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  • Hey metaphorcreations,

    I can’t imagine this being a bug straight off the bat.

    Otto does a good job of explaining what you might be facing over at

    In short, I’d probably check that you don’t have multiple meta rows, change your value parameter to an array and check posts contain the meta field with a value.

    Hope this helps.

    Hi coolday70,

    You could look at using a BACS (Bank Transfer) –

    However this takes place outside of WooCommerce and you need to manually update the product for shipping once the funds have been cleared. All this does in essence is provide your bank details to the user on checkout.

    For everything else it will likely have to be a payment gateway like johnbabba mentioned.

    Hope this helps

    Hey @absolemgrinsekatze,

    You can find those two rows in the options table. It will be yourdbprefix_options (usually defaults to wp_options) and you’ll just need to edit the siteurl and home option_value.

    After changing those you should happily be able to remove the definitions from your wp-config.php

    Hope this helps

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Adam Morgan.

    Hey @katiels9,

    No worries, I’d be interested to see it just to have a comparison.

    Looking at what you currently have it seems that there are a few elements which aren’t getting the actual browser height.

    If you apply height:100% to the html, body and #app-container elements it should fix it.

     #app-container {

    Hope this helps.

    Hey jdominicjackson,

    The hover box seems to be contained and styled via the .grid-item .overbox rules.

    This starts on line 1199 of your style.css when inspecting in Chrome.

    .grid-item .overbox {
    	position: absolute;
    	top: 50%;
    	width: 100%;
    	text-align: center;
    	line-height: 1;
    	padding: 0 1em;

    if you add transform:translateY(-50%); to that rule it will vertically align the box better.

    The title itself has styling on .grid-item .title { and should be found on line 1261 of your style.css. I reduced the font size to 1.5em and it started to look a lot better.

    Finally the green colour is applied to the anchor .grid-item .overbox h2 a { and can be found on line 1228.

    I hope this helps

    All the best

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Adam Morgan. Reason: add code blocks
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by bdbrown.

    Hey ad010,

    Password protected pages out of the box only cover:

    The title
    Content (main WYSIWYG editor)

    To protect / hide the other links or custom fields you’ll likely need to delve in to the “recipe-index-php” and wrap those elements with the function or figure out how the plugin is adding those elements to your page.

    You can read more about password pages over at

    All the best.

    Hey @katiels9,

    Thanks for the above. I’ve taken a quick look over the link now.

    Are you sure that the code is the same? Do you have a link to the working version hosted somewhere?

    The 100vh does seem to do the trick and works quite nicely on mobile from what I can see. You could always use @media queries though if you just wanted to target desktop devices –

    Just to note your including the stylesheet twice. Once in the header by the look s normal HTML fashion and the other looks to be enqueued in the footer.

    Regarding the mobile optimisation with the site currently being in essence a one pager that slides between divs, it’s worth noting that the initial page load is around 30mb. This means it’s taking 2.7 minutes to load on a good 3G connection (1.5 m/bs).

    All the best

    Hey makta112,

    Glad you got it working with the Date Query.

    If you were looking for the counter to reset each week you’d be looking at probably having to set up a cron job that runs and deletes the data inside those meta fields.

    You might be better off creating a new meta field though so you can still keep a record of the total views in case you ever wanted to use though.

    It would certainly be a bit more involved though. You could always use the above to show the “Latest Trending” posts and remove the Date Query to show the all time “Popular” Posts or something?

    All the best

    Hey Mason,

    That looks fine to me.

    Sorry it’s quite hard to think of what could be wrong now without testing / debugging the theme.

    Have you definitely got posts that have been created in the last 7 days?

    Is this the intention? or are you looking to reset the counter every 7 days? So even old posts could be “popular” if they’ve been hit so many times?

    Hey Rick,

    I think you’ll get a different opinion from everyone on this. Do you have multiple monitors by any chance?

    I would likely have the old site opened on one screen and the new responsive blank theme on the other. This way you can just work on a page to page basis and copy and paste across. This could work nicely if the new theme has some kind of dummy content import and you can just override the preset areas with what you think is best.

    The only other thing I could think you could do is export/import the data with a plugin which supports meta fields but that would require a relationship between old and new likely.

    Each theme is gonna work differently, so I’d just stick to one and work through the manual slog.

    Many thanks

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Adam Morgan.

    Hey @vipin,

    It looks like your missing a few things / got a few different names.

    Each control must be associated with a setting of the same name. The control also needs a type assigning to it such as text, radio, date etc.

    function starter_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
    	$wp_customize->add_setting( 'home_call_to_action_setting_section', array(
    		'default'           => __( 'WHAT IS RO PURIFIER?', 'starter' ),
    	) );
    	$wp_customize->add_control( 'home_call_to_action_setting_section', array(
    		'type'    => 'text',
    		'label'   => __( 'CTA Heading', 'starter' ),
    		'section' => 'home_call_to_action_section',
    		'setting' => 'home_call_to_action_setting_section',
    	) );
    	$wp_customize->add_panel( 'home_page_settings', array(
    		'title'    => __( 'Home Page Settings', 'starter' ),
    		'priority' => 10,
    	) );
    	$wp_customize->add_section( 'home_call_to_action_section', array(
    		'title' => __( 'Call To Action', 'starter' ),
    		'panel' => 'home_page_settings',
    	) );
    add_action( 'customize_register', 'starter_customize_register' );

    Should work going off what you put. You’ll need to add some santize callbacks in there as well if you want to do that. The above is missing a santize function so the value won’t save by default.

    Have a read over –

    Many thanks

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Checkout page

    Hey @span4o,

    Please try changing the single marks to the ‘ equivalent. Currently they are being applied as ‘

    // WooCommerce Checkout Fields Hook
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'hjs_wc_checkout_fields' );
    function hjs_wc_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
        $fields['billing']['billing_first_name']['label'] = 'Vārds';
    return $fields;

    Works correctly for me once this has been changed. This sometimes happens when you copy code from websites.

    This should be inserted in to your functions.php. Just make sure there isn’t any namespacing as well if your using a theme such as roots sage.

    Also checkout – for the WooCommerce documentation on this matter.

    Many thanks

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Adam Morgan.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Adam Morgan.

    Hey @makta112,

    That sounds right to me.

    The function and call you have are just adding to the meta field which is stored in the database.

    With the WP_Query we are just querying all the posts with that field.

    I’ve just tested it on a similar scenario and it seems to work fine for me.

    What are you doing inside the loop by chance? The bit where you specified “/posts here/”

    Many thanks

    Hi kwmarket,

    How are you applying these titles? is it inheriting it from the title when you create a page or is it a custom field?

    I would guess that within the page templates where the above is getting called there is a surrounding h2 rather than a h1 and it will need changing within the php file.

    Many thanks

    Hi @rlaud,

    This area currently has some styling on it which positions it with the absolute rule.

    You currently have a media breakpoint at 1120px which is applying the following:

    section#homepage .flexslider .leftbox {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        height: auto;
        margin-top: -140px;
        width: 100%;

    You could just look at adding position:relative to this to bring it back in to the normal layout which I think will achieve what you’re after. You might just need to increase the margin-top slightly as well or remove it from the flex slider.

    If you only want this to be applied to mobile devices then you can look at adding another media breakpoint.

    many thanks

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