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    I’ve actually been working with the Hooks API since last night without satisfactory results. The piece I’m obviously trying to transform is “social-block” since it’s nested inside a few of the nav classes. While I have been able to hook in and change the span class, changing “social-block” and moving it above the logo and navigation has been the challenge.

    What I’m looking for is a means of modifying the action that places tc_social_in_header into the navbar so it can be moved above the block for the logo and nav. I’m not seeing anything like that in the function reference…


    @jeff: Thanks for the reply and the URL for the site is

    All of the product variations have been properly set-up and this issue also occurs on a single product with no variations, so I think it’s less an issue of how the products are set-up. For reference and I should have mentioned this earlier, we were working with ePN as a payment gateway before they shut a few months back and didn’t have the PayPal “Buy Now” button enabled. I’m suspicious that the issue we’re seeing is related to a recent update to the framework itself. I nixed the ePN integration about two months ago after discovering they’d gone the way of the dodo, tested with PayPal, and at that point everything was still functioning to expectation.

    As for the idea of a theme conflict, I can replicate the error across all the canned WordPress themes. We are in the process of trying to figure out whether or not we want to re-theme the site as the theme that’s presently being used is no longer maintained. Regardless, this issue wasn’t present until the last update to GetShopped.

    Any and all assistance would be lovely.

    I am unfortunately having the exact same issue. Not truly sure when it started, but we first noticed it after removing the “Buy Now” button in favor of “Add To Cart” because it was determined that PayPal shouldn’t be the only payment option.

    Here’s what I’m looking at:

    • Using USPS as the only shipping option with a flat rate of $5
    • Regardless of how many items are in the cart, on press of “calculate” the screen refreshes and shows shipping with $0
    • On press of “Purchase” below the payment types, the screen refreshes and throws the following error – Please select one of the available shipping options, then we can process your order.”

    As mentioned, USPS is the only shipping option and this is not available for the user to modify on the checkout page. If I enable the “Buy Now” button, this is no longer an issue. Our customers have sadly complained about having to use PayPal and that feedback predicated our integration of as a secondary payment method. We’re reverting back to the PayPal button so as to keep from losing sales, but I would love some suggestions on how this can be fixed or if there’s another update to GetShopped coming down the pike where this bug has been addressed.

    Thanks is advance!

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    @photocrati – Credentials sent. I’ll be working relatively late tonight, so you’re welcome to reach out any time should y’all need additional information about the issue.

    I was able to update the other customer’s NGG instance on their dev site with one issue – We’re using the SB Welcome Email plugin and any time a gallery is edited and saved from the “Manage Galleries” screen, WordPress throws an error saying SB Welcome Email is deactivated due to conflict with another plugin. The only place I get this error is in the “Manage Galleries” edit screen after click of “save”. I’ve tested elsewhere in the backend and can’t replicate the error in any other screen.

    Not a big deal as the MVC issue is much, much more important. I’ll probably start a thread for this other error some time over the weekend.

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    @photocrati – I did indeed post to the bug reports as well not knowing if it was an issue with the Pro extension or just the plugin itself.

    I disabled Pro in both production and the sandbox. Same MVC error.

    BTW: As mentioned above, this is happening in both the production and sandbox instances.

    I have one other client site I can check. They’re not running Pro, and a couple of my bug reports from earlier in the week dealt with the customer specifically. More shortly.

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    @photocrati – I’m seeing the error with Basic and Pro templates. I cherry picked three from each bucket and all throw the MVC error. I get this error in both my production and sandbox instances.

    I’ll disable pro in both places and let you know shortly if I receive the same error.

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    It should be noted that these are the errors I’m presently seeing in the browser.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…en-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ajax/static/ajax.js?ver=3.6
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…allery-pro/modules/nextgen_pro_lightbox/static/trigger_buttons.css?ver=3.6
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…ery-pro/modules/nextgen_pro_lightbox/static/icons/font-awesome.css?ver=3.6

    Any thoughts as to why I’m seeing 404 error for these resources would be brilliant.

    @photocrati – I am more than happy to compile the bugs I’ve noticed since the update and send it your way. I’ll include the regressions as well as explanations of my fixes just in case someone else comes up against the same issues. Feel free to PM me the address I should send it to.

    @photocrati – All bugs have been resolved (i.e. global redirects as well the strange concatenation of my site’s dynamic scripts) with the exception of the issue with the missing slash after “galleries” or “gallery”. It does in fact only happen from the Manage Galleries screen, but the problem is that the slash isn’t inserted by default in the Other Options.

    My regression:

    • Installed the beta on my production site and attempted to create a new gallery
    • On press of save, the gallery path was “wp-content/galleriesnameofnewgallery”
    • Navigated to “Other Options to see if I could change the gallery path
    • On refresh, the HTML and CSS for the Other Options screen would not render. I received the same result in trying to navigate to Gallery Options.
    • Regressed the 2.0.2 install back to 2.0 and was able to change the gallery path with no issue because the HTML rendered with no problem

    I’m not sure if you saw my note about the concatenation of dynamic scripts, but NGG was trying to create a top level directory called “nextgen-static” and collapsed all of my JS and AJAX into one semicolon separated URL. The only way I was able to rectify this was to wholly delete all NGG data at the database level and then reinstall the plugin and Pro extension. Certainly a PITA since I now have to rebuild the galleries from scratch (appending the previous album and gallery data post install breaks the plugin), but it’s well better than struggling further with it flat out not working.

    If I come across anything while I’m rebuilding the galleries, I’ll certainly let you guys know.

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    This has now been fixed. What I ended up doing was deleting everything NGG related and completely reinstalling. The sad fact of the fix is that I’ll have to rebuild my galleries, but the plus side is that it’s finally working.

    Such an eventful 72 hours…

    @photocrati – Not sure if anyone has reported this yet, but the “Add Gallery” function isn’t working properly. What’s happening with my install (that’s finally working after removing all NextGen data and galleries) is that on create, the function doesn’t insert a trailing slash between “galleries” and the name provided by the user.

    Let me know if you want a screen shot.

    Currently running WP 3.6 and this function was tested in both NGG 2.0 and 2.0.2.

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    The update to WP 3.6 fixed the oddball minification. Everything is now working as expected.

    Edit: The minification is still happening despite the update.

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    Please note in the above that WordPress is looking for a top level directory called “nextgen-static”. Said directory of course doesn’t exist.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts or possible solutions.

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    The redirection issue has been resolved. Going to open another topic showing what I’m seeing now.

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    And now there’s this output as well –

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…i_nextgen/modules/frame_communication/A/frame_event_publisher.js?ver=3.5.2
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught ReferenceError: Lazy_Resources is not defined plugins.php?activate-multi=true&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s=:563

    It looks like the packages I’ve downloaded are potentially missing directories, or there’s lingering reference to directories that belong to the previous iteration. Not one of the directories listed above actually live in my sandbox instance, so these errors are specific to production.


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