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J’ai envoyé un message au support PHPNet J’attends leur retour.
Je suis chez PHPNet. J’avais bien désactivé le cron standard dans wp-config.php. Je suis revenu ensuite sur le cron standard.
J’ai installé WP Crontrol et j’ai remarqué que apcm_apcu_stats est réglé sur 5 minutes et apcm_apcu_gc sur 15 minutes.
Je ne pense pas que cela vienne du CRON, j’ai testé avec un CRON qui tourne toutes les 5 minutes chez l’hébergeur et le résultat est le même.
Concernant le traffic, qu’entendez vous pat faible ? Il faudrait être en dessous de combien de visiteurs/visites au quotidien ?
Merci pour votre travail
- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by ads97129.
Yes, these images appear in WordPress media library.
I have updated WP-Opimize and it’s working. But it doesn’t find images before 2022/11, only images in folders between 2023/08 and 2022/11. Is it normal?
Thank you very much for the update.
I haven’t translated this sentence. I have deactivated French translations and the issue disappeared.
Thank you.
I will ask to my host for error log, but I think that the error is the same in live site because the error in console is the same. Each time I want to update uncompressed images, this message appears in console: XHR POST https://localhost/archipel2/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php on local site and XHR POST on live site.
Websites are not in English but in French.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you for your help.
Web site on local : Windows NT 10.0 AMD64, PHP 8.1.17
Website online : Linux 5.4.0-124-generic x86_64, PHP 8.1.19
Version of WP-Optimize : 3.2.16
Great!! Users online appears on dashboad now. No error in console.
Thank you
Yes all is good but users online doesn’t appears on dashbord.
Thank you for your work. Now, it’s working and there isn’t error in console.
Users online appears in Statistics → Settings → General but not in backend ?
Thanks for your help
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- Current language: french