Hi Guys
i had the same problem translating this great plugin into german language, but I finally did it. The trick was to change a value in line >1000 (wp-customer-reviews.php) but dont remember which it was and just to lazy look it up. I had to add a “goto_” to make it work. Nevertheless i would like to share my translation with you.
Here some proofs:
https://prntscr.com/aqbki (“Ort” is a custom field)
You can download the plugin here:
https://uploaded.to/file/lo9sgm19 (its a 7zip)
Its version 2.4.5. and the only differences are the translation + the added “goto_” in line >1000. With the screens and search & replace you should be able to translate it into every language needed.
Hopefully this could help you