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  • Plugin Author adiant


    OK, I have a second Beta for you, based on your suggestions and issues revealed with my own testing.

    The following additions (i.e. – not in Beta2) are planned before Version 4.0:

    • Alternative to automatically deleting all Settings when this Plugin is deleted
    • Rewrite README (the documentation on this Plugin’s WordPress Plugin Directory page)
    • Warning message whenever any Plugin is both Network and Site Activated
    • Remove top Save button and Footer in What is Activated Where? when there are less than 13 plugins displayed
    • Add a second Admin page with nothing but documentation on it, in part to make up for removing all the explanatory text on the Settings page
    • Request Use Cases on documentation page for anyone who installs this Plugin and cannot live with its new Net-Only restriction, i.e. – why would they want to Site Activate it or install it on a non-Network WordPress install

    Version 4.1:

    • Allow a choice of Sort Order in What is Activated Where? adding Activated First as a choice

    Version 4.2:

    • Display uninstalled plugins and remember their settings, preferably with overstrike rather than greyed out
    • Add Import and Export of Settings

    Please note that the plugin will show up as: Manage Plugins in a Network/Multisite

      Plugin Author adiant


      OK, I have reviewed what you have suggested, and I do like it. But I do think that I will be better off releasing a Version 4.0 without the suggested add-on features: display of uninstalled plugins, and the import/export settings.

      Once we know that 4.0 is stable (i.e. – bug-free), then I can work on 4.1 with those two new features.

      I really appreciate the screenshots of a format for the Settings page.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Let me thoroughly review what you have said, and think through how best to accomplish that. I’ll respond here.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Thank you again for being willing to help.

      Plugin Author adiant


      You can now download it as a ZIP file at

      No hurry on testing, but please let me know when you have downloaded and installed it, so I can delete the file. My main focus is to understand if this re-design would be an adequate replacement for you. I’m not expecting you to find every bug, which I will do later with a Test Plan.

      Thank you for your help!

      Please note that the plugin will show up as: Show/Hide Plugins including Multisite/Network
      This is not the final Name, but the original name is no longer appropriate since WordPress now displays Network-Activated Plugins more widely than it used to.

      Plugin Author adiant


      After looking in depth at both of these errors, I realized how much code was copied from the WordPress Core of Version 3.8 because no Hooks were provided in the Core code where I needed to add code of my own to make the plugin work. Huge changes to that part of the WordPress Core since then would require re-doing the original effort that took many months.

      That inspired me to revisit the complete rewrite of this plugin that I did nearly a year ago, and I was pleasantly surprised at what I found. Of everything I tested, I only found one small issue with controlling the visibility of Network Activated plugins when trying to hide just Network Activated plugins.

      Are you will to test the rewritten plugin? I have not looked at whether it converts Settings from previous versions of the plugin, so it is essential that you only install it on a test system where you would not risk losing a previous version of the plugin’s Setting.

      If interested, please respond here.

      Plugin Author adiant


      I am able to replicate the error message that you are getting. But I’m also seeing, just before, an error related to both WordPress and PHP deprecating the use of Dynamic Properties in Classes:

      PHP Deprecated:  WP_List_Table::__set(): The property _column_headers is not declared. Setting a dynamic property is deprecated since version 6.4.0! Instead, declare the property on the class. in /home/rsshdev/ on line 6085

      I need to resolve that first, and it will take some time as I don’t normally use Classes and have a bit of a learning curve.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Two great suggestions! Once I get the current version working without any error messages, I’ll see whether it makes more sense to add these two features now or in a Version 4 that I was working on last year.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Exactly the feedback I am looking for! I’ll look into that right away.

      Plugin Author adiant


      I just released Version 3.2 which addresses the Deprecated messages.

      Plugin Author adiant


      I checked back on what I did after your first inquiry, and I made the mistake of trying to add a bunch of new features that would make it relevant to current versions of WordPress, and quickly got bogged down. I will try to revisit it soon, and just make it work properly, with no warnings/deprecation errors for the current version of WordPress and PHP 8.3.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Fair enough. I’ll go back through my files and see what happened. And update this thread.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Thank you for your interest in the plugin. I only “just” regained ownership of it, along with five others. Now that I know that there is someone actively using it, I will prioritize the exhaustive testing of it with current versions of WordPress and PHP.

      I have been using the time to update the other plugins: three have new versions already released; and a fourth needs so much work, much of which I have completed, that I had to completely rewrite it, but am now contemplating splitting it into two plugins, one for older versions of WordPress and one for newer.

      To the best of my knowledge, the change of “Tested up to” from 4.6 to 5.8 was made by the interim owner after he verified that the current version of Reveal Network Activated Plugins also worked with then-newer versions of WordPress.

      I should also mention that I plan to rename this plugin to highlight the additional functionality added over the years.

      Plugin Author adiant


      Note that you have to be logged in before the +Create Topic button appears.

      Version 3.0.1 of this plugin expands support to versions of WordPress dating back to Version 6.0, and PHP 5.6 for those earlier versions of WordPress that supported it (the current version of WordPress will not run on anything older than PHP 7.0). This plugin has also been tested with Version 8.2 of PHP running the current version of WordPress in both Windows and Linux hosting environments.

      A huge THANK YOU! to David Gewirtz for taking care of this plugin for most of its existence. Although I originally wrote it, a long term family illness meant I could not support it, and David stepped in.

      It’s been a long time since I was an expert on this Plugin, but my recollection is that you are better off defining the new Theme in WordPress-Admin-Appearance and use the plugin to specify your original Theme everywhere you want it.

      But you’ll get the authoritative answer by opening a Support Ticket at

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