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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting Flash File to work in WordPress.No dice.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting Flash File to work in WordPress.I didn’t add that piece of code you gave me the htaccess because I think I am not using permalink. Its just set to default.
Thank you VERY much for your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting Flash File to work in WordPress.I moved the file there and I tried to use it again and it didn’t work. Here is what I put on the page to try it.
<div><script type=”text/javascript”><!–
AC_FL_RunContent( ‘codebase’,’,0,28,0′,’width’,’900′,’height’,’180′,’src’,’file:/wp-content/themes/overeasy/FlashFiles/carousel’,’quality’,’high’,’pluginspage’,’’,’movie’,’/wp-content/themes/overeasy/FlashFiles/deploy/carousel’ ); //end AC code
// –></script><noscript><object width=”900″ height=”180″ data=”/wp-content/themes/overeasy/FlashFiles/carousel.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”><param name=”quality” value=”high” /><param name=”src” value=”/wp-content/themes/overeasy/FlashFiles/carousel.swf” /></object>
</noscript></div>Here is the exact contents of the xml file.
======================vertical – (yes/no) vertical movement
autoMove – (yes/no) if set to yes, the carousel will spin by default
maxSpeed – set maximum speed for the carousel
radiusX, radiusY – set carousel x/y radius (these two are inverted in vertical mode)
blurScale – set blur scale value (recomended values are powers of 2: 2 4 8 16 32 …)
reflections – (yes/no) enable/disable reflections
showBorder – (yes/no) if set to yes, it will show a border around the image
showTooltip – (yes/no) if set to yes, it will show a tooltip above the image
stopOnRollOver – (yes/no) if set to yes, it will pause the movement when you roll over a thumbnail
allButtons – (yes/no) if set to no, the buttons in the background will not interact with the mouse
hitAreaWidth, hitAreaHeight – define the hit area where the carousel will interact with the mouse–>
<carousel vertical=”no” autoMove=”yes” maxSpeed=”1″ radiusX=”400″ radiusY=”20″ blurScale=”8″ reflections=”yes” showBorder=”yes” showTooltip= “yes” stopOnRollover=”yes” allButtons=”no” hitAreaWidth=”590″ hitAreaHeight=”300″>
<image src=”” tooltip=”Jay Wolfe Auto Group” link=”” target=”_self” />
<image src=”” tooltip=”Integration Now” link=”” target=”_self” />
<image src=”” tooltip=”Pro Paintball” link=”” target=”_self” />
<image src=”” tooltip=”GQCISCO Inc.” link=”” target=”_self” />
<image src=”” tooltip=”Quinn & Quinn Law” link=”” target=”_self” />
<image src=”” tooltip=”Midwest Industrial Services” link=”” target=”_self” />
</carousel>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting Flash File to work in WordPress.XML Document:
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