Forum Replies Created
the problem is solved to the development plugin.
Check my website. (Use Jquery-3.3.1.min.js – news ticker version
https://www.masquesaber.esSTEP TO FIXED the message to Firefox( load not is a function).:-D
wp-content / plugins / jetpack / modules/ likes / queuehandler.js
1 step
change the code to this.
$wrapper.find( ‘iframe’ ).on(‘load’, function ( e ) {
var $iframe = jQuery( );
2 step
change the WraperID to WraperId
( wrapperId ) all results.3 step
change in the queuehandler.min.js
wp-content / plugins / jetpack / _inc / build / likes / queuehandler.min.js
find the line – t.find(“iframe”).load(function)
And change to this
t.find(“iframe”).on(‘load’, function
And save.
Reload the website. ?? and enjoy.NOTE: Using Jquery-3.3.1-min.js version with news ticker. And it no longer gives conflict. Because this is what firefox tells you. How to fix it. And works.
Check my website. (Use Jquery-3.3.1.min.js – news ticker version
https://www.masquesaber.esSTEP TO FIXED the message to Firefox( load not is a function).:-D
wp-content / plugins / jetpack / modules/ likes / queuehandler.js
1 step
change the code to this.
$wrapper.find( ‘iframe’ ).on(‘load’, function ( e ) {
var $iframe = jQuery( );
2 step
change the WraperID to WraperId
( wrapperId ) all results.3 step
change in the queuehandler.min.js
wp-content / plugins / jetpack / _inc / build / likes / queuehandler.min.js
find the line – t.find(“iframe”).load(function)
And change to this
t.find(“iframe”).on(‘load’, function
And save.
Reload the website. ?? and enjoy.NOTE: Using Jquery-3.3.1-min.js version with news ticker. And it no longer gives conflict. Because this is what firefox tells you. How to fix it. And works.
Check my website. (Use Jquery-3.3.1.min.js – news ticker version
https://www.masquesaber.esSTEP TO FIXED the message to Firefox( load not is a function).:-D
wp-content / plugins / jetpack / modules/ likes / queuehandler.js
1 step
change the code to this.
$wrapper.find( ‘iframe’ ).on(‘load’, function ( e ) {
var $iframe = jQuery( );
2 step
change the WraperID to WraperId
( wrapperId ) all results.3 step
change in the queuehandler.min.js
wp-content / plugins / jetpack / _inc / build / likes / queuehandler.min.js
find the line – t.find(“iframe”).load(function)
And change to this
t.find(“iframe”).on(‘load’, function
And save.
Reload the website. ?? and enjoy.NOTE: Using Jquery-3.3.1-min.js version with news ticker. And it no longer gives conflict. Because this is what firefox tells you. How to fix it. And works.
Example: This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by adminlibreriaurano.
Hello csonnek.
Ok, understand of the problem not is of WP, and JetPack. Is true, I try another options, and the results is. Exist conflicts between versions of JS and the jetpack code.But I try to use the “noconflict JS” and the results not is good. Please helpme ??
* A?ade JS y CSS al tema
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘registrar_jscss’);
function registrar_jscss(){/*
* A?adimos los archivo para evitar los conflictos con $
wp_enqueue_script( ‘noconflict’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘assets/js/noconflict.js’, array ( ‘jquery’ ), 1.1, true);
wp_enqueue_script( ‘newsmagz-news-ticker-slider’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), ‘3.3.1’, true );
whit noconflict file assets/js/noconflict.js
whitout fileI just try that within my function, I can make two independent JS files coexist, so that each thing works. ?? how can I use “noconflict” correctly. If I can get it to work, this solution will work for a lot of people. So you can use the Newsticker that I use with (jquery-3.3.1 and bootstrap-3.3.5) but I want to comment on one thing. ONLY THE NEWSTICKER WORKS FOR ME, when I register my local jquery-3.3.1 in functions. And I call a different version of Jquery-3.3.1 from the theme “header”. If I don’t put Jquery-3.3.1 in the header, Slide’s effects don’t work: – / buuuaa.
Please, Please, let’s revive that LINUX spirit, which we had in the 90s and 2000. Where we were looking for a solution at the speed of light. PLEASEEE BY RICHARD STALMAN, PLEASEEEE. :-p
I can use, JQuery or $
jQuery(window).on(“load”, function(e){var i=jQuery(;JetpackLikesPostMessage({event:”loadLikeWidget”,name:i.attr(“name”),width:i.width()},window.frames[“likes-master”]),t.removeClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-loading”));Jquery-3.3.1.min.js
jQuery(window).on(“w.fn.load”=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,a=this,s=e.indexOf(” “);return s>-1&&(r=vt(e.slice(s)),e=e.slice(0,s)),g(t)?(n=t,t=void 0):t&&”object”==typeof t&&(i=”POST”),a.length>0&&w.ajax({url:e,type:i||”GET”,dataType:”html”,data:t})
I can use this? is correctly?…- This reply was modified 4 years ago by adminlibreriaurano.
