AcyMailing Newsletter Team
Forum Replies Created
Could you make sure that this tool migrates the database correctly (preserving the InnoDB engine and the constraints/foreign keys)?
You can click the “Check database integrity” button in the AcyMailing configuration page, advanced part of the “Security” tab and check if there are some issues found.
Yes, you can insert articles by category and set the “Max. number of elements” option to 5.
Hi, I forgot to update this thread, but from the v8.6.0 the sent version is stored so that the archive section shows what has been sent and doesn’t refresh each time it is displayed.
The archive version is stored for 3 months by default then is cleared, you can change this delay in the “Data collection” tab of the AcyMailing configuration page.
Hello and sorry about the delay, we are used to handle support tickets via our contact form directly.
Web pictures are not handled by the desktop versions of Outlook on Windows, so we add a code that hides them for Outlook.
You can remove this special code in the file wp-content/plugins/acymailing/back/helpers/plugin.php near the line 338:
$pregreplace['#(<img [^>]*src="[^"]+\.webp"[^>]*>)#Uis'] = '<!--[if !mso]>$1<![endif]-->';
It will keep the webp images visible in Outlook, but the images will appear broken (and we can’t do anything about it, Outlook must add the compatibility with these images).
You may have seen my answer on Jokobuz’s thread (once it is approved by moderators), but the issue should be resolved and a patch has been prepared for the next AcyMailing version to ensure this doesn’t happen anymore.
The issue was caused by the fact that our website was under maintenance for our license system migration (4 hours yesterday morning and 20 minutes this morning), and a code in AcyMailing that didn’t make sure that the website was up.
One of the methods we use to get the content of a distant page (in this case the “what’s the latest version and its download link?” page) was not checking if the distant page was reachable, which lead to the error.
Please tell me if your website is still experiencing issues or if it is working correctly.
When WordPress tries to check if a new version of AcyMailing is available, we override the check to get the data from our website rather than (to get the correct download link for the installed version, since only the starter version is available on
We had to temporary shut down our website to finish the migration of our license system.
This should have been invisible for our users (they just shouldn’t have been able to see if a new version was available), however there was a lack of control in our code when trying to get the data from our website:When the external page can be reached everything is fine, but if it’s not reachable, the error you experienced happens.
I prepared a modification for the next version of AcyMailing to patch this, but the error should be gone now as our website is no longer under maintenance.
If anyone has the same error, a quick fix would be to modify the file wp-content/plugins/acymailing/back/libraries/wordpress/file.php and replace this code near the line 31:
if (!empty($timeout)) { stream_set_timeout($handle, $timeout); } $data = stream_get_contents($handle);
if (!empty($handle)) { if (!empty($timeout)) { stream_set_timeout($handle, $timeout); } $data = stream_get_contents($handle); }
This should look like this:
if (empty($data) && function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('stream_get_contents')) { $handle = fopen($url, 'r'); if (!empty($handle)) { if (!empty($timeout)) { stream_set_timeout($handle, $timeout); } $data = stream_get_contents($handle); } }
I’m sorry for the stress that it caused, please tell me if you notice anything strange, or if your website is still not working correctly.
I just tested the creation of a Follow-up campaign with the trigger type “WooCommerce purchase” and it ended up under the “Follow-up” tab.
Note that when clicking the “Create” button on a tab, it shows every email types and not necessary the current tab’s type. Maybe you selected “WooCommerce” on the creation page, which corresponds to the abandoned carts?
For now the sent version of an email is not stored in the database, so each time an email is shown on the archive section it replaces again the dynamic content.
We’re currently working on a way to lock the content replacement when the email is sent. I’ll see if I can include this in the next few versions ??
Have a nice day
Are the WordPress users also AcyMailing users?
The filters/triggers in AcyMailing are only applied to AcyMailing users, so if a customer doesn’t exist in AcyMailing the action won’t be applied, maybe this could be the reason?
In the Acy configuration page, tab “Subscription” you have an option to automatically create an AcyMailing user when a new account in created.
Sorry I haven’t seen your review sooner, thank you for the Korean translation! It will help a lot of users ??
We recently imported quite a lot of community translations for other languages, they will be reviewed in the next few weeks once we contact the review teams ??
Oops forgot to log in with the AcyMailing account ??
Thanks for reporting this, we found a fix that will be included in the next version ??
Hello and sorry about the delay, we are much more active on our contact form.
Did you try directly pasting the subscription form’s shortcode in a text block instead of a WP shortcode block?
If you still have your previous website you could try to export the template then import it in your new website, this way it would be installed differently.
I took a look at your site and I can see that the third column is a bit wider than the other two, but the AcyMailing form’s width seems to be ok. Could you show me what you see? Maybe we don’t have the same screen width.
When I text it on a small screen, the first column is larger no mater which one it is. For example if I move the “Contact us” column first, here is what I see:
This seems to be something to handle with your theme rather than the columns’ contents.
Have a nice day