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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Instructions for creating static php page using 1.5Hi 7milesdown,
you can solve that using this neat plugin:
AdiForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Instructions for creating static php page using 1.5Hi,
you can always call a single post and a static page like this index.php?pagename=[POST_SLUG]. If you are using nice permalinks (activate under options /permalinks ) then you need to update your .htaccess or have WP update the .htaccess if it is writable.
adsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Instructions for creating static php page using 1.5Hi,
in 1.5 you can just add new pages in the admin section Manage /Pages
AdiForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hide sub-level Categories: is it possible?Hi colin,
is this what you want?
Replace your call to wp_list_cats with this piece of code.
Tested in 1.5alpha but should work in 1.2.x.<?php
$child_of = 0;
$children = 0;
$cur_cat = $wp_query->get('cat');
if('' != $cur_cat ) {
$child_of = $cur_cat;
$children = 1;
?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Questions from a theme developerHi tparlin,
to be absolutly precise there is no version 1.3, there is an alpha version of wordpress which was going to be 1.3 but it looks like it’s going to be 1.5 now. Although that could be changed to something completly different.
As to your burning sensation computer and humans are so similar that the GIGO (garbage in / garbage out) rule to some degree applies to humans as well. It becomes the BIBO rule. ??and santa wasn’t hungry, he eat my dinner.
adsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 1.3 install looking for template-functions-commentHi,
from the CVS here
it looks like that’s a new file and somebody forgot to add it to CVS.
adsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Presentation function.php error…hi tmshrider,
it works fine with my version of PHP 4 which is 4.3.8.
4.1.2 is 2 and a half years old.
adsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SQL error out of nowherehi,
google is your friend.
adsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Presentation function.php error…Hi tmshrider,
I guess PHP 4.1.2 doesn’t have the dir() function yet, that’s what’s
being called on line 1775 . The current dir() function returns an object which has a read() method. If I remember correctly in older versions of PHP the dir() function did something different.
adsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upload with WIMPhi natata,
if I remember correctly you need to give the windows
user IUSR_your_machine_name write permission to the upload directory.
That is the windows equivalant of a *nix chmod 0777
adsworthForum: Plugins
In reply to: e-mail plugin problemHi,
it looks like the servername doesn’t exists.
I definitly can’t find an IP address to the name.
AdiForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Raiders of the Lost Encodinghi xeophin,
I just checked your page again. If you manually set set the character encoding to UTF-8 in firefox (View / Character Encoding /Unicode). The page displays correctly.
I suggest you add this line:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . get_settings('blog_charset'));
on line 45 of wp-settings.php
I bet it’ll work afterwards.
AdsworthForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: A little redesign ;-)Hi zeroK,
yeah, works fine now. ??
Although it’s quite a late answer.
AdsworthForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugins not working?Hi,
I don’t have any other idea, except what I mentioned above.
Did check to make sure if that change is in your file?
AdsworthForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: my first blogHi joh,
I changed the layout so that the content column expands nicely
now. And yes I was hitting enter quite a bit. Will have to stop doing that. ??
Thanks for the feedback