Hello friends.
the code of error in firefox.
function JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler(){var e;if(jetpackLikesMasterReady){jetpackUnloadScrolledOutWidgets();var t=jetpackGetUnloadedWidgetsInView();t.length>0&&JetpackLikesBatchHandler();for(var i=0,a=t.length;i<=a-1;i++)(e=t[i].id)&&jetpackLoadLikeWidgetIframe(e)}else setTimeout(JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler,500)}function jetpackLoadLikeWidgetIframe(e){var t;if(void 0!==e){(t=jQuery(“#”+e)).find(“iframe”)
—————–I can use this code to unblock the “Loading freezer”?
$(window).on(“load”, function(e){var i=jQuery(;JetpackLikesPostMessage({event:”loadLikeWidget”,name:i.attr(“name”),width:i.width()},window.frames[“likes-master”]),t.removeClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-loading”));<– (it OK?) continue the line (.addClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-loaded”), this the finish of function load?)Many thanks ??
Please, only need know this to the theme, work correctly. ??
csonnek thanks for answering me so soon.
I think I have not explained myself, and if you are right on the subject of Jquery by WP. The LIKES plugin does work on this issue without problems. But when I remove the Function from the theme, the line of code to Jquery 3.3.1. Because if I use Jquery for my news ticker, the LIKES module stays on loading, since it gives an error with e.indexOf. But if I remove Jquery 3.3.1 from my function globally, LIKES doesn’t load … ??Ok I’m going to try to do the same Slide effect, with CSS.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by adminlibreriaurano.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [NewsMagZ] Uncaught TypeError: e.indexOf is not a functionHello.
Jetpack’s LIKES module, if it works on this page without problems, checked. The problem is that it is incompatible with jquery-3.3.1.min.js, and I cannot remove it, because I use it to show the News Ticker.
How could I make the News Ticker work, without having to load Jquery-3.3.1 globally? so the Jetpack LIKES module would load correctly. ??
Example whitout jquery-3.3.1.min.js globally
whit jquery-3.3.1.min.js globally
the module LIKES –It stays on loading, because there is an error in Jquery-3.3.1.min.js with reference e.indexof not is a function.NEWSTICKER
function global charge
wp_enqueue_script( ‘newsmagz-news-ticker’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), ‘3.3.1’, true );Any solution to this?…
more info about the News Ticker This reply was modified 4 years ago by adminlibreriaurano.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by adminlibreriaurano.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] ERROR grecaptcha.ready NOT VARIABLE DEFINED…Hello Matthias…
Please you have time to check this info?
In other ticket
the problem more then likely is the fact that you are loading the base recaptcha JS with async & defer attributes, so it is not guaranteed to be available when inline JS (which depends on said recaptcha JS) is executed;<script src=”//” async defer type=”88c906a1f097d3d4a35c2a15-text/javascript”></script>
this is likely made even more fragile by using AO (which also defers the aggregate JS), asyncjs (which defers non-autoptimized JS) and cloudflare’s rocketloader (which has it’s own, different method of deferring). I also see jQuery is not defined errors by the way, so you will have to look into that as well I guess.
hope this helps,
Link: option is valid?… if not, how to deactivated th recaptcha? only erase the dir of grecaptcha in CF7?
Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined
<anonymous> I wait your comments ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] ERROR grecaptcha.ready NOT VARIABLE DEFINED…Ok. close the ticket. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] ERROR grecaptcha.ready NOT VARIABLE DEFINED…A Ok thank you Matthias.
I dont know this information. ??This problem have dificult to fix the error?
Ok, I deactivated the option in my CF7 ??
Many thanks.
Ok Thank you.
I try to check this, to erase the links of JS in my header.
Thank you. ?? is a Free Theme, from themepacific (India). And them no want make nothing in this theme. ??Hello greetings to all.
I have opened tickets to WP. I have tried several things. And to me, the buttons are shown. When I deactivate Jetpack 8.5. I don’t know if it will have to do with any of the APIs. Well I see that in said plugin, they say to use ?Sandbox?, but that is for developers. The normal thing would be to use the PAYPAL Api Key. The seller’s.
Jetpack not is active.
——–, bye.
Sorry. I thought that my PowerPack was yours. And it’s from Woothemes. Thanks for everything.