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  • Thread Starter acp693


    I did some more investigation and discovered that on the front end, the images are actually displayed after translating or cloning a page. I don’t know why I didn’t look before, I just assumed they wouldn’t be displayed because the Pods custom image fields for the translated/cloned page are blank, but the images are actually attached to the fields, you just can’t see them, just when viewing the page on the front end. Somehow when looking at the translated/cloned pages in the editor, the Pods Image fields are not updating, they are left blank, which is very confusing, because it looks like no image is there in the field, but it is!

    I also set up a wpml-config.xml file which can sync custom fields. This works, if I change the image on the english page, the german page on the front end is updated too, but it’s not shown in that custom field when looking at the page in the editor. Surely this is a bug with Pods and not polylang or Yoast etc. ? Any ideas?

    Thread Starter acp693


    I don’t understand why this issue has been marked as resolved, when it hasn’t. The issue is when using Polylang on a multi language site, the image content isn’t been copied over into the translated page. The text content is. I set up test pages using ACF custom field plugin and using this, both text and Image content is copied over when translating a page using Polylang. Using Pods, only text is copied over. There is something with the image fields in Pods which is preventing the copying over of images during translation/cloning of pages. This seems to be independent of whether it’s a polylang translation, a Yoast duplicate page clone, or a Bricks builder duplicate. I suspect this will be the case no matter what clone/duplicate/language plugin is used. I’m reluctant to swap to ACF at the moment given the current situation between WPE and WordPress.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by acp693.
    Thread Starter acp693


    Hi, None at all, I assumed it’s a wordpress function? The plugins installed are Polylang, Pods, All in one WP migration, and Advanced editor tools. No ther plugins are installed. The only reason for advanced editor tools is because sometimes it’s impossible to type in a WYSIWYG Pods field and this plugin somehow fixes that. It’s a Bricks Builder site, so maybe that is providing the duplicate functionality? In any case using either the translate page functionality of polylang or the Duplicate function produces pages with filled in custom text fields, but empty image fields.

    Thread Starter acp693


    Hi Paul, many thanks for your help. I fixed both of the points you mentioned, but it still doesn’t work, the query simply retrieves everything attached to the page whether it’s in the custom field or not. It seems this has been made to work with other custom field plugins, but I’ve not seen anyone else yet try it with pods. Would you have any other ideas what might be wrong?

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter acp693


    Hi, thanks for your message. This has been answered to some extent in this thread here.

    To answer your question, it’s a brand new install of wordpress 6.5, standard 2024 theme, no other plugins. The comments and urls appeared in the options table part of the database. I can only see them if I export the database and look at it in a text editor, I can’t locate them using phpmyadmin.

    Although the answers in the other thread reassured me that the database hadn’t been hacked or infected, it still left me wondering where the urls and news, comments were coming from. Then I noticed In the WordPress dashboard there is a WordPress News and Events widget. Apparently this writes transient information to the options table in the database. Maybe it was a coincidence that it decided to write to the database just after I installed Classic Editor plugin. I read that it’s a good idea to try and keep the options table under 2 Mb, the news widget adds almost a 1Mb,,, madness… In the top right hand corner of the Dashboard if you click on Screen Options, you can deselect the widgets (just in case anyone else comes across this problem.)

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by acp693.
    Thread Starter acp693


    @threadi ha! thank you for the information, I’m greatly relieved!

    Thread Starter acp693


    @sterndata Thank you very much for your reply and link. That’s interesting, but why would WordPress store all those hundreds, if not thousands of links in the database. It really looks like forum members and conversations.

    I wouldn’t know how to go about installing and testing data. Do you have a link to a tutorial for that?

    Thanks again

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by acp693.
    Thread Starter acp693


    Hi, Thanks for the response.

    This is a brand new install of WordPress to test this problem.

    There are no other themes installed, it’s the standard 2024 theme that comes with WordPress 6.5.

    There is only one Pods wysiwyg field added to the standard page type.
    Besides the two plugins mentioned (Advanced Editor Tools, ACF), no other plugins are installed. Each of the additional plugins ‘fixes’ the problem whether they’re both activated or just one is activated.

    Clearing Caches didn’t help, nor does Saving Permalinks.

    I noticed these errors (shown in attached image) when inspecting the rendered page, but I get almost exactly the same errors if I disable Pods and set up the same kind of wysiwyg field using ACF (which works – I can type in the visual part), so can these errors be contributing to the problem?

    Thread Starter acp693


    I deleted ACF and added the plugin “Advanced Editor Tools” this also solves the problem.

    Thread Starter acp693


    Glad it’s helpful ?? I just posted on Slack because I wasn’t sure if this forum was alive or not, so sorry for the double post.

    Thread Starter acp693


    So, I’ve found out several things…
    Installing the classic editor plugin, solves the problem, because it apparently disables Gutenberg, however, I wish to use Gutenberg.
    I also found that installing ACF custom fields plugin ( I didn’t do anything with it whatsoever, just installed and activated, nothing else) solves the problem. So something about ACF installation is changing a setting somewhere that resolves the problem.

    Any idea what the problem could be? I see this question pop up occasionally, I’ve searched extensively for it, but none of the answers given fitted to my situation. It seems a bit odd, to have to have the ACF plugin installed to fix this

    Apart from this one problem, I’m really impressed with pods.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by acp693.
    Thread Starter acp693


    The text saying “cnc machining” is an image on top of the background image.

    Thread Starter acp693


    Thank you so much for your prompt reply! My problem is that I want to display a much smaller image centred over the background image in the container, as in the attached pic. How could I achieve this so that the smaller image stays centred when resizing the window?

    Thread Starter acp693


    Thank you! I’ll try it out!

    Thread Starter acp693


    Did some one break in in the night and fix this because it’s working now! I woke up this morning and it was working, I think I was so tired yesterday I didn’t realize the menu had changed to how I wanted it. Just to recap for anyone else trying to add a language switcher for Polylang non pro version, I’m using a child of the Twenty TwentyThree theme created by CreateBlockTheme plugin.

    Add a Functions.php file to the theme. Add these functions:

     * Registers support for editor styles & Enqueue it.
    function fse_child_styles() {
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'fse-child-style', get_stylesheet_uri() );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'fse_child_styles' );
     * Polylang Shortcode -
     * Add this code in your functions.php
     * Put shortcode [polylang_langswitcher] to post/page for display flags
     * @return string
    function custom_polylang_langswitcher() {
    	$output = '';
    	if ( function_exists( 'pll_the_languages' ) ) {
    		$args   = [
    			'show_flags' => 0,
    			'show_names' => 1,
    			'echo'       => 0,
                            //'hide_current' => 1,
    		$output = '<ul class="polylang_langswitcher">'.pll_the_languages( $args ). '</ul>';
    	return $output;
    add_shortcode( 'polylang_langswitcher', 'custom_polylang_langswitcher' );

    Add a Gutenberg Shortcode block where you want the language switcher and add this line to it:


    Next in the child theme’s Style.css file add whatever styling you want, I added this:

    .lang-item {
      display: inline;
      padding-left: 5px;
      list-style: none;
    .lang-item a:link {
      text-decoration: none;
    .lang-item a:visited {
      text-decoration: none;
    .lang-item a:hover {
      text-decoration: underline;
    .lang-item a:active {
      text-decoration: underline !important;

    I had to clear the cache of my browser occasionally to see the changes.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by acp693.
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