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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adding image to Black-Letterhead themeOh, and the only reason this script above doesn’t work ‘as is’ is because below isn’t commented out…
#headerimg { background: url(‘<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>’) no-repeat top;}
*/Normally when someone says ‘insert’ the following code it would be as is.. Apparently not so with much of these wordpress themes.. Get rid of those goofy CSS signs /* and */ and it works…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adding image to Black-Letterhead themeFigured out problem… In case anyone else has similar problems with imgaes.. Hope this program is worth it for so far it IS NOT! A WordPress glitch for images in subdomains! What a pain!! See
Not worth screwing around trying to resoolve subdomain glitches with program that apparently go unresolved…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adding image to Black-Letterhead themeI’ve loaded other themes like ‘ICE’ and McStars with background bodyand/or header images and no themes that use header images display any header or body images for me after ‘selecting’ them in admin/presentation.. In fact, I’ve yet to upload a theme using images in their themes that works so something else is up.. Commented the css garbage */ and /* in default wordpress theme for # headerimgand and loaded the image into images/personalheader.jpg and still no header image…
For any theme I load in ‘presentation’ and Only after I right click – view background image using Firefox to be taken to the header or body background image – then back click can I actually see the background images displayed using wordpress… It shouldn’t be this difficult for a mere background or header image on a blog but yet it is… Probably something simple…
I may as well give up since ‘on my own’ here (although I’ve solved multitudes of php problems I’ve had on my own, I can’t figure this out) so will just have to use more standard php blog programs that I can manipulate… For this one I CAN NOT.
Anyone see a header image here on and if so what browser???
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1.5 Default theme disables personalheader.jpgAll of above about commenting out script errors in Kubrick easily understood, but I STILL get no header image! Commented out */ and */ before and after #headerimg in header.php but still nothing. Same problem with black Letterhead theme or this basic default theme – header images download but do NOT display! It’s driving me crazzzzy! Images download but DO NOT display on firefox or IE – although on firefox I can right click to view background image and then back click to see header image displayed with web title and tagline..
I’m not a newbie to php but am to wordpress. Any ONE have a clue to what’s up with this header image display problem I’m having???? Pulease??? – I can typically solve most all php problems myself but this wordpress header image display problem seems to be more complicated than it should be.. I’m ready to go back to standard old php ’cause wordpress is just not working for me despite following all directions explicitly…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adding image to Black-Letterhead themeNew to wordpress but not php. This is the most wierd php program I’ve run into yet. Perhaps because it doesn’t seem to be standard php scripting.. No matter what I do or try, I can’t get header images to work! Question – isn’t there supposed to be a header image on the default wordpress theme (from kubrick) because I get nothing??? Or is it commented out using */ ???
Anywho, the point is I also have tried for hours to get an image on Black-Letterhead theme using variations on this above script from ulysses?? Obviously it can be done as seen here on Who’s author makes a comment on the designer’s page here check out his site to see how he incorporated it – but unfortunately is keeping it a secret as to how he managed to do it.. Instructions at aren’t what I would call simple, or at least don’t give a straight forward script to insert a header image into header.php that I found..
I got the header image to download but it just won’t display. In firefox I can right click to display background image and then click back and I’ll then see the header image – but on IE I get nada.. as one can see here
About ready to go back to pmachine or something else with more standard php but I do like all the plugins for wordpress.. Anyone out there got any ideas on how to get a header image to work with this letterhead theme????? Much prior thx…