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Thank you so much for your help,
In the end I had to upload my mp3s to wp-content/uploads/2011/11
very strange but at least it’s working now
Esmi my hero,
That’s a very good idea. I’ll do that
Thank you : )
when I click ‘create playlist’ and chooses the two songs that are currently in my wordpress music library it asks me to name the playlist. I named it Lars 1, but then I get this error message
Can’t create/open file ‘/hsphere/local/home/amandla/’.
I ‘m not having any luck with the skins either, even though I followed the instructions and put the flagallery-skins folder inside the plugins folder so that the directory now is wp-content/plugins/flagallery-skin. I got an error message saying that the ‘flagallery-skin’ folder wasn’t writable so I changed the number from 755 to 766. I then got a message saying that permission was created successfully but it didn’t change anything. There are still ‘no skins to show’ and when I try to install the skins from my desktop I don’t know which file to choose. For example, there is a folder named ‘green style pro demo’ which contains colors.php, galley.swf, green_style_demo.php, screenshot.png, settings.php and xml.php
I have no idea what to do now…
I created a folder and called it ‘flagallery’ which I uploaded into my wp-content’s folder and I then created a folder (containing my mp3’s), named it ‘playlists’ and put it inside the ‘flagallery’ folder, just like the error message said (so that the directory would be /wp-content/flagallery/playlists/)
But it still doesn’t work, when I choose ‘import mp3 from folder and chooses this folder I get this error message
The selected file could not be copied to /hsphere/local/home/amandla/
The mp3 files uploaded from my desktop no problem and they are now in the wordpress music library but I just can’t seem to ‘do anything’ with them such as create a playlist and putting them in my widget section.
So… I’m very, very confused to say the least : (
Yes I understand that (as you can see from my post above) but If this is the case, what’s the point of giving you the option of just uploading from the desktop? This indicates (and this was my question) that maybe it is possible to create playlists without having to ftp.
I thought the whole idea of WordPress was that it should be easy and that people shouldn’t have to to ftp and create folders and sub folders on a server…
Doing this is not a problem for me at all but I’m sure my client will find it quite confusing and difficult so that’s why I’m asking if it’s possible to make playlists any other way.
I’ve managed to increase the PHP limit on file sizes so that’s working now and I’m able to upload mp3 files from my desktop but I still are not able to create playlists or choose any skins from the GRAND FlAGallery – Best Photo & Media plug-in.
Even though it has let me successfully upload 2 mp3s from my desktop it won’t let me create a playlist of these songs, well it actually does let me create and name this playlist but then it just says ‘playlist can’t be found’ and ‘Create directory please:”/wp-content/flagallery/playlists/”
So does this mean I have to create a folder called ‘playlists’ and put it inside a folder called flagallery and then upload my mp3s to this folder via FTP?
If this is the case, what’s the point of giving you the option of just uploading from the desktop (like the way you can do with your logo or header image) I’m making a website for someone else who isn’t really familiar with coding, ftp:ing etc, and it would just be so great if they could just upload images, music, videos etc from their desktop rather than having to ftp and create folders and sub folders on a server…
Have you any idea what to do about this ‘problem’
There is a folder called ‘skins’ on my server which appear to contain a load of skins so I don’t know if I am just meant to re-name this folder ‘flagallery-skins’ or if I should create a new (empty) folder and call it ‘flagallery-skins’? I tried renaming the folder ‘flagallery-skins’ but I am still not able to access any skins at all through my WordPress so I’m very confused.
You can download skins for free from the GRAND FlAGallery – Best Photo & Media Gallery website but I don’t know where to put/install them in order to access them from WordPress.
I will have to call my web host tmrw and ask them about increasing my space so I can upload mp3’s.
Hi Ipstenu,
Tanks for getting back to me.
1. So… I just create an empty folder and name it ‘flagallery-skins’? (can I create it on my desktop and then upload it via FTP or does it have to be created in FTP (I’m using Filezilla)
2. How will I know which is the ‘relevant php.ini file’? Can I create my own php.ini file in my text editor program (I’m using Smultron) again is it just a blank document with the code above in it named php.ini and… where exactly in my root directory does it go? I have searched my FTP but there doesn’t seem to be a file called .htaccess or at least I can’t seem to find it… Do you think I will have to contact my web provider for this information?
What exactly does ‘root directory’ mean, is it the folder containing everything on my server or just the one containing my wordpress site?
Once again, thank you so much for your help
ok, thanks
Hi Herman,
Thank you very much for this help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I modify big margin between image and textCouldn’t wait until tmrw so I checked it out straight away, unfortunately The Gravity Form plugin doesn’t appear to allow you to upload audio tracks, videos or images?
Does anyone know of any other ways of making it possible for the user to upload audio tracks, videos or images in the widgets section?
Thanks for telling me about widgets anyway, I had no idea what that was so at least that’s one step in the right direction : )
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I modify big margin between image and textthank you so much for this advice, I will check it out tmrw
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I modify big margin between image and textwow it worked! magic! : ) thank you so much. How peculiar that it made a difference putting that bit of code at the end of the style sheet… I obviously have a lot to learn.
Perhaps you could also help me with this other ‘problem’ I have
I have created a child theme from the theme Delicate and I was wondering if it’s possible to remove the section where it says ‘Categories’, ‘Archives’ and ‘Meta’ from my home page
this is my URL
and instead, on this section of my website insert a news section where my client can upload songs, music videos and post text and info similar to the link below
Would be very grateful for some help on this issue
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I modify big margin between image and textHow silly of me! Here it is
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I apply different rules what's displayed for different pagesI’m also wondering where I can style the font that is being displayed in this post.
This is the code in the style sheet that I assume relates to this post, I’ve tried changing all the sections where fonts are mentioned but… nothing works (is there perhaps a setting for how to do this yourself via WordPress?
CODE (p.s I have added the letters ‘hem’ in front of the classes so that these changes will only apply to my home page template
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