Hi. Had the same problem, but I managed to have a workaround. Here’s how.
A commenter seeking for help had pasted some weird characters which came from a modem configuration and some protocol feedback.
That small strings where easily located using firefox to just make the line and column pop out. Weird chars were seen at plain view. I just striped them using a good text editor (notepad++ is good as it is able to handle big files, and has a colored text rendering). The XML then was right.
Next, I had to chunk the backup into small pieces. I did it by hand. Just keep in every chunk both <movabletype [...]>
start and<blog>[....]</blog>
block at header. I cut the file being careful not having a tag sliced.
Then renamed the chunk as the whole original file (I.E: Movable_Type-2012-04-20-18-40-09-Backup.xml
), FTPed it, and then process with the plugin. Iterate until you finish with all chunks.
Done. Having the pretty urls be the same as the old MT, would be fine! ??
I’ve been having a look and it seems it works. Hope it helps.