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I did, Andrew. Thanks! Have a great day. ??
Oh, just realized you told me the answer already.. silly me! Sliced out ;text-indent:-99999999px;margin:0 0 8px 0′ and now it is working PERFECTLY with Google Chrome. Should have come to you guys sooner. #Legends #RESOLVED #THANKS!
Ahh, was unaware of that, Jan. Thank you!
Finally managed to track down
“#footer_logo{width:306px;background:url(assets/img/footer-logo.png) top left no-repeat;height:65px;display:block;text-indent:-99999999px;margin:0 0 8px 0}”
in the CSS-stylesheet. Just to be totally noob (and safe!) Can I safely remove this section ‘no-repeat;height:65px;display:block;text-indent:-99999999px;margin:0 0 8px 0’ ?
What an educational sunday this is turning out to be – THANKS and thumbs up to the two of you!
Thanks for your concern, Jan. Did a manual backup yesterday uploading the public_html folder manually to a folder on my computer using FileZilla. Hoping that would do the trick if anything was to happen. ??
Andrew Nevins: YOU, MY GOOD MAN… ARE A LIVING LEGEND! Thank you so much! Any ideas on how to resolve the issue? What parameters I should set it to, for example?
Hmm.. the only plugin I did not deactive was WordPress SEO by (scared of losing all the meta descriptions etc.). Is that ok?
Oh, ok. ?? Sure thing, Andrew. Will keep them deactivated for 1 hr starting in 5 minutes. Thanks for helping me out.
Thanks for the suggestion, Andrew Nevins. Gave it a go, but no change unfortunately.. :/ Plugins we run are:
– BAW Manual related post
– Duplicate post
– Google analytics Dashboard WP
– WordPress Jetpack
– Nivo slider
– Sucuri security
– Updraftplus
– Video thumbnails
– WoocommerceAny other ideas?
– Adam