Forum Replies Created
Thanks for reporting this rtl issue, we will be fixing it in next release.
Please find our comments for each of your points below- Yea, it need to move left side in rtl, we will fix it in next release
- Will fix in next release
- We cannot proceed in that manner, as we already have a significant number of customers using the platform, and any changes could potentially impact all current users. Instead, we can implement an “All category” checkbox, which, when selected, will apply to all products.
It appears that you are not currently using our product addon plugin available at
It seems that you might be using a different product addon plugin.You can change the form rendering position from the settings>> Advanced Settings (refer this screenshot )
You can try setting Fee Type as Woo Fee ( Form Settings>> Price Settings).
Please refer screenshot
And for premium versions support, it is reccimmended to reach support on our website.
We can see you have added a custom css class
. You have to remove this class in the new versionYou can remove it from Advanced>>Custom CSS Class. Please refer screenshot
Great!, Happy to know the issue has been resolved.
Could you please export the form and share it? We can test it from our end and figure out the issue
product addon fields will show only if the product is purchasable. Please ensure the simple product is purchasable.
You can check if the simple product showing the add to cart button even after deactivated our product addon plugin.
You can reset the black out line using below custom css code
.wcpa_wrap input:focus-visible{ outline: none; } .wcpa_wrap textarea:focus-visible{ outline: none; }
You can use the radion group field instead checkbox group.
Check box will be multi selectable always.
Just want to check if you got any solution from fancy design plugin support?
Our latest version of premium version is 5.0.17 and the version before 5.x.x update 4.2.3 , Both 5.x.x and 4.2.3 are HPOS compatable. If the version with you not showing support for HPOS, You can downlod the latest file from our website and try. Also regarding premium version support, you can reach us directly than this free version wp forum
You can use retrieve the data in two ways, directly with the meta key of each field, the key will be the field label.
$item->get_meta('Field Label');
If you want it get using field id or field name, It can retrieve from the addon order line item metadata with key _WCPA_order_meta_data, Find an example below$orderData = $item->get_meta('_WCPA_order_meta_data'); if (is_array($orderData)) { foreach ($orderData as $sectionKey => $section) { if (isset($section['fields']) && is_array($section['fields'])) { foreach ($section['fields'] as $row) { foreach ($row as $field) { if ($field['name'] == 'Field Name here') { $requiredText = $field['value']; // you can get required data here } } } } } }
It iterates the data and finds the required fields with the field name.
You want to add custom css for changint the tooltip color
Find example code below
span.wcpa_tooltip_icon { color: #201717; border: 1px solid #ff0505; }
It is possible to show the product addon data in order listing table with custom code. Please find an example code below, where you can change the parameters as per your needs
add_filter( 'manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'register_is_first_order_column', 10, 1 ); function register_is_first_order_column( $columns ) { $columns['_custom_items'] = 'Number'; return $columns; } add_action( 'manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column', 'display_is_first_order_column', 10, 1 ); function display_is_first_order_column( $column ) { global $post; if ( '_custom_items' === $column ) { $order_id = $post->ID; $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); foreach( $order->get_items( ) as $item_id => $item ) { echo "<p><b>Item:</b> ".$item->get_name()."</p>"; $meta_data = $item->get_formatted_meta_data(''); foreach ( $meta_data as $meta_id => $meta ) { $field_display_label = wp_kses_post( $meta->display_key ); if($field_display_label=="Date Field"){ // change this label with the data you want to show echo "<div style='display:inline-flex;'><p><b>Date:</b> </p>".$meta->display_value."</div>"; } } } } }