Forum Replies Created
I get the same problem. It always occurs after completing CPU & Memory & Filesystem to 100% and before Database & Network run (they are on 0%). I’ve tried 3 times. The site is on Pantheon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Help] Error When Adding New Help ArticleSeems this only happens on my local install so it’s not urgent.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to list users order by comment countYou just need to add in an ORDER BY clause:
$comment_counts = (array) $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT user_id, COUNT( * ) AS total FROM {$wpdb->comments} {$where} GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY total ", object);
if you want them in reverse order.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Website doesn't look the sameThe strange symbols look are cause by an issue with the Google Analytics tracking code in some of your widgets. The layout issues could also be caused by some erroneous HTML tags in the widget content.
I would remove each widget one by one (making sure you save them for replacement afterwards) so you can see if any of the widgets’ content is causing the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Facebook button does not showI fixed this by adding to following CSS:
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
#scrolltriggered .fb_iframe_widget iframe {
height: 25px !important;
margin-top: -17px;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Web Scraper] [Plugin: WP Web Scraper] Output to html not working ?I’ve figured out the “issue”… I was trying to scrape a table by using the css id of the the <table> tag. The scraper pulls out all the html below this, but not the <table> tag itself. This meant when I looked in Chrome’s Inspect Element console it showed no html, as the html was badly formed and couldn’t be parsed. I saw that it all looked ok when I looked at the source (Ctrl-U in Chrome).
To fix it I used a callback function to replace the <table> tags:
function mymodule_add_table_tags ($scrap) { return '<table>'.$scrap.'</table>'; }
And change the shortcode to:
[wpws url="" selector="#business_marketData_items" user_agent="Bot at" on_error="error_show" output="html" striptags="<a>" callback="mymodule_add_table_tags "]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Web Scraper] [Plugin: WP Web Scraper] Output to html not working ?Me too. I’m using WP Scraper in a widget with the following shortcode:
[wpws url="" selector="#business_marketData_items" user_agent="Bot at" on_error="error_show" output="html" striptags="<a>"]
The only HTML tags left in with output=”html” are <span>’s, all the others a stripped out. If I change it to output=”text” it strips out the <span>’s too.
Debug info below. My site isn’t live yet so I have nothing to show (I’m developing locally on my machine).
<!-- Start of web scrap (created by wp-web-scraper) Source URL: Selector: #business_marketData_items Xpath: Delivered thru: Cache WPWS options: Array ( [postargs] => [cache] => 60 [user_agent] => Bot at [timeout] => 2 [on_error] => error_show [output] => html [clear_regex] => [clear_selector] => [replace_regex] => [replace_selector] => [replace_with] => [replace_selector_with] => [basehref] => [striptags] => <a> [removetags] => [callback] => [debug] => 1 [htmldecode] => [urldecode] => 1 [xpathdecode] => [request_mt] => 1353787384.3393 ) -->
Yes, this would be awesome ??
Thanks skangie, this plugin works for me!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Manager] [Plugin: RSS Manager] Work with Full Feeds?Hey Milez,
Did you figure this out?
I’m looking at the code for this plugin, but up till now I haven’t been able to get it to work for the full feeds….