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    @photocrati – Just quickly, here’s the console output on the production site when the plugin and extension are active.

    Uncaught ReferenceError: Lazy_Resources is not defined
    (anonymous function)
    l scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7
    c.fireWith scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7
    v.extend.ready scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7
    A scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7

    Another piece I just noticed is that when the plugin and extension are active, on first refresh of any page in the site, there’s an effort somewhere to change the MIME type of the images being served by the HTML, PHP, and CSS. This error is only visible within the first couple of times I refresh, and then the above is served to the console thereafter.

    It looks like there’s somehow conflict between NGG 2.0, my theme (wp-creativix), and Contact Form 7…

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    @photocrati – We’re now functional and I was correct with the issue being database related. Here’s what I found in comparing the sandbox instance with production –

    • The row for permalinks had been completely deleted from the wp_options table. I have confirmed that this happens to my production site on install of the plugin
    • NGG options were not correctly inserted to the database

    While we are now functional, here are the issues I’m seeing while NGG 2.0 is active. Please keep in mind that whether or not Pro is active, the issues are the same.

    • All hyperlinks turn bright blue and do not inherit the color specified in the CSS
    • Text alignment in the footer does not inherit what’s in the CSS
    • 30 – 50 pixels of space are inserted between nested divs and the CSS ignored
    • On press of “Save” or “Update” in the admin panel, on refresh administrators are taken to a different page. For example, if you’re editing a template file in the editor and press save, on refresh you won’t see the template you were editing and instead the default “home” page of the editor which is most often the style.css file for the theme

    All of these display errors are resolved when I deactivate NGG 2.0. Please note these issues are specific only to my production instance of the site. The sandbox does not show any of these errors at all. I haven’t been able to find any deeper disparity between the two databases aside from what’s mentioned above.

    Any thoughts on why NGG would disable portions of the stylesheet?

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    @photocrati – Thanks very much for adding that to your bug list. Please note that this happens with a fresh install of 2.0 and the error occurs regardless if Pro is enabled or not. I sent Becky access details yesterday in the advent you guys want to log in and see what’s happening. I’m suspicious that it’s an issue with the production database (the sandbox instance works perfectly) and not a conflict with another script or plugin as I’m not running anything that’s been identified as being an issue.

    If you guys do end up logging in, please give me advance notice so I can let the client know work is being done and a few things may not operate as expected.

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    @decimus – Which gallery folder did you delete? The one that’s found at /wp-content/gallery? Please let me know. Edit: Also, did you delete NextGen Gallery completely or just the gallery folder in order to get your permalinks working again?

    I have roughly 30 galleries in play and while it wouldn’t be too much of a pain to rebuild them, I’d rather not. The weird thing is that with the exception of a couple blog posts, my sandbox instance is an exact mirror of the live site. It’s odd to me that it works in one place and not the other.

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    @photocrati – The client has asked me to re-establish our account with you and update the plugin. As was mentioned in an email to your support team this afternoon, installation of the NGG Gallery plugin creates a situation where permalinks break and all pages redirect to the home page. Nothing in terms of conflict reports to the Firebug console and nothing appears to be out of line.

    I can now see the Pro options in the before mentioned Ubuntu instance I’m running locally, but both my live sandbox and production instances give the same redirect error. Meaning again that every page site wide now redirects to the home page when the plugin is enabled.

    WordPress has been reinstalled, all settings regressed, the home page URL is not expressly stated in both the config file as well as the theme functions and still receiving the same result.

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    @photocrati – This is time sensitive and your support team was not able to help us in a reasonable amount of time. I have deleted the user account and have no designs at this time of using the newest version of the plugin until it has matured considerably.

    As for the regression, those steps were also followed and produced no results.

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    Quick update – The regression steps do not work. After following everything to the letter, the previous version of NGG is incapable of –

    • Generating thumbnails
    • Displaying thumbnails in the Manage Gallery screens
    • Throws Safe Mode errors (PHP is not in safe mode)
    • Uploading new images

    So… due to the upgrade and the attempt at regressing to the previous iteration (done via FTP and not via the WordPress UI) the gallery is now useless. Any thoughts/fixes for this? We have new content pending that the filmstrip gallery is necessary for and now our hands are tied.

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    We’ve canceled our Pro account and regressed to the earlier iteration of the plugin as we started seeing deeper errors than what was mentioned above.

