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  • What is the link to your web site?

    If you want to totally get rid of the comments form on your site then delete this line of code from your page.php and single.php files:

    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    You can follow this article to get rid of the “blog” in your permalinks.

    Change <?php the_excerpt(); ?> to <?php the_content(); ?>

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: How to

    You can do this by placing the individual page links you want in the menu bar instead of using the <?php wp_nav_menu(); ?> function.

    Here’s an example:

    <div id="menu">
    <a title="Name" href="">Name</a> |
    <a title="Name" href="">Name</a> |
    <a title="Name" href="">Name</a>

    Notice there is no “|” at the end of the last link.

    Then style the menu and links in css:

    #menu {
    #menu a, a:hover {

    Replace “” with the link to your page and “Name” with the text you want displayed. title=”Name” controls what is displayed when you hover over the text. You will need to make sure that the url that you use in your href= matches your permalink structure.

    Using this code should do the trick:

    <div class="navigation">
    <div class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('Older Entries ?', 0); ?>
    <div class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link('? Newer Entries', 0) ?>

    or you could just display all the posts from the category using this plugin or by changing numberposts=20 to the number of posts you have within your code.

    I don’t know how to do that in php. Here is a theme that does something similar to what you are wanting using a script called mootools only the title of each post is displayed. You may be able to use something like that to achieve this result.

    I’m also thinking you might be able to set <?php the_excerpt(); ?> inside the loop with a link to <?php the_content(); ?> also within the loop. But, again, I don’t know if that will work. WordPress might display the excerpt and the content if you have both functions in the loop even if one is inside a link. I would definitely make a copy of my index.php file before playing around with it.

    Good luck.

    Forgot to encode…wrapped in <li> </li> tags.

    First you need to create a menu bar using jquery that will perform that function. If you’re not sure how, my advice would be to look around until you find a theme using it and see how it works. You’ll need to copy the js folder into your theme and then write the code into your header.php file that calls the menu. I know the “Cleanr” theme uses this. Then, you can probably just insert the contact form as you would any other list item, wrapped in

    • tags.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: ALT Descriptions

    The alt attribute is actually meant to display “alternative” text if the image cannot be displayed. Try using the title= attribute instead of alt= to get the hover text.

    Can’t say for sure without seeing your stylesheet. It looks like if you reduce the right padding for your menu items then they will display inline in the same row and the problem will be corrected. Look for something link this:

    #menu ul li {padding: 0 50px 0 0;}

    It looks like you have a 10px margin above the navigation drop down menus. Change that to 0 to get rid of the gap. It might look something like this:

    #menu ul li li {margin:10px 0 0 0;}

    Anything’s possible.

    In your header.php file find this string of code near the bottom:

    <ul id="nav">
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=Pages'); ?>
    <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=Categories'); ?>
    <li class="last-child"><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" class="rss">RSS</a></li>

    replace it with

    <ul id="nav">
    <li><a title="Name" href="">Name</a></li>
    <li><a title="Name" href="">Name</a></li>
    <li><a title="Name" href="">Name</a></li>

    you will, of course, want to change ‘’ to the url of the page you want to link to and change ‘Name’ to the text you want displayed. <a title=”Name” determines what appears when you hover over the link.

    I believe you can also delete the js folder from your theme now if your not using it anywhere else or you could leave it in case you change your mind.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Custom sidebars problem?

    Try this:

    <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>

    Not sure why you see all that crazy stuff. If you copied the code directly then it may not have been encoded right on the page so it wont parse.

    You really don’t need a second sidebar.php file. You can just put both sidebars in the sidebar.php file that came with your theme and wrap them in <div> tags.

    For example:

    <div id="sidebar-left">
    <div id="sidebar-right">

    then style them in css

    #sidebar-left {float:left; width:XXXpx;}
    #sidebar-right {float:right; width:XXXpx;}

    if your content is centered then you would want to add your sidebar function at the top of your index file just below the <?php get_header() ?> function and margin your content over to allow for the left sidebar.

    Good luck.

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