Forum Replies Created
Ok, I deal with the problem by filtering content with regular expressions of this type to remove links that might be inside a word:
$pattern_before = '/(?<![>\s])<a[^>]*?class="[^"]*?st_tag[^"]*?"[^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ix';
$pattern_after = '/<a[^>]*?class="[^"]*?st_tag[^"]*?"[^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a>(?![\s.,;!?<])/ix';- This reply was modified 3 months ago by absoluteweb.
- This reply was modified 3 months ago by absoluteweb.
The list of classes has a settings field in the pro version. It’s a shame there isn’t at least one WordPress filter in the free version.
After investigation, the source of the problem is in this source code of the plugin:
if ( is_singular() && strpos( get_the_content( null, false, $post ), '<!-- wp:' ) === false ) { self::$can_load_frontend = false; }
To determine whether the animation files should be loaded, you check whether the content contains a block tag. When using a GeneratePress Element Content Template, the target content may be empty, as it will be replaced by the template content, the test fails and the animation files are not loaded.
Contrary to my previous answer, you don’t even need to add an animation to the target page, just a comment such as:
<!-- wp:-->
<style id="o-anim-hide-inline-css"> .animated:not(.o-anim-ready) { visibility: hidden; animation-play-state: paused; animation: none !important; }</style> <noscript><style>.animated { visibility: visible; animation-play-state: running; }</style></noscript><link rel='stylesheet' id='otter-animation-css' href='https://xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/blocks-animation/build/animation/index.css?ver=100a7b303f102afcb05b' media='all' />
<script src="https://xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/blocks-animation/build/animation/frontend.js?ver=100a7b303f102afcb05b" id="otter-animation-frontend-js"></script>
This is the missing code when the animation is only in the Content Template of the GeneratePress element.
This is the code I need to force into the single content of my custom content for the Content Template animations to work.
Hi Irinel,
I found a trick to make this work by trying to make a video of the problem.
With GeneratePress, a Content Template replaces the content of the selected location (a page, an article, all pages of a content type, etc.).
If you add an animation to the Content Template, it won’t work in the destination content because the animation isn’t detected and the necessary files aren’t loaded.
The trick is to add any animation to the target content, even to an empty paragraph. In this case, the animation files are loaded and the Content Template animations are executed.
I still need to find a solution for loading animation files in the single template of a custom content type.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WSDesk - Wordpress HelpDesk & Support Ticket System] Partial translationHi,
No plugin, POEdit only.
I don’t need multilanguage (WPML), I just need to translate your plugin in my language.
Is the pro version is standalone or does it work in addition to the free version?
Free version is not fully translatable because some texts are not intended to be.
must be
<th><?php _e(‘View’, ‘wsdesk’); ?></th>
etc..Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Username Changer] 500 Error after updatingYes, WP 4.9 + Username Changer 3.1.3 = 500 Error…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WoocommerceAtos] Problème call_responseAttention, si c’est le retour du client sur le site qui valide la commande sur WooCommerce, cette solution n’est pas du tout fiable !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Missing translation for "Customer matched zone"WooCommerce > System Status > Tools > Shipping Debug Mode
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Missing translation for "Customer matched zone"ok I did not do the relationship with the debug mode of shipping ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping] Compatibility with woocommerce 2.6?Ok, if I try to add a shipping method inside a WooCommerce shipping zone, your shipping method is not listed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping] Compatibility with woocommerce 2.6?Yes I can, you talk about current version 4.1.3 or a dev version you can send to me?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Selectable Recipient with Pipes and syntax error fieldHi, yes.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WoocommerceAtos] Please do not spam usYou really do not understand what I mean?!
A little reminder then:
This is really not the mentality of the WordPress community.
Nicolas Maillard.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BEMO A-Z Index] Some improvements neededHi,
My website is not accessible for now but if for a letter (C for example) you have more than one page:
And then you click on a letter with only one page (A for example):
You get 0 result.
You “just” have to remove pagination from the url when the user changes the letter.