technosailor.com for demonstration). The timecapsule pulls in all posts from one year ago today. Of course, that’s MY implementation. Yours could (and probably would) be different.
Another way to keep your older posts relevant is to use tagging and/or related posts plugins to keep that stuff in front of your readers.
Some thoughts I have. There are bound to be other solutions if you’re willing to think outside of the box.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: You do not have permissionMight be a rewrite issue based on the limited information here. PErhaps backup your .htaccess temporarily and delete the original (so there is no .htaccess) and try again. If not, can you supply information about your folder structure including perms on DOCROOT, WordPRess root and wp-admin?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing wordpress.com to www.ads-software.comAnyone tried a cURL solution yet?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing NucleusI’ve got a beta version of a Nuc Importer that we’ve been using for the About Weblogs merger with b5media. If you’re interested contact me (though it has not been cleaned up for WP core yet… maybe by 2.1)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing Textpattern PostsWhat version of Textpattern? I wrote the importer based on TXP 4.02 though it would be fairly simple to remove that field from the importer.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 404 after save or publish a postYeah I’d like to know since it was my patch I just submitted a bit ago. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thousands of zero size files in cache directoryYes, more exactly the problem is that all those empty files full all partition inodes, so the filesystem can’t create new files.
THAT makes sense.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thousands of zero size files in cache directoryJust curious about the irony of thousands of “zero size files” and “no space left on device”. Someone is telling you the wrong thing.
One workaround is exactly as Podz indicates though. I have cache disabled on all my blogs so I can’t see what WP is actually generating on a normal basis without enabling and letting it run for awhile.