    Hopefully this plugin and extension will stabilize soon. We’d like to continue working with NextGen, but cannot account for such poor upfront testing with a version leap like this.

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    Hi Erick,

    This request was put out to the larger community for the very reason that your reply adds things to the conversation of upgrade that does not exist in your documentation. As a long time supporter of all things FOSS (not to mention a frequent contributor), the severe lack of transparency in the support forums (and thus any docs supporting a given project) spurs me to put this in a public place.

    No “Pro” gallery types exist in the screen mentioned. To be fair, my initial post indicated “Pro” features do not appear on the Gallery Settings page. The environment is LAMP. Attempted an install on a local Ubuntu LAMP instance and received the same result.

    Thanks in advance for the attention and support.


    Hey Erick,

    After performing the update I tried to navigate back to the admin dashboard, but the entire site had gone down. Meaning I saw there was conflict in the dynamic scripts that made it so none of the HTML rendered and the browser threw a server error.

    I regressed my installation to a previous version of the Gallery, though the element of the contact forms that is not functioning is that on press of “submit”, “#wpcf7-f1388-t1-o1” is appended to the page URL. This is the error I saw last year and it’s happening all over again after more than a year of smooth sailing.

    As of writing, I am back to the previous iteration of the Gallery and the only piece that isn’t functioning is what’s mentioned above.

    I’m planning to play around a little bit in a sandbox instance of the client site to see if I can sort out where the conflict is. The error message I saw in Chrome was sadly vague, but I’ll bump this thread with any new info and/or errors once I have them in hand.

    Thanks very much for the prompt response.


    Hey Erick,

    I just installed the update to NextGen and it appears as though there is again a conflict with Contact Form 7. The update not only broke a client site completely, but when I got it working again none of my contact forms functioned.

    This error was mitigated by a NexGen update about a year or so ago and everything has been working smoothly since. Any chance y’all tested NextGen alongside Fast Secure Contact Forms of Contact Form 7 knowing there was conflict in the past?



    I’m having a similar issue. The client I’m presently working with expects the following –

    • Redirection to a Thank You page on a successful submission
    • Submission Event Tracking inside GA. We set up goals based on the page where the form submission originates so we have a better idea of PPC versus organic in a single snapshot.
    • AJAX messages inside the form itself disabled

    The thing I’m seeing right now is that regardless of the text I enter into the “Additional Settings”, the AJAX boxes are empty on submission. A red and yellow box appear (red appearing where there is no error and actually does not inherit global CSS styles; it bleeds outside of the content container by more than 50px), but none of the text we’d like the user to see actually displays in the UI. Hence the client’s insistence on a redirection to a Thank You page, thus eliminating the AJAX responses all together since they do not sufficiently function or inherit global CSS styles. Setting the AJAX messages to display: none; in the site’s primary CSS file produces no result.

    I almost feel like I’m beating a dead horse as a couple of the errors mentioned above were discussed in this forum more than a year ago. The JS issues the developer pointed to were actually a non-issue and ended up being fixed in the following iteration of the plugin. Convenient. But I digress…

    “Additional Options” do not function and there is no JS error at all. The only JS running on the pages where the form is installed is the GA Universal Tracking code. GA is not seeing the “events” and I am wholly unable to complete the ask of a goal due to this section of the plugin being non-functional.

    Thoughts or ideas?

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    Hey Chizet,

    Thanks for bumping this thread. I was thinking about this again earlier today after finding that the 32% mentioned in my original post is very quickly hedging towards 40% of URLs that are not redirecting. I think the exact number is now sitting at close to 600 URLs that are not being redirected at all.

    I keep running into some unusual stuff in using Redirection and finding that any URL that requires a 301 is failing completely when using this plugin. With what’s looking like a 60% success in redirecting URLs, I may scrap this completely and go back to hand editing the .htaccess file. The really ugly part of the conversation is telling the customer that this plug-in functions “most of the time” and there’s no telling when it will or will not successfully redirect a URL.

    Anyone out there in the ether have any suggestions? I’m very willing to work with the developer to debug and refine this plugin. It needs a good amount of love.


    I was having a similar issue on one of the sites I’m administrating and the fix I found was to delete the .htaccess file from /wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_captcha. Everything’s now displaying as expected.


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    Firebug doesn’t show any errors.

    Just put together a dev version of the site that’s experiencing the issue. Using the default theme and no other plugin that CF7. The error persists.


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